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Cmagus said:
Im playing through this and maybe it's me but is anyone else lost with this game? Everything in this game just seems so overly complicated and confusing especially battle.Like honestly I have no idea what the hell is even going on in battle Im at the point of just hitting buttons and hoping i win
read the instruction manual first, the first few battles are not hard though

its insanely fun when u figured out how to modify your unions' config to get more DPS


Cmagus said:
Im playing through this and maybe it's me but is anyone else lost with this game? Everything in this game just seems so overly complicated and confusing especially battle.Like honestly I have no idea what the hell is even going on in battle Im at the point of just hitting buttons and hoping i win
I felt that understanding comes with time. Once you understand it it's extremely rewarding and addictive. At least I thought so.
After approx. 150 hours:


What a epically long, sometimes-awesome, sometimes-frustrating experience. I'd put The Last Remnant easily in my personal Top 10 RPG's of All Time list, probably even in the top 5 right behind Chrono Trigger, FF IV, VI, and Suikoden II.

What I liked:
- battle system that rewards thought, tactics
- rewarding the grind, if done correctly
- interesting, though slow to develop plot
- ability to save anywhere
- difficulty

What I hated:
- difficulty
- crazy, batshit-insane quest requirements
- no stats screen. Seriously WTF Square-Enix?!
- the BradyGames guide. Worst I've ever seen.

Clearly this game was meant to be played with a guide. There is literally no way in Hell anyone would ever be able to complete all of the side quests without one. The way in which the game screws you if you link monsters is bizarre too. I only half followed the recommended leveling guide, linking like crazy early on even. I beat the AC at BR111 on my first try. I had only 3 people with Weapon Arts, but it was enough.

I really hope SE does a sequel to this game, especially given the little extra bit after the credits when you beat the game. The plot is certainly intriguing and I think they've invented a nice little world here. Would be a shame to not see them expand on it.


A friend of mine that works at a game seller (private) tried the game on his PC rig (unfortunately I have a pre built shitty computer, so I'm going to buy this when I get my hands on at least a 9500GT) and a 19" Monitor with everything set to medium/high medium it's awesome. No texture popping, no loadings, battles smooth as ever. Im going to enjoy this game, which is awesome because I couldnt enjoy it because of the slowdowns on the 360 and because I got wrong a lot of things. Too high BR, bosses became overpowered, missed a lot of quests... I had to restard but the PC version is out now so I'm going to buy it and wait for the video card to ship


Proc said:
Only $39 for the pc version to. Damn tempting from the glowing impressions I'm getting from this thread.

Yeah thats why I'm getting it. The 360 version is still 64€ at my Game Stop... anyways, I sold it for Lost Odyssey and I'm getting the PC version ASAP :lol


Krelian said:
Install the 360 game and be happy with it. The frame-rate issues are exaggerated immensely.

That's strange...installing improving the frame-rate? anyway that's nice to hear as I was searching for a decent JRPG to play. :D


Installing the game should pretty much be a requirement. When you do that, the technical problems become practically non-issues. It won't win any awards for technical prowess, but it's FINE when installed.


Feindflug said:
wow! is the frame-rate problems on 360 THAT bad? I was planning to get the game...

The framerate issues are there, no doubt. Installing helps a lot but waiting for textures to load each time and sometimes whit big attaks going on screen the FPS drop can be noticed A LOT. I think the last game I played with those slowdowns was Ratchet and Clank gladiator in multiplayer with final weapons with a lot of enemies shooting with the weapon that had a big range and that "falling laser" effect.


The 360 is fine when installed BUT for anyone who hasn't grab this yet and can run it on a PC(it really doesn't require a bomb to run it well) go PC for sure,I couldn't believe the difference just with the demo compared to the 360...it's like the 360 during battles is entirely in slow motion,even installed.

Witchfinder General

punched Wheelchair Mike
Just picked this up for the 360.

Pretty good so far. Lovely graphics (despite the texture loading, slowdown and long loading screens), great battle system and decent music. The animation is rather stilted and the voice acting is pretty bad but not enough to ruin things.

I've heard this game can be punishingly hard, especially if you like to grind (which I do).

Any tips? Also, any online guides I should be following?



For some tips, you can see my post on the PC thread:

For guides, there's a spreadsheet with leader stats that's useful on seeing what you should want to use them for:

Also a very comprehensive quest quide/walkthrough on IGN site with pics and stuff if you ever get stuck:

Also you can always ask for help in this or the pc thread. Happy gaming!


Finally got past the Gates of Hell (vivication skills ftw) and onto Disc 2 after a 1 month hiatus. Still love this game! :lol


Witchfinder General said:
Just picked this up for the 360.

Pretty good so far. Lovely graphics (despite the texture loading, slowdown and long loading screens), great battle system and decent music. The animation is rather stilted and the voice acting is pretty bad but not enough to ruin things.

I've heard this game can be punishingly hard, especially if you like to grind (which I do).

Any tips? Also, any online guides I should be following?

Play as you want to. The really hard stuff is entirely optional. Though if you get stuck on a boss, before grinding try to change up your unions. Going from three packed unions to four sparser ones can sometimes make a huge difference in battle.


I had to take the game off my HDD last month and now I don't have any room to put it back on(2 TR DLC,some RB songs etc)and for the first time last evening,I got the unreadable disk error,right at the last encounter,not bad I guess after close to 100 hours with the game.

I was getting my ass kicked also early on...for those that finished the game,what BR rank where you at? i'm currently BR 96,4 Unions,2 that have over 5,000 hp,the weakest one is my fourth,HP wise,with not even 3,000 but they can restore/refresh/revitalise like crazy...Irina has "kiss of life" which is pretty nice.


Im think I am near the end of the game. I had a lot of trouble on a certain boss battle. I've read that you should skip fighting ennemies, and only fight strong ones to get strong. I've fought weak ennemies for hours after hours to mine stuff from caves. So I've done the opposite of what I should have. Am I skrewed?


Correct me if I'm wrong, but you should have no trouble in the final bossfight of the game if you can put together a strong melee union in Battle Crown formation, that has enough hp to survive the Final Eclipse (in BC you have 0% Mys. Defense, hence the hp requirement). Keeping that union up will be a bit of a gamble depending on what attacks you get from the
, but it's deadly effective when you get to lay down the hurt yourself; especially with weapon arts. If you're not getting hit by spells, you can easily shrug off the damage.

On top of that, you should have 2-3 weapon arts altogether in your unions, so you can put out enough melee damage and hopefully put him down fast after he goes all Savage on you :p


Diseased Yak said:
After approx. 150 hours:


What a epically long, sometimes-awesome, sometimes-frustrating experience. I'd put The Last Remnant easily in my personal Top 10 RPG's of All Time list, probably even in the top 5 right behind Chrono Trigger, FF IV, VI, and Suikoden II.

What I liked:
- battle system that rewards thought, tactics
- rewarding the grind, if done correctly
- interesting, though slow to develop plot
- ability to save anywhere
- difficulty

What I hated:
- difficulty
- crazy, batshit-insane quest requirements
- no stats screen. Seriously WTF Square-Enix?!
- the BradyGames guide. Worst I've ever seen.

Clearly this game was meant to be played with a guide. There is literally no way in Hell anyone would ever be able to complete all of the side quests without one. The way in which the game screws you if you link monsters is bizarre too. I only half followed the recommended leveling guide, linking like crazy early on even. I beat the AC at BR111 on my first try. I had only 3 people with Weapon Arts, but it was enough.

I really hope SE does a sequel to this game, especially given the little extra bit after the credits when you beat the game. The plot is certainly intriguing and I think they've invented a nice little world here. Would be a shame to not see them expand on it.

This is incredible. I wish I could do the same thing. Just when I was starting to enjoy the game, my party

leaves me and have no fucking clue what am supposed to do so I said fuck it. Hope I can return to it some day though.


Tailzo said:
It is one of those before that one. I will try to make stronger and fewer groups then.

If it's the one I'm thinking about (
Icy Idol
), I defeated it in a similar manner, with a single strong melee union and two unions to support it. I found my mystic unions being very weak at this point of the game, so I only had healers and melee units. If you can grit your teeth until the supporting enemy units are dead, the fight should be easier. Battle Crown is a bad idea in this fight, though. I'd recommend Pegasus or something.

Alternatively, you can bring along a single mystic union and hope you get a Blackout or a similar full-screen attack in the early parts of the fight, which should help you immensely in bossfights like this.

Generally, your pacing should be to attack with the melee union and have two unions in standby, healing themselves if you get hit by acid rain and hopefully being able to Kiss of Life any union that goes down. Two support unions means you can hopefully intercept the boss as well if you need to bring an union back up.


I had no problems with the Icy Idol...I did die later on to one of the "rare" Dragon(Falaka or something) so I just prayed and ran pass him(there's not much room,he is so huge hehe)...maybe i'll battle rank to 100 before I try the last part again.


Finally beat this tonight! What a phenomenal, phenomenal game - probably one of my favorite JRPGs ever.

Although it doesn't give you a clock, I'd guess that I logged about 70-80 hours or so. My only disappointment is that there was no achievement for just beating the game (have to beat all sidequests? eff that - this was the most time I ever put into a game as it is :lol ).


Finished the PC version a few hours ago. For what i've been told the PC version is noticeably harder than the 360 version, and i felt it. The game was pretty good, but the battle system is extremely annoying and frustrating sometimes, mainly because of the randomness of the actions of your team (sometimes beating a difficult battle in a turn, or losing a easy battle because you get retarded actions and the enemy powerful area attacks). If the game would had let you manually select the actions of the team, the battle system would be a lot less frustrating.

The story was weak overall. Too many loopholes and the ending was poor. The best are the sidequests, plenty of them and a lot of different scenarios and towns you wouldn't even visit if you stick to the main quest.

Overall i liked it, but it got so annoying sometimes than i don't think i will repeat the experience with the New Game+


I am thinking of picking this game up (for Xbox 360 because my PC just needed 15-17 seconds to start up firefox...). I am not totally convinced though.
I really like that it presents a challange and I also like spending some time getting to know a complex battle system - however what I have seen in videos so far leaves me totally clueless concerning the battle system. There are so many quick camera cuts that I hardly know who is who and where during battles. Besides I heard that you do not always get the commands you are looking for --> frustration (not one of my favorites). One last thing, is there a need for tactic in battles or do you just have to grind for some fights?

Just tell me that I will get used to the complex battle system (I don't mind putting a little time into learning it) and that it is worth (also storywise which is important for me) €40.-



The last thing you should do in the game is grind. If you're not getting the attack options you want, either you haven't formed your group properly, or you've put them in a position where they can't use those abilities. Certain more powerful abilities have hidden requirements, so they'll essentially only show when you really need them, but I'm pretty convinced the game isn't random.

I'm only three battles from the end. I should get off my ass, and beat it already. :D


masterkajo said:
There are so many quick camera cuts that I hardly know who is who and where during battles.
This was my concern before as well when watching videos. This *never* became an issue when I was actually playing the game, though.

You *never* have to grind. You might have to recustomize your unions and hire new soldiers (which you can recruit for free) to tackle some encounters, though. Which is great! Changing things around is pretty painless.

The commands you get depend on morale, how much AP you have, positioning, and unit setup. I can't say I've really had any problems where I couldn't get what general skills I wanted (maybe not the *exact* one, but it never became an issue).

If you like a good challenge and a good innovative turn-based system, give this a try. Make sure you install on the HD, though.


Nolan. said:
Everytime I see this thread bumped I think it might be news on the ps3 version:( .
Sorry to disappoint you.

And thanks for the quick answers! I guess I don't need to worry what I will be playing for the next month then!


Nolan. said:
Everytime I see this thread bumped I think it might be news on the ps3 version:( .

Everytime I see this thread bumped I think it's because they are pathcing the PC additions to the 360 version. :(
masterkajo said:
storywise which is important for me
Uh oh...
The story sucks donkey balls. Like... big donkey balls.
Really fun game though, very different from the usual stuff, gameplay wise. They did an excellent job of streamlining commands to allow you to control a reasonably big-ish party. Yet it's still deep and strategic, in terms of how you set up your teams (before fights), and how you use them (during).
If the fighting clicks, you'll probably love it. You might have to give it some time though. I started a second play through recently, and was reminded of how slow the first couple of hours were.
Oh, and the game has cool side quests!!


I did grind a few times - maybe 5 hours or so total. Maybe I wasn't as effective at switching up my unions as I could have been? I didn't mind grinding though; beat the game at BR 93 or 94.

I also found the story amusing, holes and all. No need for a bloated narrative.
I tried playing again after a month or so and I'm at the boss fights around Koenigsdorf. I've tried a few of them but the ones in base 3 and 5 seem unbeatable. They just wipe me in 1-2 rounds and there's nothing I can do. Before finishing the first disc I did all the sidequests gaining maybe 25 battle ranks without gaining any new skills because the enemies were too weak. Looks like I'll have to restart the game to beat it, thanks to the level scaling system, don't I?


Bren McGuire said:
I tried playing again after a month or so and I'm at the boss fights around Koenigsdorf. I've tried a few of them but the ones in base 3 and 5 seem unbeatable. They just wipe me in 1-2 rounds and there's nothing I can do. Before finishing the first disc I did all the sidequests gaining maybe 25 battle ranks without gaining any new skills because the enemies were too weak. Looks like I'll have to restart the game to beat it, thanks to the level scaling system, don't I?

If you've beaten the other Bases Boss,you shouldn't have to start over...try changing your unions,not sure if you are going with 4,you should,get at least 1 with high HP,stack up on ingredients to revive(at that point,i had enough money to buy 100 of everything) and you should get them eventually,I had a hard time with 2 of them also but after a few BR and some changes,I finally beat them.
I'm playing the game as we speak and I finally understand battles now :D I'm currently in Blackdale, so I'm not that far in. Honestly, though, I really, really like the game.

I still don't fully get Union Boards, though , but Aaron's post above piqued my interest in changing things up a bit just to see any differences.


dragonlife29 said:
I'm playing the game as we speak and I finally understand battles now :D I'm currently in Blackdale, so I'm not that far in. Honestly, though, I really, really like the game.

I still don't fully get Union Boards, though , but Aaron's post above piqued my interest in changing things up a bit just to see any differences.
This is the kind of game where don't expect to get it right away, and don't worry about getting it either. You should be pretty far in before you finally smack your head against a boss that won't seem to go down. For most people its Gates of Hell at the end of disk 1. Another tip, when picking regular soldiers, choose from the bottom of the list. They have more experience and often two ability types.


Where to get more party members I understand how to get more leaders.. but can't have more then 3 right now, so where to get the other units from?


Ricker said:
You can't miss it,just keep playing and it will tell you when you can have more and where...
Yep got it (i figured it was something i missed but turns out it wasn't available till later), iunno really not feeling this game, does get any better as I progress further... just got to Elysion...
Playing the Last Remnant on PC here, It's surprisingly smooth on my pretty mid-range computer, Even with all the pretty settings set to max, just give it a second for the textures to load when you enter an area and bam! smooth as silk.

No thing that CONSTANTLY BUGS THE FUCKING CRAP OUT OF ME is that it still has the X360 controller buttons for critical quicktimes and other places. I don't understand why they don't just have the button I need to press, REALLY SE IS IT THAT MUCH TROUBLE TO CHANGE AN ICON. My keyboard has no Right Trigger.

It's seriously been a blast this first day, tough battles and getting used to the battle system.


octopusman said:
Playing the Last Remnant on PC here, It's surprisingly smooth on my pretty mid-range computer, Even with all the pretty settings set to max, just give it a second for the textures to load when you enter an area and bam! smooth as silk.

No thing that CONSTANTLY BUGS THE FUCKING CRAP OUT OF ME is that it still has the X360 controller buttons for critical quicktimes and other places. I don't understand why they don't just have the button I need to press, REALLY SE IS IT THAT MUCH TROUBLE TO CHANGE AN ICON. My keyboard has no Right Trigger.

It's seriously been a blast this first day, tough battles and getting used to the battle system.

Go into the options and change your control method? I changed mine to my USB controller and matched the thing of that, I'm not sure of keyboard though.


Neo Member
Just beat the game today, I had fun playing it. The battle system was interesting and unique, but the story was laughably bad at some points. It was pretty difficult at certain points, though I didn't die to too many bosses and didn't grind at all. I would recommend this game to anyone on the fence about purchasing it.
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