So I found out the hard way, there's no controller support on PC. Pretty lame.
Any word on if it's coming at some point? Makes no sense considering there are console versions of the game. Seems really stupid to not include it in the PC version.
Hawk: Any progress on our guild tabard? I'm dying to wear one. Not seeing too many people within the game wearing any tabards at all. Also, I've been playing on average maybe 3-4 days a week and throwing in about 500-1000 gold per week into the guild bank, but it doesn't seem like our total gold is going up a whole lot. Should we keep contributing? Is there something that we're saving up for in particular? I'm perfectly willing to keep contributing on a regular basis if it helps us as a whole seeing as how it's just pretend money anyway. But if there's no point, then there's no point.Yes.I will send you an invite later today.
There's one you can buy it in the guild store. For the PS4 version that is.Hawk: Any progress on our guild tabard? I'm dying to wear one. Not seeing too many people within the game wearing any tabards at all. Also, I've been playing on average maybe 3-4 days a week and throwing in about 500-1000 gold per week into the guild bank, but it doesn't seem like our total gold is going up a whole lot. Should we keep contributing? Is there something that we're saving up for in particular? I'm perfectly willing to keep contributing on a regular basis if it helps us as a whole seeing as how it's just pretend money anyway. But if there's no point, then there's no point.
P.S. - Thanks for taking the reins of the guild, keeping the bank organized and performing whatever other mundane administrative duties that are involved. It's much appreciated!
There's one you can buy it in the guild store. For the PS4 version that is.
I'm shocked! I bought this just before it went on sale and Sony is actually going to refund the difference between what I paid and the new price. Not bad!
Hawk: Any progress on our guild tabard? I'm dying to wear one. Not seeing too many people within the game wearing any tabards at all. Also, I've been playing on average maybe 3-4 days a week and throwing in about 500-1000 gold per week into the guild bank, but it doesn't seem like our total gold is going up a whole lot. Should we keep contributing? Is there something that we're saving up for in particular? I'm perfectly willing to keep contributing on a regular basis if it helps us as a whole seeing as how it's just pretend money anyway. But if there's no point, then there's no point.
P.S. - Thanks for taking the reins of the guild, keeping the bank organized and performing whatever other mundane administrative duties that are involved. It's much appreciated!
NB healer? Hmm maybe I should look into that and just spec in nothing but siphoni changed my build and now i'm running a NB healer...
now i'm using Soul siphon as Ultimate, but looking through all the skills, i came into this
why nobody talk about it? it seems very powerful, Imho
NB healer? Hmm maybe I should look into that and just spec in nothing but siphon
from the Community thread.Leveling:
Increasing the vet rank cap to 16
Each vet rank only takes 850k exp to level
Double exp from public dungeons
20% more exp from everything in Craglorn
50% more exp from quests
Battle spirit will now give a 50% reduction to damage, healing and shields in Cyrodil.
Changes to line of sight checks to help with lag.
Stonefist will now be 28m range and one morph will heal an ally
Battle roar will now scale on the highest stat out of health, mana and stamina
Shadow cloak will not break from single target abilities
Grim focus will require 4 light attacks to proc the 2nd part
Focus charge will no longer have a delay after you charge
Rushed ceremony casts faster
Honor of the dead now gives mana back at a higher % hp and gives the mana back faster
Radiant destruction’s first tick can now crit (bug fix) and overall damage has been reduced
Bolt escape’s 50% bonus mana cost will now stack
Lightning form will now have a stamina morph
Increased mages fury damage by 10%
Hidden Blade will now give you the 20% weapon dmg buff
Volley will now last for longer
Now only gives a 25% increase to poison damage taken
Now only gives a 25% increased to fire damage taken
Magicka detonation’s damage will scale with the number of targets hit
Racial Passives:
Argonians now get more stats restored when drinking potions
Nords now more max hp
Cats now get more crit chance
Orcs now get 4% melee damage bonus instead of 6% change damage
Mundus Stones:
Serpent stone now gives stamina regen
Combat Mechanics:
Dodge roll will now cost 33% more each time you cast it
Blocking now prevents you from regenerating stamina
Taunt immunity will not be applied if only one person is taunting the mob
Nirnhoned now works like reinforced
Champion System:
Post anything I missed below and I’ll update this post.
Argonians now get more stats restored when drinking potions
I am in a constant stress out over the neatness in which I distribute my skill points lol.
About to reach VR1, what is the acquisition of skill points like from there on out? Do you get them from leveling VR alongside quest rewards and skyshards? Or do you stop getting them for VR and just get em from certain quests and skyshards?
About to reach VR1, what is the acquisition of skill points like from there on out? Do you get them from leveling VR alongside quest rewards and skyshards? Or do you stop getting them for VR and just get em from certain quests and skyshards?
whats the best class to play as first?
i was thinking dragonknight or nightblade, but the orc racials suck for both.
Ok cool thanks.Yeah. You get a skill point for each VR. I wouldn't stress too much. I'm VR6 and have more points than I know what to do with.
Nightblade is super fun so far. Teleport strike is amazing.whats the best class to play as first?
i was thinking dragonknight or nightblade, but the orc racials suck for both.
hey guys, I wont be playing for a while so I wont be participating much.
hey guys, I wont be playing for a while so I wont be participating much.
Yes, I use it too. Best slotted ability ever. Flawless Downbreaker also increases weapon damage when slotted. I recommend it.for anyone rolling a NB with high critical hit chance, expert hunter from the fighters guild skill line is a must, just having it slotted gives you an 10.8%(!) increase critical hit chance, it's crazy.
Hope all is OK manhey guys, I wont be playing for a while so I wont be participating much.
Is the Imperial Edition upgrade worth it? I was going to buy a mount, and I noticed it came with a mount and is only a few hundred Crowns more. I just don't know if the other stuff if comes with is any good.
I'm shocked! I bought this just before it went on sale and Sony is actually going to refund the difference between what I paid and the new price. Not bad!
Speaking of nightblades, so far I've been spending most of my skill points in the class abilities, and not dual wielding. Even though I am exclusively dual wielding, the active skills don't seem that interesting. Am I missing out on anything?
Get Flurry in the DW skill line and then morph it to Rapid Strikes, it wrecks with high critical %. It's my main damage dealer.Played my first group instance this morning (banished cells). It was pretty chaotic, but also fun. It seems more flexible than my experience with wow groups. We definitely had a tank and a healer, but it was ok if I went off and killed a dude solo (as a nightblade).
Speaking of nightblades, so far I've been spending most of my skill points in the class abilities, and not dual wielding. Even though I am exclusively dual wielding, the active skills don't seem that interesting. Am I missing out on anything?
So thinking about starting this up, and I'm leaning Nightblade. I saw a guy playing with a Destruction Staff that could be fun, but would dual-wielding be better?
Honestly go with what you think is fun, you get so many skill points that it doesn't matter. You could do both dw+destro staff.
I'd like to know this as well. How are the bow mechanics?I'm a stealthy wood elf, not having much fun. haven't gotten a bow yet. should I save myself some time and switch to altmer mage? or are the bow mechanics up to Skyrim's par and worth waiting for