Creators did say they are going back to more "comic" Barry and are course correction so that's probably the real reason
I mean isnt anything better than Season 2 and 3 Barry though? As long as hes more confident I think itd be better. At least we didnt have to see him lose to the Samurai.That's a bad thing.
This shows use of super speed continues to make me confused. How is a robot at normal speed keeping up with Wally? Why would Wally be in danger of getting shot by a regular gun? I have a a feeling most of this seasons is gonna be most of this even though Barry is faster than ever.
I tried to handwaving it as the robot being able to predict his movements with it's brain being a computer and being able to withstand speed punches
I think they mentioned that this season wont be about going faster or getting faster for Barry. They also described The Thinker as thinking just as fast as Barry can run or something like that. The fastest man alive against the fastest mind alive.This is going to play a huge part for..... The first half of this season? I'm awaiting my training montages now!
Why isnt this thread renamed |OT| This House is Bitchin'??
Why isnt this thread renamed |OT| This House is Bitchin'??
Watch that actually be a very important plot point in the final arch of this season.....That joke didnt do it for me tbh
That joke didnt do it for me tbh
Watch that actually be a very important plot point in the final arch of this season.....
And it still looked like assThey wasted their whole budget on this episode. lol
Why isnt this thread renamed |OT| This House is Bitchin'??
The thing that frustrates me the most about this is that we left the last season with a perfect set up to have cake and eat it, too. Hunter was killed off, so the Speedforce needed a new Black Flash. So here we have the perfect Black Flash replacement in Barry, and you could have some plot point where the Speedforce allows Barry to come out and help the team just without being hands on. So you get to keep Barry, you get the team on their own struggling to keep up, and Wally growing into his own. And it doesn't even shatter the status quo that significantly and sets up perfectly for some major event to ease Barry back into the forefront mid or end season.
It like wrote itself lol. I mean I don't even think this was bad or anything, but still.
The Flash writers seem terrified of having mini-arcs or making Wally good at his job
I only ever believe the opposite of what you say.
Time travel nullifies it all because everything Savitar related should be buried.Also didnt Savitar reveal to us how they will end up beating Davoe? Lol or what they came up with to beat him.
Well Wally being good at his job would make most of this cast point...The Flash writers seem terrified of having mini-arcs or making Wally good at his job
was gonna watch the episode on the website but im getting 502 errors...
oh well.
I got some crazy errors related to CW's website right after I finished up the episode earlier. Hopefully it does not last long!
Are either of you on Windows 10? The CW app seems fine
im on windows 10, but havent used any 'apps' on the pc from their store.
Give it a shot. Its been very responsive in my experience.
Two doctorates and a PhD. What?
This most certainly does not write itself
Also Hunter is still Black Flash
Wish we could have new gods but I'm guessing we can'tThe Thinker looks like Metron.
GoodLegends's ratings consistent with last year's premiere, Flash down 10%
I just want to rescue Joe and take him to a better show.