Uhm... I think this is a bug, and a pretty bad one at it..
Earlier I made my way to the top of the mountain where the Greybeards are and there was some stuff to mine. On the last piece, my character bugged out of the animation and I couldn't mine it. Didn't bother me because it happened before, but the issue is that now my character is all the time crouching, even though not sneaking. When I try to run I do the sneaking roll thing but I really don't know what's going on.
I have tried reloading the file, restarting my PS3, doing other animations like going to sleep but nothing fixes it. I always play with just one savefile so hopefully I'm not SOL...
I'm not sure how to fix your problem but this, of all games ... REQUIRES you to have more than one save file. I'd at least rotate 5 in case of bugs.
EDIT: Is there any downside to a Mage wearing heavy armor?