That's the point! He's so innocent and has no clue what danger he's actually in.That child have the biggest balls ever tho.
lol I wouldn't do that even is someone offered me ton of money.
That's the point! He's so innocent and has no clue what danger he's actually in.That child have the biggest balls ever tho.
lol I wouldn't do that even is someone offered me ton of money.
That's the point! He's so innocent and has no clue what danger he's actually in.
Maybe like Until Dawn? Less people would get stuck but it would be a worse game. I like it how it is.Maybe i'm crazy, but would this game work as a point and click adventure? I can just imagine it erasing so many of the issues people have with the camera and controls. It would still look exactly the same, you just point to the specific spot you want Trico and the boy to move to.
Maybe i'm crazy, but would this game work as a point and click adventure? I can just imagine it erasing so many of the issues people have with the camera and controls. It would still look exactly the same, you just point to the specific spot you want Trico and the boy to move to.
Maybe like Until Dawn? Less people would get stuck but it would be a worse game. I like it how it is.
Perhaps an easy/story mode.
I see where you're coming from. I think the bond between the two would lose its impact without the struggle Trico and the boy have to go through, though. Just clicking things and achieving immediate success would take away the essence of the story in my opinion. Trust has to be gained over the course of the journey, that means failing is integral to the player's relationship with the character(s).
Maybe i'm crazy, but would this game work as a point and click adventure? I can just imagine it erasing so many of the issues people have with the camera and controls. It would still look exactly the same, you just point to the specific spot you want Trico and the boy to move to.
I don't think so. The design is built around you literally interacting with the world either directly or via Trico. Not a good match.
That said I wonder if it shouldn't have an easy mode where Trico animal AI is mostly shut off and he just does what you want right away or is scripted to always move to next point if more than X time goes by,
I don't get the need myself. A few specific instances aside its obvious what you should be doing or where you should be going from environmental design. I guess some though just need pointers or objective markers. No harm giving it to them so long as its in an easy mode in my view.
Really though I think the issue is the game puts the onus on the player to pay attention and treat the world as real and clearly some players are either more used to objective markers and clear directions or more signposted environmental clues.
That said there are a few definite tricky spots with one of mechanics that I can see being a chore for many. I figured them out with some time and watching Trico to see what he does but they're clearly a bit hit/miss moments.
Its odd how some can see tricos lack of listening and slow(broken) ai as a plot device, whereas i see it as a broken and annoying game mechanic
Unless everyone has fundamentally different copies of the game it's not broken AI. It's you.
I agree with this but I think I'd rephrase: there is a certain player type for whom this game will be frustrating and unrewarding. There have been substantial changes in the way the medium works in terms of player guidance since SOTC released - some of it good, eliminating unnecessary frustration and some of it bad, leading the player by the nose and removing agency.
I love TLG's approach to design - the sense of exploration, discovery and experimentation is part of a Team Ico game for me. I never ran into anything longer than a 1 or 2 minute barrier to a puzzle that I knew the solution to in terms of getting Trico to perform, now across 2 playthroughs. But there are some players for whom that will not be the case.
So I agree - it's not the game, the game is not "buggy" or "broken," it really is you. But that's not to say it's because of flaws in the player, it's just that the game doesn't jive with what you enjoy about games. So stop playing.
You give a command, Trico will give an acknowledged response and do what you requested though may trot around for a moment to get into position. Or will give a "what?" sort of response that they didn't get it.
I really don't get the whole broken Ai thing, I really think some people don't realise how to actually play the game correctly. A lot of the time whilst on Tricos back he would actually make several jumps and make he way through without any instruction.
I think the stroking and petting does actually strengthen the bond and TRICO becomes more responsive.
On a different note anyone know where to buy figures or statues of TRICO as I can't find any at all and was too tight to buy the CE
Looking more for statuettes or something for my man cave, wish they did one like the artwork with TRICO sat on a pillar.There are some stuffed Trico's out there. Not sure exactly sure where though. Someone posted them earlier in the thread.
This game really isnt for everyone. I guarantee people who hate the game never pet Trico, laugh when he plays in the water, when he puts his head in a hole or are distressed every time he whines. He's just an unwieldy drone. Which is fine.i still don't understand how people can consider trico's ai to be bad, it literally is artificial intelligence. it's not a robot, it's devised as an animal, and no animal would ever react immediately to anything.
y'all with no patience for trico need to try and get a cat out a tree.
This game really isnt for everyone. I guarantee people who hate the game never pet Trico, laugh when he plays in the water, when he puts his head in a hole or are distressed every time he whines. He's just an unwieldy drone. Which is fine.
You cant force sympathy or an emotional bond. If someone just sees Trico as a gutter rat, than thats half the games impact gone. He was painstakingly programmed to be realistic(notice how many animal lovers connected with the game), and I think they suceeded far more than any game AI is totally fine, i'd never expect a team ico game to be for everyone - but i'm a little sad that such an achievement in ai is being called terrible, despite it succeeding in it's design
i suppose it falls to suspension of disbelief?
Question about this game:
Didn't like Ico. Couldn't get into SoTC. Reading on here and online seems to make it sound that the gameplay is not up to snuff and frustrates players. Performance is butt too on regular PS4.
Should I either:
A) Just redbox it
B) Watch a youtube video of the game from start to finish to see the story and enjoy the soundtrack?
Question about this game:
Didn't like Ico. Couldn't get into SoTC. Reading on here and online seems to make it sound that the gameplay is not up to snuff and frustrates players. Performance is butt too on regular PS4.
Should I either:
A) Just redbox it
B) Watch a youtube video of the game from start to finish to see the story and enjoy the soundtrack?
I wouldnt bother doing either if you didnt like previous games.Question about this game:
Didn't like Ico. Couldn't get into SoTC. Reading on here and online seems to make it sound that the gameplay is not up to snuff and frustrates players. Performance is butt too on regular PS4.
Should I either:
A) Just redbox it
B) Watch a youtube video of the game from start to finish to see the story and enjoy the soundtrack?
Question about this game:
Didn't like Ico. Couldn't get into SoTC. Reading on here and online seems to make it sound that the gameplay is not up to snuff and frustrates players. Performance is butt too on regular PS4.
Should I either:
A) Just redbox it
B) Watch a youtube video of the game from start to finish to see the story and enjoy the soundtrack?
If anything I would love this game to maybe inspire other developers to really up their game on AI companions and side kicks. Its hard going back to other games and having your AI partner as some emotionless bullet sponge that doesn't react to me except to follow and maybe take cover or something.
Ellie is totally going to have a dog in The Last of Us 2 isn't she?
I'd take that over Joel that's for sure.
Just finished the game. Very special experience. Still haven't gotten over the feels. Those "aha" moments were great and the AI is nothing short of amazing. Definitely GotY for me.
Does this game have multiple endings? I read somewhere something about a "true" ending or something. Don't know if that's true.
I might write down some impressions later. I have to get some stuff off my heart![]()
I'm stuck at the end
I'm at the top of the white tower and I have no idea what to do here. I don't know how to get trico up here. I shined the disc at the weird statue and nothing. What do?
I'm stuck at the end
I'm at the top of the white tower and I have no idea what to do here. I don't know how to get trico up here. I shined the disc at the weird statue and nothing. What do?
Check out the giant spinning fan blades
100% agree with that. That's why I think the game shows us a bit of our own personality. Not judging anybody because TLG clearly isn't for everyone.
I started accepting Trico as a real animal. I compared him to my dog in my playthrough. Sometimes he listens sometimes he doesn't. Other times Trico knew exactly what to do without me telling him. I loved picking up on the little clues in Tricos body language because of you can figure those out you know what to tell him next if anything. I connected more with Trico than any other character in a video game ever.
I think i'm stuck fam,
I just had a close encounter withevil Trico and fell through a roof. I'm stuck in a tree and I don't know what to do. Trico tried to jump up but had to go back down. Now he is just reaching his foot out to me. Which is super cute but i'm not getting anywhere,
Also, am I imagining things, or hasTrico's horns grown?