Whoever thinks this game looks like a PS3 one has definitely never played the game, it's quite surprising how damn good it looks.
It's the best looking game on the PS4, imo.
Whoever thinks this game looks like a PS3 one has definitely never played the game, it's quite surprising how damn good it looks.
This game really isn't finished, is it?
Trico just... Doesn't work a lot of the time. Most of the time I think I get what to do pretty fast, but then Trico refuses for a long time and I give up and do something else.
Now I'm stuck in the second water section. Opened the gate, instruct Trico to dive, he does, but turns and goes back, as if the gate is still there.
I've experienced too much of this shit, and I'm spending more time being bored and frustrated with Trico's stupidity than actually enjoying this game. Gonna load checkpoint, but if this happens again, and/or I meet more issues of this sort, I think I'm out. I've got better things to do.
Edit: This is getting ridiculous. He swims through if the boy falls off him during the dive, but turns back if the boy is on.
Probably old but I enjoyed reading this.
"What game developers are saying about TLG"
Just a few beginner tipps unrelated yo any posts:
1. Watch Trico. Often he sees things you don't.
2. Use the L button from time to time if you're sitting on Trico and are having problems adjusting the camera.
3.. Don't spam commands. Wait for the reaction.
These will work better once you get to a certain point in the game:
R+ analog stick = direction. Works with jumps and diving, too. Just use your camera and point upwards/forwards/downwards
R+Circle = specific actions like using
R+square = attack/push
R+X = cancel current move. Don't use unless you need it. You'll confuse him otherwise.
R+triangle = jump. I think just pointing in a direction works better in most cases.
Sadly for me, for the most part the game is completely broken.
Finished it a couple of hours ago
(ending spoilers, beware)
This may be the most intense experience i've ever had in any medium! I feel so devastated. Didn't see that coming at all! My poor Trico had to suffer so i could liveI will never forget the look in her eyes, I was in tears during the whole ending and i still tear up thinking about it;
Such an amazing game! I can't compare it to any other, or at least i can't think of any! Ueda proved once again he is a genius and i hope he'll keep making video games.
I have to object to the no spam advice. I've had several moments where spamming was the only way to get Trico to do simple stuff. Just spent probably 20 minutes in a simple cave with a very visible opening for Trico to jump through. Tried waiting, tried reloading, wasn't until I spammed the jump command hard he decided to even acknowledge my presence.
I get how this game is supposed to work. But I think I'm one of the unlucky ones who get served all the bugs and flaws in this game one after another.
Generally I spend up to 30 minutes in many areas where I know what I should do, but Trico simply refuses, until for some reason he doesn't.
It's making it impossible for me to make a connection with the creature, since I want to slap it awake most of the time.
I'm pretty upset about it. Cause I've been waiting a long time for this game, and when it all works, it's brilliant.
Sadly for me, for the most part the game is completely broken.
This game really isn't finished, is it?
Trico just... Doesn't work a lot of the time. Most of the time I think I get what to do pretty fast, but then Trico refuses for a long time and I give up and do something else.
Now I'm stuck in the second water section. Opened the gate, instruct Trico to dive, he does, but turns and goes back, as if the gate is still there.
I've experienced too much of this shit, and I'm spending more time being bored and frustrated with Trico's stupidity than actually enjoying this game. Gonna load checkpoint, but if this happens again, and/or I meet more issues of this sort, I think I'm out. I've got better things to do.
Edit: This is getting ridiculous. He swims through if the boy falls off him during the dive, but turns back if the boy is on.
Did you watch 'til the end of the credits?It's heartbreaking but at least he's not alone.
Well the game definitely does have framerate issues and Trico himself can be a bit frustrating at times, definitely a unique experience but it does have some issues, mainly with Trico just not knowing what to do occasionally.
Some of us are playing on a Pro, no performance issues whatsoever.
Never had issues with Trico's AI. Im not saying theres no bugs but Ive read many times where people aren't doing the right thing or issuing the right command but are quick to claim the AI is broken. Trico doesnt hold you back, he shows you where to go.
People get stuck > assume the game is broken > Tell everyone the game is broken > people read it make up their minds that the game must be broken > play the game with that same mindset.
I just got to the part where.The evil Trico went away and I'm trapped in the cage.
Can anyone tell me roughly how long is left? Trying to decide whether or not I'll finish it this afternoon.
i'd say you're halfway through the game? 65-70% maybe
Picked up where I left off yesterday with that pain in the ass section, everything fell into place almost instantly and I got out no sweat. Was rewarded with another breathtaking set-piece shortly after for my troubles.The collapsing bridge. Trico is the best.
Little help needed again, this time for something optional I think.There's a headless statue with a pink aura glowing from it. Behind I can see a barrel. Anyway to get to it? I motioned to to Trico to smash it up but he's having none of it.
Can anyone tell me roughly how long is left? Trying to decide whether or not I'll finish it this afternoon.
You can find heads to place on those statues - once you deal with them after they come to life, you can get those barrels.
This game has some of the best environmental puzzles of any game I've played. They're not "hard" but they're so seamlessly integrated into the game world and make the absolute most of the simple mechanics that they hardly ever feel forced and almost always clever, satisfying, and logical.
Finished it a couple of hours ago
(ending spoilers, beware)
This may be the most intense experience i've ever had in any medium! I feel so devastated. Didn't see that coming at all! My poor Trico had to suffer so i could liveI will never forget the look in her eyes, I was in tears during the whole ending and i still tear up thinking about it;
Such an amazing game! I can't compare it to any other, or at least i can't think of any! Ueda proved once again he is a genius and i hope he'll keep making video games.
Am I the only one here who was extremely disappointed by the ending?
The part at the top of the tower started, and I was ready to be blown away, and started to get choked up. I ran to Trico to try and help, pulled on the tails of the other beasts, jumped and climbed all over them, only to be ignored. 20 minutes go by and I still don't get what I'm supposed to do to get the animals off Trico. Turns out I have to run the opposite direction to grab a mirror that I didn't realize was laying there. So now the magic is gone and the tension is ruined. That sort of set the tone for the rest for me honestly.
The mirror rolled off to the side in the cutscene, which was a signal to tell you to go and get it back. I don't know... why you thought you could pull a gang of fully-grown dog-dragons off of Trico? The first battle between Trico and his counterpart should've taught you it was impossible.
I was having such a smooth ride with this game until it hit me with back to back frustrations where I almost had to stop playing.
getting trico to dive in the water cave and then try to get the cage to move into the right spot
Hope it's not as frustrating going forward. I don't want to give up being so close to what I assume is close to the end
Am I the only one here who was extremely disappointed by the ending?
The part at the top of the tower started, and I was ready to be blown away, and started to get choked up. I ran to Trico to try and help, pulled on the tails of the other beasts, jumped and climbed all over them, only to be ignored. 20 minutes go by and I still don't get what I'm supposed to do to get the animals off Trico. Turns out I have to run the opposite direction to grab a mirror that I didn't realize was laying there. So now the magic is gone and the tension is ruined. That sort of set the tone for the rest for me honestly.
Also, when the boy was in the village. Is it so hard to say "stop, he's my friend"? He could point and tell Trico to leave, but never thought to try to get the people to stop?
Am I the only one here who was extremely disappointed by the ending?
The part at the top of the tower started, and I was ready to be blown away, and started to get choked up. I ran to Trico to try and help, pulled on the tails of the other beasts, jumped and climbed all over them, only to be ignored. 20 minutes go by and I still don't get what I'm supposed to do to get the animals off Trico. Turns out I have to run the opposite direction to grab a mirror that I didn't realize was laying there. So now the magic is gone and the tension is ruined. That sort of set the tone for the rest for me honestly.
Also, when the boy was in the village. Is it so hard to say "stop, he's my friend"? He could point and tell Trico to leave, but never thought to try to get the people to stop?
So how far am I?
I stopped at the part where you encounter the other Trico and he causes you to fall into a building where the kid is caught on a tree branch
40 to 50%
Alrighty, thanks!
Sorry but this ones on you.The moment the kid got smacked it was obvious you had to grab the mirror back.
Additionally, the kid was on deaths doorstep at the end. When the elder is carrying you away you can try calling Trico and the boy lets out a faint whimper calling out for Trico
As with most complaints Ive heard about this game, this is another case of the player failing to understand what to do or what happened and then blaming the game.
Very divisive game. Some get it, some don't.
You canuck right off trying to dismiss my opinion. If that many people are having issues, it's not the players.d
I got the game just fine, it's just not as good as I'd hoped it would be. The game's bad at guiding the player the entire way through and that's compounded by the occasional Trico not listening to you.
You canuck right off trying to dismiss my opinion. If that many people are having issues, it's not the players.d
I got the game just fine, it's just not as good as I'd hoped it would be. The game's bad at guiding the player the entire way through and that's compounded by the occasional Trico not listening to you.
I'm glad people like it, I hope it's wildly successful, but I was left with a feeling of disappointment. The reviews reflect the game very well I'd say. It's not that some people get it and some don't, it's that the game is just wildly inconsistent. Some people will have a flawless play-through and experience all the best and none of the worst, and some people will struggle through it's problems.
It's hard to deny that the game is special, and unlike anything out there, but it's impossible to deny that it has problems.
Sorry but this ones on you.The moment the kid got smacked it was obvious you had to grab the mirror back.
Additionally, the kid was on deaths doorstep at the end. When the elder is carrying you away you can try calling Trico and the boy lets out a faint whimper calling out for Trico
As with most complaints Ive heard about this game, this is another case of the player failing to understand what to do or what happened and then blaming the game.
Very divisive game. Some get it, some don't.
Dismissive isn't the word that comes to mind when I read your response. Rather, it read more defensive as if the game is impervious to criticism and that of course it's the dumb players for not understanding or recognizing its brilliance. I mean, come on.Everyones entitled to their opinion. If I was trying to dismiss your opinion I wouldnt bother addressing your two main concerns with the finale.
Everyones entitled to their opinion. If I was trying to dismiss your opinion I wouldnt bother addressing your two main concerns with the finale.