I have this one big doubt, if I finish the game, will the dragons keep respawning or will they be gone forever? In Oblivion the gates were closed, so I'm kinda preoccupied in finishing the main quest...
All seems like it's caused by doing the large address thing before, you should always expect incompatabilities between third party tools and official patches.
Dont expect any fixes now to work with future patches either.
I have this one big doubt, if I finish the game, will the dragons keep respawning or will they be gone forever? In Oblivion the gates were closed, so I'm kinda preoccupied in finishing the main quest...
Anyone got any tips for the Black Star Quest? I'm at the bit whereIs there any kind of strategy to get through this bit or I do need to be a higher level? I haven't got a companion with me so I can see that being my number one priority.I'm in the crystal and I've got to fight down these tight corridors with these demora things blasting off a firebolt that takes half of my health. They are absolutely destroying me everytime! I'm level 37 wearing full ebony armour upgraded to legendary.
Ugh, my Thieves Guild quest is bugged. This isn't really a spoiler, but if you consider anything to do with the Thieves Guild a spoiler, well then don't read beyond this point.
Anyway, when asked to Shadow Gulum-Ei, it tells me to go right outside of Solitude by the Harbor, but when I go out there my quest marker tells me to go back into Solitude! I can't seem to find Gulum-Ei anywhere. Anyone know where he may be?
PSA: avoid today's patch
Causes instability and crashes when cells are loading
Steam will try to autodownload it
Stormcloak? More like Stormfront.
PSA: It does not cause instability and does not crash. The only thing todays patch did was add extra DRM, it made it so the .EXE needs Steam to run, that's all the patch did. They essentially don't want you modding the TES.exe file.
Basically, anyone using that 2GB+ patch is going to have the game crash or not work.
Paranoia is amazing.
Many people had problems with the game crashing when it was first released, the 2GB+ patch fixed that problem for those people. Since this update removes that patch people are once again experiencing the same crashes they had at release.
Stormcloak? More like Stormfront.
Am I the only person who wants all these different characters and builds consolidated into a single character? I'm only rolling the one character I've been playing, and doing every single thing he can.
So when or how do you enchant weapons then? I'm level 12 or so, and whenever I sit down to enchant a weapon, I have everything necessary but actual enchantments. Where do I get them from?
Totally agree. I have a shitload of spells already and I'm relatively early into the game. What annoys me is that I can't just summon an atronach and then hit a button to go back to dual wielding sparks. I have to go into the menu for basically every spell I want to use. I might actually prefer more of a MMO setup, where there is a hotbar on the bottom of the screen that I can put whatever spells I want into. Then I'd barely ever have to pause the action but I guess I'd have to play with KB/M which is ok.
Actually, from what I've been reading from most forums/reddit, etc... This is not the case, the 2GB+ patch broke the game for many (and by broke I mean the patch messed up the 2GB+ mod which used the same .exe), and people are now experiencing their problems because they essentially made that mod not work anymore, or they already had those problems. There is nothing they can do, but hope they might get a fix within' the next few days. Even reinstalling will not stop the auto-download from getting the patch, you telling it not to will do nothing, the whole selection system for that is broken apparently.
You should've shadowed him. It isn't a bug, you just failed at doing it.You are supposed to follow him to the docks area, and go into a door, once inside you are supposed to follow him through a maze of boxes, you will see a ship, keep going, and you will reach an area where the water is somewhat high, like knee high, turn left and behind that area is a door, this is before the end of that whole maze, that linear path you follow to go all the way around the dock area.
CHEEZMO;32867057 said:Destroying enchanted items will give you access to that enchantment.
Could you elaborate?
At the enchanting table. The top option is to disenchant which makes you learn that specific enchant. It destroys the item that you're learning from though.
At the enchanting table. The top option is to disenchant which makes you learn that specific enchant. It destroys the item that you're learning from though.
Nope it was bugged.
After I talked to Gulum-Ei in the Winking Skeever, he went outside, and that was the point you were supposed to shadow him. I followed him out of the Inn, and as soon I was out, he was nowhere to be found. I checked my map, and my quest marker was outside the city, down by the docks, but the marker was the one that tells you you are in the same area as the objective. In this case it told me Gulum-Ei was in the city, yet somehow located outside by the docks. So, I go out by the docks, but it then told me to back into the city. That was what was bugged. I couldn't find him anywhere, but a quick Google search revealed that I was not the only one to have that bug, and people actually found a fix for it. You're supposed to go into that cave he goes through, kill all the bandits and at the end where the exit is, wait until noon and he would appear there. So, I didn't do anything wrong, the game just made it very difficult for me to fix it.
As is, destroying enchanted weapons? Such as enchanted swords and helmets etc? Anything else that can be destroyed? I feel like a fool for selling off all the enchanted stuff I never wanted now. Eurgh...
Paranoia is amazing.
As is, destroying enchanted weapons? Such as enchanted swords and helmets etc? Anything else that can be destroyed? I feel like a fool for selling off all the enchanted stuff I never wanted now. Eurgh...
What causes a companion to die? My mage companion gets destroyed often and survives, and then sometimes he will get shot with an arrow or two and he's dead. It's weird.
As is, destroying enchanted weapons? Such as enchanted swords and helmets etc? Anything else that can be destroyed? I feel like a fool for selling off all the enchanted stuff I never wanted now. Eurgh...
Players can kill companions, I accidentally nailed one in the ass with an arrow to finish them off while in the down state. I haven't seen any completely die from non-me damage.
There is a good chance I hit him then lol. Thanks.
There is a good chance I hit him then lol. Thanks.
So I decided to try and calculate it out on my own 1 "Skyrim day" equals approximately 2 real-time hours. I guess this is just a random useless fact but it was something I was curious about.
Are you playing with a gamepad? You can press up and down to access your favorites menu and in the favorites menu you can hot key a weapon/spell to the left and right sides of the dpad by hovering over the item and pressing the corresponding button you want it hot keyed too. Even still for a game like this it is cumbersome.
Verified integrity of game cache and the game is much less crashy. It did crash once, but it was after a fast travel and not in the middle of something. I recommend it if the new patch started to screw up your game.
Also I did the Honeybrew Meadery quest for the Thieves Guild and holy shitI am decked out in full dragon armor and he damn near eviscerated me. I desperately need some magic enchantments, where can I find just a straight magic resist enchantment item? I have shock, frost, flames etc. but I want a single enchantment to cover all magic.that mage guy caught me totally off guard.
Verified integrity of game cache and the game is much less crashy. It did crash once, but it was after a fast travel and not in the middle of something. I recommend it if the new patch started to screw up your game.
Also I did the Honeybrew Meadery quest for the Thieves Guild and holy shitI am decked out in full dragon armor and he damn near eviscerated me. I desperately need some magic enchantments, where can I find just a straight magic resist enchantment item? I have shock, frost, flames etc. but I want a single enchantment to cover all magic.that mage guy caught me totally off guard.
Also they need to stop throwing a ton of enemies at you when you are cramped in a tiny cave hallway.