ToddG15 said:
Can someone explain what skirmishes are? I think they are group-oriented instances? Is it just a standard dungeon or various objectives?
Skirmishes are small instances, that scale with your level and the amount of fellowship members. They can be done solo, 3-man, 6-man and 12-man. Each skirmish also has semi-random encounters.
When you start the Skirmish tutorial, you'll be introduced to your Ally, which is a NPC that follows you around the skirmish. Your Ally has a class and skills - the classes are the typical stuff like DPS, tank or healer. You can change your Ally's class between Skirmishes, so you can pretty much customize how you want it to play.
Each skirmish grants Skirmish Marks, which are a different currency, used to buy class upgrades, as well as skills for your Ally. You can also use your Marks to buy gear for your character - typically the gear is slightly below what crafted gear would give you, but better than random items, making them a nice source of gear if you can't craft your own or don't have enough money to scour the AH.
You can also get a bunch of nice crafting recipes with Skirmish Marks - for example, gathering professions get recipes that do conversions in bulk - 25 at a time. So instead of spending a ton of time smelting 25 pieces of ore, you can just use the bulk recipe and do 25 at a time with a single craft, saving a TON of time.
To be honest, I love the skirmishes so much that I have a hard time concentrating on doing quests (mainly for rep) instead of doing skirmishes all day. They're a TON of fun, diverse, offer quite a challenge - when I hit 24, the basic skirmish I'd been doing a few times a day got quite harder and I needed to approach fights differently than I'd been doing. I used to just focus on lieutenant mobs and let my ally kill the others, but now if I do that my ally typically dies and I have 3 even level mobs, including one that is MUCH stronger than the others, focus on me.

So now I have to coordinate with my Ally to kill off the adds then focus on the lieutenant. Each Lieutenant also has special abilities starting at a certain point, so you need actual strategy to defeat them instead of standard brute force. For example, I've encountered huge trolls that had a weird aura that made them completely invulnerable for 20 seconds (and those bastards hit hard!) so I had to start kiting them around a little bit while before their aura goes down so that I can kick their ass later.
Seriously.. I love em.