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Do soul gems have a chance to break?
After an enchanting session I always. Notice a bunch missing.
After an enchanting session I always. Notice a bunch missing.
Do soul gems have a chance to break?
After an enchanting session I always. Notice a bunch missing.
Soul gems are used for enchanting. They're destroyed ALWAYS! With the exception of Azura's Star as it is an artifact and re-usable.
Smoked some grass and played Skyrim. That was pretty fucking awesome.
is the general consensus to not ignore the 'smithing' tree, due what you can craft later in the game?
Smoked some grass and played Skyrim. That was pretty fucking awesome.
2. When exactly is a useful time to use Calm? Is there some effective sneaking strategy alongside that, or is it basically the same utility as Fear?
2. When exactly is a useful time to use Calm? Is there some effective sneaking strategy alongside that, or is it basically the same utility as Fear?
Big Dark Brotherhood spoilers ahead!
Just poisoned the emperor, went back to the sanctuary. A blood dragon was waiting me along with the soldiers. Anyway, I'm kinda pissed Astrid was killed off. I really liked her character, my favorite so far in skyrim. Shadowmere is pretty boss though. Tanked the dragon for me lol
I've used it in two ways:
In dungeons, basically calm everyone (I'm using pacify with the perk to hit up to level 28 mobs) and then you can sneak behind them for the crit. This is a good way to boost your sneak. If you need a breather to recover magicka or to heal you can throw it out too.
The second thing I've done is I had an assignment to kill someone but they never left this group of people. I could do a sneak attack but someone would always see me and then I couldn't go back without having them go aggro. What I ended up doing was I pacified everyone then did the sneak attack and I was able to fast travel away and back and they were all cool with me.
To me she seemed rather jealous and insecure. The whole DB thing was a huge let-down. It is an organization of assassins and they act like they are a happy big family, what the hell.
Does anyone avoid horses and fast travel just so you can walk around and explore? The world is so vibrant. Honestly, I have never played a game where I DIDN'T want fast travel.
Although it's a challenge to avoid the Bears of Death out there.
I just accumulated a lot of soul gems over the span of my playtime, and I never sold any (they hardly weigh anything anyways). Then I eventually enchanted my weapon with a soul trap enchant. If you don't want to waste your weapon enchant on that, then get a secondary weapon to put it on. Then just start clearing dungeons. You will fill your gems up in no time. I now have a ton of different soul gems to use for enchants/recharging.
Do the Daedric quest for Azura and you will get a reusable soul gem that can hold any size sould. After that enchant a weapon with the soul-steal enchantment and you're set.
Hrm, thanks a lot, I may start investing in Illusion more. I'm a level 35 so it may prove largely useless for a good amount of time thanks to this level limitation (a better implementation would be having the duration affected, rather than simply having the spell fail), but I've stopped needing to put points into Conjuration thanks to this.Sanguine Rose
I don't think so, unfortunately.Are there any of those Radiant quests for the Mages Guild after you finish its main questline?
I know Companions Guild has some, and apparently Thieves and DB do as well though I haven't messed with those two yet. But I've finished the Mages Guild questline and there seems to be nothing else there.
Strange that there's no damage boost on spells while sneaking. Makes being a sneaky mage in Skyrim more pointless than it should be.
What's the difference between making an enchantement with a lesser soul gem and a grand soul one? I checked and the enchantment isnt stronger nor does it have more charges with a grand soul, so whats the point? Are some enchantments only possible to make with a grand soul gem or something?
I don't think so, unfortunately.
I think a good radiant quest system for the Mage's Guild would be having you hunt down daedra across the world. "There are some clanfear infesting this cave, go kill them." "There is a dremora lord causing trouble here, kill it."
It would provide a legit source of daedra hearts and be a cool little radiant quest.
Does anyone avoid horses and fast travel just so you can walk around and explore? The world is so vibrant. Honestly, I have never played a game where I DIDN'T want fast travel.
Although it's a challenge to avoid the Bears of Death out there.
Does anyone avoid horses and fast travel just so you can walk around and explore? The world is so vibrant. Honestly, I have never played a game where I DIDN'T want fast travel.
Although it's a challenge to avoid the Bears of Death out there.
What's the difference between making an enchantement with a lesser soul gem and a grand soul one? I checked and the enchantment isnt stronger nor does it have more charges with a grand soul, so whats the point? Are some enchantments only possible to make with a grand soul gem or something?
I haven't been using bound weapons at all because their stats aren't visible and I've been doing a fair bit of enchanting on my daggers. That said, is there any compelling reason for me to stick to daggers? I read once that they're the only "silent" weapon in the game, but doesn't Muffle make that moot? Maybe I'll switch to bound swords, muffle and calm combinations. Upside is that at some point I'll get to use a conjured bow, although I'm going to doubt that it'd out-damage anything I'd smith and enchant.
I haven't been using bound weapons at all because their stats aren't visible and I've been doing a fair bit of enchanting on my daggers. That said, is there any compelling reason for me to stick to daggers? I read once that they're the only "silent" weapon in the game, but doesn't Muffle make that moot? Maybe I'll switch to bound swords, muffle and calm combinations. Upside is that at some point I'll get to use a conjured bow, although I'm going to doubt that it'd out-damage anything I'd smith and enchant.
Yup. DLC.. believe!!
I haven't been using bound weapons at all because their stats aren't visible and I've been doing a fair bit of enchanting on my daggers. That said, is there any compelling reason for me to stick to daggers? I read once that they're the only "silent" weapon in the game, but doesn't Muffle make that moot? Maybe I'll switch to bound swords, muffle and calm combinations. Upside is that at some point I'll get to use a conjured bow, although I'm going to doubt that it'd out-damage anything I'd smith and enchant.
Whoah! I'm going to try this at some point. Need more concrete details!!!
I'm really bummed that they didn't flesh out bound weapons. Stuff like a master spell that cost you x magicka/s with elemental enchantments and stuff would've been sweet or even master spells that cost a lot of magicka for permanent conjuration but it did more damage than the regular bound one. You can see the stats of the weapon by going to your inventory>weapons btw. My bound sword only does 58 base damage compared to my legendary sword that does 118. Pretty lame :/
I'd prefer a total conversion of Morrowind in the Skyrim engine, with seamless integration between the two areas.
Modders could probably do this with relative ease considering the land mass is mostly there, let's hope Creation Kit is good.
58? How do you increase your bound sword damage so high? Mine does a mere 21. Or is it a function of Conjuration level?
58? How do you increase your bound sword damage so high? Mine does a mere 21. Or is it a function of Conjuration level?
Mah gawd that is awesome.
Just wondering guys, it seems I lost in a Boss battle one of my followers,replaced him/her right away but I thought this was like Fallout in that they just fall uncounscious? because the new one I have seems to get stunned near death but he hasn't died yet....searched for the one that dissapeared on me where he/she usually goes but no one is there...I had stuff in his/her inventory,nothing major but I could of sold that lol...