Just got the strategy guide. ¥2700! ($30US)
This better be awesome!
This better be awesome!
Go do some quests and grind your ass off. I came back after doing a bunch of side stuff and didn't have any trouble with the 6 strongholds. (That was after getting my ass kicked like twice to those twins in 4 I think it was.) Make sure you take out the punk mages first, that's what usually messed me up.RevenantKioku said:Goddamn this third fight with the little fuck face guy is a pain. Galaxy is just wrong. WRONG.
Amon37 said:Wow,
The guidebook in the US has been delayed again. *shrug*
First IU's guide didn't come out until a month after release and now the same shit with TLR's.
Diseased Yak said:My copy shipped from Amazon on Dec. 26th. Hasn't gotten here yet, though. Should come in today or tomorrow.
hooooooooooooly shit!!! where did you get this? could you gimme the amazon link thanks!RevenantKioku said:
yes, I suggest you wait till you can have 18 party members and 6 leaders, then go to ancient ruins to grind your stats, since if you begin to grind your stats nao, later on there are many power leaders available but your BR is too high for them to catch on......also I suggest do some sidequests to get more leaders available, as far as I know Baulson, Glenys, Allan, Jager, and Caedmon are all MONSTERS....Kestastrophe said:Awesome. I'll give that a try, thanks.
edit: I can only have 9 party members. Should I progress the main story and then try it like you said?
later on there are many bosses doing some ass shit AoE, like blackout and whiteout(the guardian dragon in ancient ruins), wat you need to do is trying to figure out which leaders you wanna use in most of the hard fights, and put them in your squad nowKestastrophe said:Having a problem with "The Ancient War" sidequest. I am level 46 BR with 2 unions comprised of 5 and 4 members respectively with 2 leaders in each union. I can get the boss down to below half way no problem, but then he constantly spams a superpowerful AoE fire spell after every turn. As others have mentioned, I am not given the option to heal every turn, which makes it even more difficult.
I had the boss' health down so far once that you couldn't even see any red, but then he killed me :lol . So Frustrating. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Kestastrophe said:Awesome. I'll give that a try, thanks.
edit: I can only have 9 party members. Should I progress the main story and then try it like you said?
Amon37 said:Wow,
The guidebook in the US has been delayed again. *shrug*
First IU's guide didn't come out until a month after release and now the same shit with TLR's.
Diseased Yak said:Just noticed that the Brady guide is 304 pages, so no epic 800 page monster for the US I guess. Ahh well, I hope it at least covers everything well enough.
FateBreaker said:Huh?
I've had my copy since Dec 15/16/17
its normal if you just follow the quest not grinding the stat to the maxShahadan said:So I'm after Darken Forest, I've done all the sidequests so far, I'm BR 67 and my 4 unions have around 2400 hp. Am I normal ? :lol
wat? wait! there are some Jap characters on that book! you sure its the 880 pages one in the gamestop?Avatar1 said:The guide is in my local Gamestop. Flipped through it yesterday. It's like picking up a bible it's so thick.![]()
I waited until I had four unions of three members each for that quest. Got my ass repeatedly handed to me trying that one with three unions.Kestastrophe said:Well having 3 unions consisting of 3 members, including one dedicated healing union helped on the Ancient War sidequest. I still couldn't beat that damn dragon though because that motherfucker apparently has a healing spell called "mend II". I got that bastard to 1/8th of health and he casts that, which then puts his health up to almost 1/2. I don't know if there is anything more frustrating or cheap than a boss that heals itself
Avatar1 said:Is increasing the number of usable leaders, max number of soldiers, max number of unions, etc linked to Battle Rank or is it just something that is increased through the story arc?
Zalasta said:It's the latter. At set points in the story.
Since I've already missed out on a quest back on disc 1, I won't be getting the all complete achievements anyway and I may as well just plow through to the end and be done with this game. .
He means after you kill it.Quazar said:So for the DLC area, do the rare monsters disappear forever if you exit out of dungeon while they're up? Gamefaqs says they don't respawn ever. Or does he mean after you kill it?
The only one you can miss is there are a series of quests where you get prompted for a response at the end. Always pick the lower response, or the final quest won't be available. Kind of sucks I missed this quest myself.Avatar1 said:Which one is it? I do not want to miss it and be stuck in the same situation.
Krelian said:Is anybody still playing and enjoying this game? I read many negative comments lately.
Aaron said:The only one you can miss is there are a series of quests where you get prompted for a response at the end. Always pick the lower response, or the final quest won't be available. Kind of sucks I missed this quest myself.
I had the same thing. It's a door that you need to get through later in the story, at which point it did open without a problem for me.Zalasta said:At the Empyreal (?) door in the Sixth Path, I got a "MessageLabel was not found" when I tried to open it.