Obsidian fan
Yet another bugged quest. I completed Red Eagle some 50 hours ago. Now I'm getting it again. :/
I got this when I re-read the book after I already completed it.
Yet another bugged quest. I completed Red Eagle some 50 hours ago. Now I'm getting it again. :/
Did you do the Hall of the Dead? Or "A Night to Remember"?
You guys wondering about the patch, all they replaced was the .exe with a new one of the same kind. Supposedly they fixed the issue with not detecting more than 2gb RAM but we don't know yet. There's not any real fixes to the game apparently.
Also I just entered Markarth on my new character and the first thing I see is this guy at a stall pull out a knife, walk behind this girl at the next stall and just shank the shit out of her for seemingly no reason at all. He then tries to kill the shopkeeper but she runs and while chasing her he hits a guard by accident and then like 10 guards just descend on him in seconds.
I love this game.
Aw man I need to find a good wiki for this game now. I'm sick of wearing the same apprentice robes of destruction (no armor sucks) that I've had for like 30 hours now but as a sneaky archer/mage I'm limited to light armor. Which would be cool, I actually found some glass armor, but the only enchants I have for it are waaaaay less potent than what I have on the robes. I need that killer 75% mana regen!
Any suggestions on light armor for mages? Do I ever get a better destro +regen mana enchant than the really puny one I have now? I'm liking the Boots and gloves of the Old Gods I'm wearing, they work perfectly with my character. Shame I found a much better circlet than the helm of hte Old Gods, the weird animal-head/sticks look actually looked super cool on my somewhat gothy female mage. She looked like she was a model doing a punk/tribal mashup photoshoot.
Holy fuck. I cannot stop laughing.
I went inside with Lydia into Tolvald's Cave. We killed the Snow Bear near the entrance then I see a bandit come up that was reanimated by Lydia
I forgot that I had a carry a few things from a previous dungeon haul, she was duel-wielding the Staff of Zombies (reanimated weak corpses) and my Pickaxe of Doom (I enchanted it with soul trap so I could level up my skill).
So, Lydia's reanimated zombie bandit just slowly walks up to the wall. I'm thinking, what the fuck is she doing? Then she starts mining and starts hitting the pickaxe against the ore vein on the wall. All while doing this she's mumbling 'release me...' and 'uhhhhhhhhhhh.'
Fucking hilarious.
This cave is deceptively difficult. It's larger than you'd expect it to be.
Any suggestions on light armor for mages? Do I ever get a better destro +regen mana enchant than the really puny one I have now?
Goddammit. Steam just auto downloads it :/PSA: avoid today's patch
Causes instability and crashes when cells are loading
unconfirmed: effects people who have the LAA patch
Well, you don't find better Enchants. You just get the one that gives better results based off your Skills, Perks, and Gem quality. Also, the School + Magicka Regen Enchant that you can make is awful so you're basically stuck with Robes if you absolutely MUST have -Casting cost + Magicka Regen on your chest.
I'd honestly just go with -Casting cost straight up rather than Regen. Even if you manage to use all the schools all the time, you're still better off with free Destruction (+ another school when you're at 100 Enchanting) than having better Regen.
As for Uniques to replace it, the only one I can really think of off the top of my head is the final reward from the Mage College that grant -All Schools Casting cost and a good amount of Regen. I think it looks terrible, though :/ Thankfully, there are mods for it to at least change the color.
Playing on PS3. Farting around with the character creator. I had deleted the little autosave it made before chargen and had to sit through the little wagon ride again. Little did I know that it would make another pre-chargen autosave, this time overriding my 60+ hour save for whatever reason. I'm not entirely sure how I feel about that - at 12MB it was virtually unplayable, anyway, but that's 60 hours of effort wasted for no apparent reason. Why did this happen? Did the pre-chargen autosave override my previous one?
Mana regen sucks, just go for reduce-cost enchants and grab the Atronach stone.
It also uses your head and chest slot so ends up being really underpowered even compared to master single school robes + self-enchanted hoods.
Lies, Mana regen is fine (in dual enchants) with your primary focus being cost reduction in your primary school of magic. A good enchanted ring and necklace go a long way since you never find them out in the wild.
PSA: avoid today's patch
Causes instability and crashes when cells are loading
Steam will try to autodownload it
unconfirmed: effects people who have the LAA patch
When I was about 2 hours into the game, some random dude ran up to me, handed me a weapon, and said: "Take this! Ill be back for it! Dont fuck with me or youll regret it!" or something along those lines. 40 hours later and he hasnt come back yet so I sold his shitty warhammer. Does he ever come back?
I didn't get any patch when I played it today.
Magicka Regen (alone) is fine, though I'm hard pressed to find a good use for it once you have two schools made free. The -Casting Cost + Magicka Regen Enchant itself, however, is pretty awful though. What is it, -15%/+10% at it's best? Not really worth it.
Playing on PS3. Farting around with the character creator. I had deleted the little autosave it made before chargen and had to sit through the little wagon ride again. Little did I know that it would make another pre-chargen autosave, this time overriding my 60+ hour save for whatever reason. I'm not entirely sure how I feel about that - at 12MB it was virtually unplayable, anyway, but that's 60 hours of effort wasted for no apparent reason. Why did this happen? Did the pre-chargen autosave override my previous one?
I feel for you.. 60 hours, is still 60 hours, unplayable after 30mins or not.
I deleted my auto-saves a while back. I backup my game save after every session (or when I have to back out to the xmb because the game is running like crap).
I should be more specific. I was playing from a hard save. It just so happens that the pre-chargen autosave is also a hard save (an auto-hardsave, if you will). Some bug caused it to delete my only hardsave without my permission. Potentially catastrophic if you've put a lot of effort into a character.This is why I don't use auto saves as my main saves. I actually cycle around 4 manual saves, the autosaves are mostly just check points for me if I didn't save when entering a dungeon and got waxed by some auto kill nonsense.
People are saying this is Valve's doing, not Bethesda? Apparently it's a demand by Valve.
In what way?
End of Companions Questline:Ok, did Skjor die for anyone else? Was that supposed to happen? Because it did for me; but now, months later, he's back in the Companion's house, giving me quests.
Agreed, although I am curious to see if I can actually gain mana from my enchants at this point for using a certain school of magic.
I think a mix of mana/health and mana regen on top of the innate mana regen perk in the restoration tree are ideal for mages. Towards late game you will need health to survive some encounters and extra mana always helps in expensive one time use spells (buffs, summons, etc.)
Anyone else dislike the regenerating health? I find it makes food completely useless.
Can you do anything with mammoth tusks? I'm assuming you can grind them down somehow, but how?
I'm with you on this one. =(
I was really hoping that food would be similar to how WoW does it--provide some long term buffs that reward you for eating every day.
Yet another glitched quest, this time pantea's flute.
Just a warning to those who like to explore.. Don't pickup everything you see. I found that most named objects that aren't weapons are glitched. I'm walking around with 5 quest items, despite meeting the people who they belong to.. So in short, DO NOT pickup quest items prior to indicating the actual quest or you'll be stuck with it/the extra weight.
Vegetable Soup is the most broken item in the game if you ask me. Go shield block, get power bash, eat vegetable soup, win.
All the guys that went with me to the tomb never showed up back at the house, I found the chick back in the tomb but the others are MIA. Hasn't been long enough for them to respawn back home though so I dunno. I expect that they just went into a downed mode in combat and revived later and walked back.
PSA: avoid today's patch
Causes instability and crashes when cells are loading
Steam will try to autodownload it
unconfirmed: effects people who have the LAA patch
So last night I was playing and by accident I hit the shout button while in a shop... Yeah, people didn't take too kindly to that.
Getting real tired of this shit. Resurrect command isn't working.[/QUOTE]
Is this a storyline quest or something?
[quote="SuperSonic1305, post: 32859534"]Anyone else dislike the regenerating health? I find it makes food completely useless.[/QUOTE]
You can eat food mid-battle...
He enters a door down by the docksUgh, my Thieves Guild quest is bugged. This isn't really a spoiler, but if you consider anything to do with the Thieves Guild a spoiler, well then don't read beyond this point.
Anyway, when asked to Shadow Gulum-Ei, it tells me to go right outside of Solitude by the Harbor, but when I go out there my quest marker tells me to go back into Solitude! I can't seem to find Gulum-Ei anywhere. Anyone know where he may be?
PSA: avoid today's patch
Causes instability and crashes when cells are loading
Steam will try to autodownload it
unconfirmed: effects people who have the LAA patch