BlueTsunami said:Throwing down $30 for 3 months of VIP isn't bad either. VIP players get 300 Turbine Points for every month they're VIP so you get 3 months of possibly getting through the North Downs and Lone Lands and when you go back to Premium you'll have 900 points to throw around.
ElJuice said:Do you know if all trait slots, even the ones above your level, remain open after VIP expires?
aidan said:Is it worth it to buy a house? I've got about 1.5 gold.
GDJustin said:Well... do you want a house? That's really the only answer. It doesn't do anything. It's just a house.
I personally think they're awesome.
Yes, you can store stuff there. And your alts will have access to non-bound items in the storage. plus you can swift travel there and have basically an extra swift travel skill to whatever land you have your house in.aidan said:So they're basically a novelty? Can I store stuff there?
AndyD said:They do. They all unlock as normal at the appropriate level.
VoteForPedro said:Just wanted to warn everybody so you don't make the same mistake I did.
The Moria version that is available from the Lotro Store does not come with 1 month Vip sub like that the boxed versions.
I just bought it assuming it did give me the sub, would get up to 50 in the next 30 days and continue playing through Moria, instead I just bought 30 bucks worth of level 50+ quests that I can't do since I'm only level 20. Don't be dumb like me.
quiet lolThe_Inquisitor said:Alright I will be creating a character on Brandywine.
How is the GAF guild?
I have had that happen before. just relog.charsace said:Why was I kicked from the kinship?
It appears that I wasn't kicked I just can't see the kinship for some reason.
Tideas said:Trollshalls and northdowns appear to be same level tier. I wonder which quests land gives better rewards
Tideas said:so teh gaf kinship is almost dead, once again. bt at least now, bree-chat has an air of normalcy to it.
I wonder how this will hold up in a month, if the newbies will stick around once lvl 20 quests runs out
Tideas said:so teh gaf kinship is almost dead, once again. bt at least now, bree-chat has an air of normalcy to it.
I wonder how this will hold up in a month, if the newbies will stick around once lvl 20 quests runs out
TimHortons said:Doubtful - I got that D2D $5 VIP deal so the 20+ quests are open to me and its a ghost town in Lone Lands.
Tideas said:so teh gaf kinship is almost dead, once again. bt at least now, bree-chat has an air of normalcy to it.
I wonder how this will hold up in a month, if the newbies will stick around once lvl 20 quests runs out
Tideas said:so teh gaf kinship is almost dead, once again. bt at least now, bree-chat has an air of normalcy to it.
I wonder how this will hold up in a month, if the newbies will stick around once lvl 20 quests runs out
Too bad it's still P2P in EU.Mareg said:Apparently the game is doing mighty well since switching its business scheme.
Another exemple of F2P being the superior model for MMO ?
What if blizzard were to follow that partern ? I think they would just rule de world.
Mareg said:Apparently the game is doing mighty well since switching its business scheme.
Another exemple of F2P being the superior model for MMO ?
What if blizzard were to follow that partern ? I think they would just rule de world.
Loxley said:Will Blizzard's next MMO be F2P w/ micro transactions? I wouldn't surprised if it was since that seems to be where the business model for MMO's is heading, but as far as we know, Kotick might man-handle them into making it a typical $15 a month subscription. Guess we'll seeBesides, whatever the hell their next MMO is won't likely be out until 2013 at this point, so by then it's possible that monthly subs for MMO's will just sound stupid; especially if the LOTRO/TOR model really does take off.
Shared Storage II
Tome of Vitality
Shared Storage I
Riding Skill
Shared Storage III
Expansion: Mines of Moria
Shared Wardrobe Storage I
Tome of Agility
Tome of Will
Tome of Might
DiscoJer said:I have to wonder if this sale is a smack of desperation in Turbine's part? Trying to get current free players to keep on playing?
But it doubled their revenues, you say. Well, D&DO it was like 500%
And if you look at the list of the top selling items in the screen of the story
They're almost all one-shot items purchased by long time players. So that 200% is likely going to drop dramatically in the second month (which is now).
What killed LOTRO in the first place was lack of timely content updates after Moria came out (well that and leveling from 30 to 48 really sucking). And at least so far, it looks like Turbine is going to repeat that mistake.
A month after launch and nothing added to the store except from items previously gotten in festivals. F2P games have to constantly add stuff to keep people interested. They seemed to have grasped this with D&DO, but not LOTRO
And it's not like there was a lot in the store at launch, either. Stat Tomes (at $5 a pop). A few cosmetic items, half of which were taken from Skirmishes. Shared storage (which is all I bought).
What killed LOTRO in the first place was lack of timely content updates after Moria came out (well that and leveling from 30 to 48 really sucking). And at least so far, it looks like Turbine is going to repeat that mistake.
75% off Lone-lands, North Downs & Evendim Quest Packs Starts At Midnight! 24-HOUR SALE!
(Wednesday, October 13th 12:00am EDT - 11:59pm EDT)
Levels 22-32 said:The Lone-lands quest pack has over 100 quests & 20+ deeds!
- Discover Weathertop, The Forsaken Inn, The City Of Ost Guruth & Other Key Locations
- Join Others in Garth Agarwens 3 & 6-person instances
- Battle Fierce Monsters, Find New Treasure & More!
- Earn reputation with the Eglain faction!
18-40 said:The North Downs quest pack has over 125 quests & 19 deeds!
- Discover the embattled settlements of Trestlebridge, Esteldin, Othrikar, and Meluinen, located on the edge of Angmar itself
- Venture into Fornost, a 6-person instance
- Earn reputation with the Rangers of Esteldin
- Learn the history of the lost Kings of Arnor
32-50 said:The Evendim quest pack has over 75 quests & 31 deeds!
- Make your way to the Ost Forod, the Eavespires, and the island of Tinnudir
- Battle your way through Annuminas and its 3 full fellowship instances
- Earn reputation with the Wardens of Annuminas
Moobabe said:Can you go to the zones in question without the quest pack? The phrasing makes it sound like the zones are off limits as well
Kerrinck said:I bought the Mines of Moria expansion. Do I need any of these quest packs or are they all included?
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:Wanting to find this out too.