part, had to turn it off after that. So full of win indeed. Is it me or is the game a whole lot more mature than the previous entries? It feels pretty damn awesome, hope all the cases are like this.
The translation is fantastic. Is it the same translator from the first Phoenix Wright game? It has a familiar charm in it that I didn't quite see in PW 2 and 3. The dialogue is as funny as ever though, and it seems that Apollo gets picked on by the court as much as Phoenix did.
BTW does anyone know if they changed wine to grape juice in the game? It just seems odd that they would cut out alcohol references but leave the good old fashioned murders,
the first case is really strong imo, great job introducing new characters and the new phoenix wright. this is probably the best introduction case ever in the series.
start playing a little bit into case 2, I like
Trucy a lot more than Maya. imo, the design is better, and I like her personality much more than Maya. only complaint I have so far is that apollo felt too much like Phoenix Wright in the old games. his way of thinking, comment etc is just too similar with Phoenix Wright. I actually have a little bit of problem reminding myself that this is Apollo, not Phoenix. although this is probably because I've just played pw3 again not too long ago so phoenix s still very fresh in my mind
Anyways, Case 1 was all kinds of awesome. The first case in T&T is still my favorite intro case, though. And I'm loving Apollo, I've grown to like him even faster than I did with Phoenix.
The translation is fantastic. Is it the same translator from the first Phoenix Wright game? It has a familiar charm in it that I didn't quite see in PW 2 and 3. The dialogue is as funny as ever though, and it seems that Apollo gets picked on by the court as much as Phoenix did.
the first case is really strong imo, great job introducing new characters and the new phoenix wright. this is probably the best introduction case ever in the series.
start playing a little bit into case 2, I like
Trucy a lot more than Maya. imo, the design is better, and I like her personality much more than Maya. only complaint I have so far is that apollo felt too much like Phoenix Wright in the old games. his way of thinking, comment etc is just too similar with Phoenix Wright. I actually have a little bit of problem reminding myself that this is Apollo, not Phoenix. although this is probably because I've just played pw3 again not too long ago so phoenix s still very fresh in my mind
Aw, why did I decide to get this one online? I've got absolutely no work tonight, and could run over to Fry's and get a copy, but can't since it's already in the mail.
So I'm halfway through the first trial of Case 2. And WOW was I surprised. :lol :lol :lol
Trucy is pretty much my favourite character in the whole series. She's just so awesome, and when she pulled this trick I LOLed really hard.
I'm liking Apollo too, and the role that
has undergone, though I am a bit concerned that his
way of dealing with things has kinda ruined the character.
is a whore. I hate her >_> But she got better when she realised who she was dealing with.
Thoroughly enjoying this one more than any of the others at the moment. No jokes either. Loving Apollo's animations too. The new prosecutor is somewhat boring compared to say Franziska or Godot, but his personality is top notch.
So I'm halfway through the first trial of Case 2. And WOW was I surprised. :lol :lol :lol
Trucy is pretty much my favourite character in the whole series. She's just so awesome, and when she pulled this trick I LOLed really hard.
I'm liking Apollo too, and the role that
has undergone, though I am a bit concerned that his
way of dealing with things has kinda ruined the character.
is a whore. I hate her >_> But she got better when she realised who she was dealing with.
Thoroughly enjoying this one more than any of the others at the moment. No jokes either. Loving Apollo's animations too. The new prosecutor is somewhat boring compared to say Franziska or Godot, but his personality is top notch.
It's clearly wine though. Glass bottle, it's colored, and they even mention "vintage" at one point.
Also, that first case blew my fucking mind. It's my first Ace Attorney game and that's how I get started. :lol
Grimm Fandango said:
On a different note, has anyone else noticed newer DS games have a case really hard to open? I noticed it on Advance Wars: Days of Ruin also. It felt like I had to nearly break open the case to get inside.
I just passed the 1st trial in case 2, and I have to say this again, Trucy
is quickly becoming my favorite character in gyakuten saiban series, she's damn smart, she even make apollo look stupid at times
. oh and I can't believe how much Phoenix
has been upgraded from last game, I can understand being a legendary lawyer, but Phoenix has also become an expert in reading people that he never lost poker once for 7 years, granted, Trucy help him sometimes, but not always. I'd say by this time, Phoenix has probably surpass any other lawyer in past games including Mia
Wasn't this confirmed a while ago? Even if it wasn't, it should seem pretty clear that this is the case. I mean, if you played any previous games in the series, you would know that Phoenix didn't have a 7 year old daughted, plus, everyone acts so suprised when Trucy mentions she is his daughter. Perhaps
Edit : I swear to god people, dont read the spoilers, you'll f'ing regret it.
What the WHAT???
How come an Ace Attorney's very first case is that awesome ? IS THAT EVEN LEGAL,??!!1!1
Man, in the first three games it was always the "funny but tutorial" case, but wtf there, surprise effect to the max. So many mysteries not even solved by the end... And the most WTF-ish of course :
. So unbelievable.
And Phoenix thus coming to the mentor's stand is an appreciable fanservice
Also I can't wait to learn
who's the mother of Phoenix's "daughter"
I also like a lot the "DS enhanced" look of the game. Beautiful sprites, backgrounds, and 3D crime scene reconstruction is a neat effect.
She has the same power that Apollo has. Don't know how you would even describe that power but anyone who has completed the first case will know what I mean.
A little bit in to the second case, my general thoughts:
- It really does seem like they learned their lessons from Trials & Tribulations and applied them to Apollo Justice (hit 'em hard and hit 'em fast), but at the same time,
I definitely see the complaints about Capcom cowing to fan pressure and using the old cast too much. Phoenix basically solved the first case on his own and told you to do the grunt work now and then.
I definitely like the new characters more than the old ones. Apollo feels different from Phoenix. His mannerisms and thought process make him a different character, especially when you put the two side by side. Trucy is a different, and likely better, character than Maya. She feels like that female friend you had in high school and both of you act 15 again when you're together., but a little too standoffish for my taste. Hopefully the next game is a little more fresh, know what I mean?
- The game really shows the difference in sound between the DS and GBA. In terms of sound quality, it is leagues better. In terms of Some songs are leaps and bounds better, others I start thinking "What is this, what are you doing."
A little bit in to the second case, my general thoughts:
I definitely like the new characters more than the old ones. Apollo feels different from Phoenix. His mannerisms and thought process make him a different character, especially when you put the two side by side. Trucy is a different, and likely better, character than Maya. She feels like that female friend you had in high school and both of you act 15 again when you're together., but a little too standoffish for my taste. Hopefully the next game is a little more fresh, know what I mean?
feels too much like Phoenix from previous games, and when you put them side by side, they felt different because current Phoenix almost felt like a totally new character.
I agree with
Trucy though, much better character than Maya.
don't really get the hate for Emma,
I think she looks good, and haven't seen enough to form solid opinion on her
Hmm so I've finished the second case's first trial, and boy was it intense, especially
Trucy's anal probe :lol
That had me O_O.
As for who I think did it, I reckon it was the wife - though that's a complete guess by me made through the simple assumption that it's always the one you least expect.
As for Wesley?
What a perve
lol. The parts where he got REALLY angry and stressed had me cracking up.
I picked this up yesterday. For some reason I had a really hard time getting my hands on the preorder bonus - they had to call six other stores before they found one nearby that had extras (or at least one they were willing to part with).