Bye-Bye Gameboy, Sony is coming
Playstation3 WILL disappoint
Zelda.. what have they done to you?
Wow. Metroid pics... (sigh)
Metroid FPS and the death of 2D gaming.
Will Retro destroy Metroid?
Why people beefing about the new Zelda look?
Finally a new Metroid!!!
Okay after this I'll try to go back to the 80s and early 90s again.
but I will only buy it if I can play illegal gamez through a flash linker....
That's more than a year away. Hard to get too excited just yet.
However, since it's backlit I'll buy one...
Playstation3 WILL disappoint
The hype for Playstation3 has already long since begun. It's already far
beyond the pre-PS2 pre-hype of 1997-1998. (PS2 was introduced in '99) The
PS3 is going to be a semi-sucky console from Sony with seemingly fast
geometry rates but ulimiately it will be lacking once again--much like PSX
and PS2 a few years after their releases.
Cell is just hype like EE was. oh and PS3 will have "revolutionary new
Duel Shock 3" controllers. whoop-de-fucking-do.
PS3 will be nothing more than a more powerful version of PS2, not unlike PS2
being a more powerful PSX.
you who believe PS3 will be a Godstation and do FF Movie graphics in
realtime will be in for a massive let down.
It'll still kick the Xbox2 around like a retarded kitten in a sock.
Zelda.. what have they done to you?
I'll admit, Zelda has always been a kiddie-style game, but they just turned
Link into a gay midget! I could see myself supporting another Zelda game; but
only for the laugh factor. You've got to be fucking kidding me, Miyamoto-san.
Let me guess, this is a prequel, from when Link was 4 years old? WTF,
Yes, it's the almighty adventures of Link in his pre-toddler years and his
in his mommy's tummy as he fights evil Stomach Acid!
I'd LOVE to see them fit eight dungeons in there....
Sticking with the topic though, I always thought Zelda was overrated; now it's
become a Saturday morning cartoon. Why does Miyamoto continue to find new and
grander ways to suck? Anyone have a theory on this? Mine is that following
some of his earlier success with Super Mario Bros., sycophants at Nintendo
stopped telling him what was a bad idea. Now we have this abomination, and
where's a new series? Is it just going to be Zelda and Mario for the rest of
his life?
A) From what I remember Zelda, and Super Mario Bros. the cartoon sucked. I
was referring to the game becoming a Saturday morning cartoon, not a cartoon
being created to capitalize on the success of the game. So yes, I commend you
for having a good memory. That doesn't mean Saturday morning cartoons are
good. There's a reason why kids like them. They're the only ones stupid
enough to enjoy that crap.
b). Starfox; sucked. One of the most pathetic games on the snes. The game
sputters and limps through an engine that was best suited for the pc at the
time. 1080 is an nice diversion, but not exactly revolutionary. I know it
didn't exactly sell any N64s on its own. Pikmin sounds like another
asswipe-blot from Miyamoto. He should really hang it up.
c) When they realized how bad Super Mario World was they should have pulled
the plug on Miyamoto and gone a different direction. Instead, they went with
the guy, crappy games and all, and we saw inferior 16 bit updates to their 8
bit games, a glut of mediocrity and stagnation, until Sega re-entered the
console market with Saturn. Playstation and Saturn revived and reinvented
things. There WAS no enjoyable 3d home gaming until these systems were
launched. Hell, there was very little enjoyable console gaming period. And
what was his re-entry into the fray? Mario 64. "Here we gooooooooh!" Mario
sounds like a retarded elf now. Great. What's more? The gameplay has been
taken from an intense, multi-paced, precision experience and turned into Disney
on acid. Miyamoto no longer has the ability to make a good game. I am not too
old for his games; his concepts are too old for the gamer's needs. We've
evolved, he's still rehashing his original titles.
Wow. Metroid pics... (sigh)
Well, now that we have Unrea... Oops, Metroid on the way, who wants to take
bets on how much it'll suck? It's clearly totally divergant from everything
that made the past Metroid games worth playing.
Bring it on. Just don't ever call it Metroid again.
Well, it may be a premature judgment, but there has been A LOT of talk about
the trouble they've been having with this game. It's my understanding that
they only reason that it even is a first person game is because that's the
only way they could get it to not suck. I wouldn't be surprised if it
totally changes between now and release. On the bright side, Nintendo would
never release a game unless they loved it, so chances are, whatever form
this game comes out in, it will be fairly solid.
but the big difference is that when those games made the jump to 3D they were
still developed by Nintendo, Metroid is being made by a shitty US developer
That, and it'll play nothign lime Metroid. Great Unreal MOD tho.
Metroid FPS and the death of 2D gaming.
I'm surprised no one is talking about the announcement that the new
Metroid games is going to be a first-person shooter...
I hope I'm not the only one extremely disappointed by this news. Even
worse is the fact that the game was being developed as third person
game but Nintendo forced Retro Studios to change it to a first person
shooter because they don't like the camera issues that pop up in third
person action games....last I checked Metroid was an adventure game
with more of a focus on exploration than button mashing.
Metroid is probably dead as a 'creative' line anyway. The driving
force behind the series who kept it all tied together to some overall
vision, has passed away. It's now just a license for Nintendo to
milk and farm out.
And the simple truth is that a FPS perspective will require the
loss of a lot of the things that define a Metroid game as a Metroid
game. (Well, the gameplay things that fit a 'Samus' game.
Technically you can make a Metroid game with only Metroid carrying
over and an entirely new protagonist who fights and controls
entirely different.)
That's why I say that it will probably be a good or even great game
but it just isn't going to be a Metroid game. They'd be better off
creating a new franchise if they want to create a sci-fi FPS/adventure
game. Hell, they already have Perfect Dark which is supposedly going
to be a launch title. That said, if they were still planning on making
a more traditional Metroid game I'd be all for a Metroid FPS in the
same way that it'd be cool to see Zelda turned into a fighting game
knowing that a proper installment is forthcoming.
Will Retro destroy Metroid?
Will Retro destroy Metroid?
Think of some other awesome 2D SNES games that were destroyed when they made
the transition to 3D...
Contra 3 The Alien Wars
Castlevania 4
Contra was turned into two horrible 3D PSX games... And the awesome Castlevania
4 turned up as a bad 3D game on N64...
I think Metroid should remain a side scrolling game, but 2.5D like Yoshi, but
not soo darn cute of course
Do you agree? Or should it be 3D and more likely than not a bad! Doing a game
in 3D just because you can does not
make it a good idea...
E-mail Nintendo at [email protected]
Tell them not to let Retro destroy The Metroid
nope, Metroid's main theme was always exploring, not shooting, besides this
won't be a true Metroid game anyway since it is not being developed by
Why people beefing about the new Zelda look?
All video games are for kiddies. No video game has ever had a target
audience over 18. And if you think teenagers are mature, then you must
be one yourself...
When I was 12, I really liked slasher movies. Now that I'm in my 20s,
they seem ridiculous to me. There's nothing in them for intelligent
people. At least the better cartoons have jokes for both the kids and
the adults.
hehe .. zelda a mature title? People have been blinded by the two terrible
additions to the Zelda franchise on the N64. The GameCube Zelda is going
back to Zelda's very roots, and that is excellent. I agree that they fit the
game very well .. no more of this "attempted realism" bullshit.
Finally a new Metroid!!!
Are you kidding?! I'm not happy about this at all!
Metroid was a JAPANESE game! RETRO STUDIOS?!?!?
Regardless of GameCube's techinical specs and capabilities --
Metroid could go the way of the Pilotwings 64 or worst -- Contra series.
I hate when shit like this goes down. Metriod couldn't have been that bad
in Japan to favor this. Man, if only Gumpei Yokoi ( RIP ) could see this --
he'd turnover in his grave! Either get Nintendo's EAD to do Metroid or
don't do it at all!
Other Metroid fans knows what's up -- Speak your peace!
Okay after this I'll try to go back to the 80s and early 90s again.