Tried out smithing and enchanting, never bothered with alchemy because it was pretty tedious.
Out of idle curiosity, I went to see how long it would take to get Alchemy to 100 off of moderately valued Potions (~400). Was something around 1500. From a skill of 50. What the ...
I mean, yeah, I probably could have done better with some of the more expensive combinations but still. Jesus.
There's huge chunks of the game I haven't seen - I plan to do the rest with a final character, an archer/thief, playing on Master with no enchanting or power leveling smithing.
Outside of being sent there for quests, I haven't done anything in 3 of the cities :/ Think my final character will be a Master 2H Paladin-esque character with just Smithing as well (with no Dagger abuse). Should be good times. Or me hating myself. Not sure yet on which.