Well, I ask because I can't figure out how to get into the dark brotherhood, so I figured I'd murder some folks to maybe get an invite.
Ask for rumours in the inn in Rorikstead, then travel to Windhelm.
Well, I ask because I can't figure out how to get into the dark brotherhood, so I figured I'd murder some folks to maybe get an invite.
Patch started sending out through steam about an hour ago.
Any further info about this? How how do I need to have my Enchanting skill/what items are required?
RE: Food... that it lets you just quaff down soup in the middle of a fight is really the problem there. You should have to camp or something in order to eat. Drakensang would not allow this sort of loosey goosey interpretation of "life" in a fantasy world!
Come on, fess up. ONE of you had to count the 7,000 steps just to make sure...
Don't let me down, GAF.
Does anyone else feel like the world is just too big for it's own good or design? Most of this is based on my play styles, but I still think things could be designed differently.
These games for me always start with an amazing 4 - 8 hours of exploring, collecting stuff, venturing into unknown caves and ruins, and all of this on the trip from the beginning to the first city. After that the quests are designed to take you across the map even from the start, so I'm left just fast traveling non stop till the end of the quest(s). Once this pattern of fast traveling starts I just never return to the amazing experience of exploration. Sure, I could just not use any fast travel methods, but I know I wouldn't last long and certainly would never finish the damn game.
My favorite dragon encounter so far was a random blood dragon who attacked me. He proceeded to fly off a ways and start breathing fire on something else. I ran over to a cliff and saw he had aggro'd a giant and 2 mammoths. Summoned my atronach and started throwing fireballs at everything. Really fun fight and incredibly entertaining.
Sounds a lot like your sound setup is configured improperly, like the game things you have 5.1 when you have stereo, or something of that nature?Hey guys, I've been playing Skyrim on PC and am now up to level 12 (after 21 hours of play), and I have a bug that I can't seem to find any info on or anyone else having.
My guy is mute.
I can't hear him say the whole FUS RO DAH thing, when I swing and don't hit anyone, my swings are mute, however when I hit someone I can hear the blade clashing, my kill animations are also completely silent.
How can I fix this? It's getting kind of annoying.
Edit: On Steam.
Are you saying I shouldn't be able to drink 17 different potions a split second before an axe hits my skull? You are an enemy of fun!!
Seriously though a potion/food cooldown mechanic could REALLY amp up the difficulty even if it was a combat only type one. Still wouldn't fix the vegetable soup though; the flat stam regeneration eliminates the wait there usually is when you run out so you can chain shield bashes. Any ability to do this (even if made more annoying) trivializes combat.
Sounds a lot like your sound setup is configured improperly, like the game things you have 5.1 when you have stereo, or something of that nature?
Hmm thanks for the mana regen ideas guys, I'm thinking of putting more points into enchanting (I've already leveled it up a bit) and going for mana-less spells in destruction. I take it the mana reduction for items does not stack with the reduction you get for like Apprentice Destruction right? So I need to get my 'fortify destruction' spell to max effectiveness for how many pieces? May get to use that glass armor yet lol.
Doing it like New Vegas (food is over time, stimpacks are rarer and instant) would be reasonable.
Of course, healing potions would have to be rarer.
I'm rethinking my playthrough strategy for Skyrim.
Original plan: take my current badass archer/thief through the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood. Then roll a spell/sword and go through main quest, Companions, and College of Winterhold.
New plan is the reverse of what I did for Oblivion: keep my initial character (which was a spell/sword in Oblivion), and romp through the game until the expansion hits. Then roll a new character and take them into the expansion and start fresh.
I'm loving my current character too much to change it, bows are just too awesome. The 50% slow time zoom, plus stagger, equals absurdly awesome. Doing the slow time effect to dodge incoming arrows and then land the return fire feels so great. I know if I start a second character now I'll just end up being an archer again.
On to the main quest. Dragons, here I come.
Come on, fess up. ONE of you had to count the 7,000 steps just to make sure...
Don't let me down, GAF.
Level 46. Four more levels to go...
I left home at 16 to join a cult across the country and then spent over a year in deprogramming therapy AMA.
I was part of a cult for about three years. After two years I went to live with some friends who were in the cult. I stayed for a few weeks before getting into a car accident and coming home. I spent a year in deprogramming therapy. I met the leader of this cult, his name was Astrid online when I was 14ish by stumbling across some of his music on myspace.
/cut bs story
First few reply's
she asked me about the cult leader,Astrid
You were in the DARK BROTHERHOOD???
I started counting, but gave up at step 50.
Damn Frost trolls.
Level 46. Four more levels to go...
I'm in it for the moneySo like in real life you found a crazy one in this game?
You can level past 50, no? Or is that just a goal you've set? I'm ~43 atm, will probably be done with the Daedric Quests and Dragon Priests by 50.
You can level past 50, no? Or is that just a goal you've set? I'm ~43 atm, will probably be done with the Daedric Quests and Dragon Priests by 50.
Yeah, you can. Level 50's just my goal. I'm already have to farm skills I normally never use: it's going to take forever. Once I've gotten the level 50 achievement I'm retiring Wulf until the first expansion comes around.
Also, I got a bit spoiled for the Dark Brotherhood questline:Holy shit, I can't believe you actually kill the Emperor. Insane.
I need some advice. I've put in 15 hours of game time. But AC Revelations is out, and I have that, and 5 other games to finish.
So, should I finish them all first, then get back to Skyrim in a couple weeks time or continue Skyrim?
I want to play AC solely, with no distractions, so I may leave Skyrim for a bit.
Yeah, exact same for me. Gonna finish up the Daedric stuff and Dragon Priests, then wait for DLC. No point in my Stealth character doing the Mage and Companion questlines.
Dark Brotherhood is fantastic. That encounter you mention is humbling.
Try jumping down from Bard's Leap Summit. If you survive, there's a nice surprise.Just came across one of the most beautiful areas of the over world. Lost Valley Redoubt/Bard's Leap Summit in the southwest area of the map.
I have a question concerning the Dark brotherhood..
i finished almost all quests, killed the real emperor etc, now i have 20k gold. but im not planning on doing more quests for them, so would be kinda wasted to spend 20k gold on redecorating that shit hole right?
Basically. I just did it cause I love the DB![]()
Just tried this. Still didn't work. :/Try waiting a few hours, or a full day cycle. I had that issue with a previous quest and waiting a bit solved it.
So I am wondering if I should go with a 2H spec, 1H sword spec + shield or a 1H sword spec with magic?....So many options.
Which one is the most entertaining?
Ok, so I'm in a quandry and I need help from the higher levels.
My favorite side quest so far is Beothias Calling.
I actually sacrificed Lydia.
When I heard the the reward is just an Ebony mail - but Beothia alluded that the armor's is customized to my abilities and was wondering if everyone got a heavy armor with rouge stats or is it based on my current build?
I got the same armor and I use heavy armor.
Got rid of that mail once I found and improved another set of ebony since the black aura kept obstructing my vision.
Try jumping down from Bard's Leap Summit. If you survive, there's a nice surprise.
I have a question concerning the Dark brotherhood..
i finished almost all quests, killed the real emperor etc, now i have 20k gold. but im not planning on doing more quests for them, so would be kinda wasted to spend 20k gold on redecorating that shit hole right?