the gametrailers review makes me want this game, i like the exploration/location clips especially.
as i played so far, no, never close to that horrible amount of timeKTallguy said:I hear there are hour long battles and you can't save. Is that a lie ?
AgentOtaku said:5.3 from IGN?
mmm kaaaaay
KTallguy said:I'm worried this is a case of teh GAF hype! :lol
How about the story, is it shit ?
Reader Reviews titled: "This is not as bad as IU" are not encouraging :lol
However, it does have serious limitations. The fact that you're not giving direct commands and only get a choice of a few general options can be amazingly frustrating. If you choose to heal, The Last Remnant might not pick the target that needs it the most. Sometimes it didn't give me the option to heal at all when I wanted to. Not having complete control over your unions speeds up the process of fighting smaller battles, but made me despise the game during tough fights.
Gamer @ Heart said:Near the end of the game there are two gigantic battles that could last an hour that you cannot save in between. Or so i read in a review.
KTallguy said:The question is, are people so starved for RPGs that they'll gush about something like IU ? :lol
I don't have a case of MUST PLAY NEW GAMES OMGWTF OLD GAMES SUCK.KTallguy said:The question is, are people so starved for RPGs that they'll gush about something like IU ? :lol
If you choose to heal, The Last Remnant might not pick the target that needs it the most.
He must be thinking that unions should heal other unions?Y2Kev said:WAT
You choose to heal a union and the union has shared HP. WTF is this reviewer talking about?
Y2Kev said:WAT
You choose to heal a union and the union has shared HP. WTF is this reviewer talking about?
Aeana said:I hated IU, and I think TLR is a fantastic game.
I think it's pretty funny how people are still second-guessing after a thread full of positive comments, with almost no negative ones. You'll find the same sort of comments at other gaming forums, and the reader average at IGN confirms it too.
Y2Kev said:WAT
You choose to heal a union and the union has shared HP. WTF is this reviewer talking about?
Gamer @ Heart said:It was the final straw for me. I will wait. Especially now that I just ordered Tales of vesperia from amazon for only $35.
I pray for a patch. i still really want to play it. Battles look and sound really cool from what i have seen and read.
ethelred said:Six months from now, GAF will once again be full of a bunch of saps who miserably whine about how much Square sucks and how they make nothing but Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest; well, here's why -- because people are so obsessed with textures that take a second and a half to load in a new area and the possibility of a couple of long fights at the end of the game (heavens to Betsy, the final boss might even do a ten minute long summon that destroys the entire solar system) that they pass over a game that takes risks and does it exceptionally well with original and fun design choices.
Y2Kev said:You know what, this is absolute garbage. The Western media whines and whines about how stale JRPGs are and how they never change and how there is never any innovation, and then they go and shit on a truly innovative, fun game because of some technical issues (that are somewhat annoying, but not game breaking and certainly not horrifically unplayable).
I haven't seen enthusiasm in the media over any JRPG that wasn't a Final Fantasy save for Persona in EGM and then that garbage Odin Sphere.
Error said:So will Star Ocean 4 also get fucked by the mainstream media?
I think fans of JRPGs should ignore reviews from these big media outlets and just read the impressions in forums and shit. These sites can't be trusted at all.
My Arms Your Hearse said:Nah.
I think SE will cough up the cash for good reviews.
mochuuu said:thi sgame has been a mixed bag for me so far. It's got a robust battle system, but I can't get over the nasty framrates and uneven Unreal graphics of the title. i'm going to give it some more shots, but it's got a lot to prove at this point.
AgentOtaku said:I really hope you don't let IGN sway your opinion
Y2Kev said:I want to see all of these reviewers checked to make sure none of them gave Mass Effect a free pass.
I am so impressed with this game visually and I was ready to bash it from what we had seen. The texturing in dungeons is so detailed. The game is incredibly crisp and the art is almost uniformly great (only the Cat People scare me). It's also relatively jag-free.
It's like no one is even trying anymore.
Yea, since the gaf impressions are mostly positive Ill at least rent it first and see if I like it.Duck Amuck said:the mainstream gaming press knows jack shit about jrpgs.
chespace said:There's not a big enough face palm for this statement.
TLR! The dungeons remind me of a high resolution FFXII.Kyoufu said:Which game are you talking about?
Assembly Required said:Can you blame a person for second guessing? ..A new IP, a $60 purchase they can't get on refund and yes, there are technical issues.. but who are you to tell another person who also would have their own opinion on the matter what they should think?
I hate texture pop-in, but I can deal with load times.. the plot seems forgettable, but the gameplay is not only inventive, but solid. I played around for a while (Just a couple of hrs) and I would like to purchase it. But I rather want for a price drop or rent then purchase if it goes well.
Games aren't cheap (IMO, they never were) so.. what's the problem with having total confidence in the purchase you are deciding to make? ..Granted, this thread is full of praise. But going by past experience.. I think I'll have to disagree with some of you. Just because you're willing to tolerate or ignore the little things, doesn't mean everyone else will. And yes, I've fallen victim to those Over-hyped, must buy threads.. too many times.
Y2Kev said:TLR! The dungeons remind me of a high resolution FFXII.
No, it's not really a lie. I'm at a part now where you have six locations you have to go and fight battles. Upon starting each location, you fight, what for me, was a 35 minute battle to charge into the place. After the first 35 minute battle, you cannot save and then must fight a shorter, but harder battle against a boss. This battle is not as long, but more challenging. You have to do this six times in a row. It can easily cause frustration.KTallguy said:I hear there are hour long battles and you can't save. Is that a lie?
Aeana said:
My Arms Your Hearse said:If not cash, then perhaps "swag bags"?
Everyone likes free shit and assurances. Especially the gaming media and publishers!
But I'm sure you're here to assure me that things like this NEVER happen. Ever! Though certainly unchecked fanboy-ism is certainly responsible for a lot of ridiculous game reviews out there (i.e. 1upGeOWreview.jpg).
Aeana said:
BobM said:I am only up to Blackdale, but so far I am glad i bought this game. The battels are different, and fun. I felt like there was definetely a signifigant improvement after i installed the game as well, as would highly recommend doing so.
Does anyone know if there is a way to sort of zoom out in a battle toget a better view of the battle field? That would be nice. Also, are there any options to change how the cameras work in the battle? Its not a big ocmplaint, but i would have liked a static camera option, maybe one where i could see more of the battlefield at once.
chespace said:I was just trying to stop you from looking like a complete fucking idiot. Oh well, too late.
Back to TLR.
This is not a good JRPG.
Simply put, The Last Remnant is a coding disaster.
Square Enix may have licensed the Unreal Engine 3, the same tools used to make Gears of War, but the developers clearly did not know how to use it.
he Last Remnant is sloppy at best.