aries_71 said:
Even if I finished around 20 quests from the first disc, defeating several bosses in the process and obtaining Battle Rank 43, I'm totally confused by the combat system.
- Why sometimes my unions don't display the option to heal themselves? I'm sure I have the components needed, I have action points to spare, but many times, after several turns, the option to heal is not present.
That I don't know. About 95% of the time, when I need to heal, I have the heal commands up...
aries_71 said:
- Is the positioning of the unions totally random? I've tried to deadlock one enemy unit, letting the others stay back for a couple of turns. Then, I've tried to attack with them from the flanks, but the unions just frontally deadlock the enemy. I'm given the option to attack from the flanks only when one of my units happen to be well positioned after a previous combat. But that is something totally random, not something that has any thinking behind.
At the start of a fight, yes.
This is how it goes as far as flanking and rear attacks:
Whenever an unengaged union comes into contact with another unengaged union, a deadlock happens. In a deadlock, both unions are pretty much stuck with each other until one of those unions dies.
Whenever an unengaged union comes into contact with a union that is currently in deadlock state with another union, a flanking attack occurs. The flanking union will not be in a deadlock state at the end of the combat turn and is still free to engage other units without getting the bad stuff from breaking a deadlock.
Whenever an unengaged union comes into contact with a union that is currently in deadlock AND that received a flanking attack this combat turn, a rear attack occurs. As with flanking, a unit that performs a rear attack will not be deadlocked with its target union.
This ONLY applies to standard fights. I'd say 99% of boss fights (I think I've seen ONE that didn't do that) and all of the unique monsters cannot be flanked - instead you get into Multi-Deadlock state when it is engaged by more than one union. In a Multi Deadlock, the boss union will always counterattack (as opposed to a flanking or rear attack, where no counterattack is possible).
Then there's Interference and Intercepted. Interference is positive, and occurs when you come into deadlock with a union who's order was to deadlock a different union. You get the upper hand in the fight this way. Intercepted is negative, and occurs when you gave an order to go into deadlock with a unit but a different union deadlocks you first (It's the opposite of Interference). This is ALWAYS done due to positioning and distance - you have a much higher chance of being Intercepted if you try to attack a union that is very far from you while there's another enemy union in the middle.
It's kind weird, but after a while I finally got it.
aries_71 said:
- Why I'm not always able to attack from afar with my unions? Sometimes I let my "magic union" stay behind, while others unions deadlock the enemy. Sometimes, I'm given the option to attack from afar, but next turn, this option is not given anymore. How does it work?
I wish I knew that. My guess is that it's due to a combination of the randomness of the orders + positioning/distance. It seems that the further I am from an enemy union, the higher the chance I have to being able to do a Attack from afar command.
aries_71 said:
- If I let ony "magic union" behind, why does it have to close to the enemy to heal other units? I wanted to let one stay behind, in order to heal the deadlocked units from afar, but as soon as I issue the command, they close in and usually die after a couple of turns.
To heal another unit, you have to go into the deadlock (as a flanking or rear, usually) to heal them. It's kinda sucky, but it's how it works, sadly. This problem only rears its head when you're in a boss fight, where you don't go into flanking but multi-deadlock and the boss counterattacks