The previous Phoenix Wright games are just as good or better (Except GS2 which is worse). Definetely get all three, I would even recommend for you to stop playing Apollo Justice and beat Phoenix Wright 1-3 before continuing so you can enjoy Apollo Justice more (Specifically the last case which I've read some details on).methodman said:One question for you previous owners: This game is so much fun to me (my favorite genre is adventure games), are the previous Phoenix Wright games comparable, and is there one you would recommend to me? I'm up to the 2nd case and damn this game is great.
supercake said:Gah! I've seen too much already in this thread! I'm staying far away till I have the game! Glad that most of you are likeing it so far.
This!darkpaladinmfc said:I would even recommend for you to stop playing Apollo Justice and beat Phoenix Wright 1-3 before continuing so you can enjoy Apollo Justice more .
Callibretto said:actually I think ApolloI agree withfeels too much like Phoenix from previous games, and when you put them side by side, they felt different because current Phoenix almost felt like a totally new character.don't really get the hate for Emma,Trucy though, much better character than Maya.I think she looks good, and haven't seen enough to form solid opinion on her
darkpaladinmfc said:The previous Phoenix Wright games are just as good or better (Except GS2 which is worse). Definetely get all three, I would even recommend for you to stop playing Apollo Justice and beat Phoenix Wright 1-3 before continuing so you can enjoy Apollo Justice more (Specifically the last case which I've read some details on).
Callibretto said:I'm sure there's a connection between Apollo and Trucy's similar power, Phoenix seemsto know something about Apollo, he keep implaying that Apollo have that power from the beginning, brother and sister perhaps?
Ramenman said:Yes.
I'm only on the beginning on the 2nd case, and already there's so much references to the first 3 games. Nothing really "important" but, it feels good to be "in the know", it's like little bits of stealth fanservice.
For example the Ema Skye who finally became detective, the panties stuffed in the car, Phoenix's theme popping up when he comes to help you, and goddamn they managed to put the Ladder-Stepladder thing AGAINIt wasn't even funny the first time, but somehow I absolutely love their obstination to put it in every game. Also, not surprised that Phoenix don't get hurt when bumped by a car, since he can fall through a burning bridge and keep on living.
The traduction on this one is still great too. The justice puns, and mainly the new stealth meme everyone will love :
I really don't understand this theory.Relaxed Muscle said:and lol at Trucy.
They don't even hide it's actually Pearl Fey,so obvious
ShockingAlberto said:I really don't understand this theory.
Why would it be Pearl? Her name is different. There is a picture of her as a kid and it is different. She has an unnatural power of perception and it is entirely different from anything in the Kurain Village. Also, she wouldn't drop her Fey name. I am pretty positive that Pearl is the "kid" Phoenix refers to who sends him Pink Princess DVDs.
ShockingAlberto said:Well, I disagree a bit. Phoenix always felt like he was aware of how things should be and was thrust in to a world of the absurd. Idiot friends, spirit channeling from a teenage idiot, an asshole rival, magicians, gay french chefs, Phoenix was living in an Escher painting and he was the only one who noticed it. Apollo tacitly accepts the weirdness because he's so new. He figures "Well, this doesn't seem normal, but I'm new, so I guess it is to them." A lot of his thought processes are like this. Things Phoenix would scoff at, Apollo just accepts.
Microphone can be used to yell Objection! and Hold it! as you cross examine witnesses
This.Ramenman said:Since I'm playing the game I don't care that much, but I do think some people in this thread could use some more heavy spoilering.
I mean, posting "last forms" gifs of witnesses can be considered spoilers, actually only knowing some character will take the witness stand at some point can be a hell of a spoiler in some case (just think First Case).
Crumpet Trumpet said:Can someone help me? I'm stuck in Case 2!
I just finished the part where you find the sandals and match the prints up with the slippers. What next?
Well, Case 5 of the PW1 DS was written after PW2 and 3 so I'd imagine the writers probably forgot to dumb him down a little.firex said:going to avoid most of the posts in here now that it's mostly about AJ's game, but I've been replaying case 5 of PW:AA to kind of refresh myself with the characters that return in AJ:AA (although I guess that's just Ema) and the case is still pretty awesome.
but the one thing I don't like about it is how smart PW is compared to the other cases in PW2 and PW3. Like if you play through the trilogy just going by the original cases, you can see PW's arguing skills improve as each game goes on and it's pretty cool. Case 5 of PW:AA though is written like PW is as experienced/smart as a defense attorney as he is at the end of PW3. And the case itself is so big and epic that it kind of makes most of the other cases in PW2 seem really stupid by comparison, and makes PW himself seem like he had a horrible relapse in his lawyer skills between the two games.
I guess the easier way to explain it is I feel like case 5 of PW:AA is so good and PW is so smart in it (which is welcome) that it makes PW2 look even worse, and it kind of makes the character seem really inconsistent.
Hcoregamer00 said:Seeing all this Trucy love makes me so happy.
Especially since the people at the court records forum hated her, I also heard that she wasn't that well received in Japan.
I guess the Trucy defense force will be the good ol' US of A.
Hcoregamer00 said:Seeing all this Trucy love makes me so happy.
Especially since the people at the court records forum hated her, I also heard that she wasn't that well received in Japan.
I guess the Trucy defense force will be the good ol' US of A.
Callibretto said:is there any reason for that? something in later cases that may make me change my opinion, or it's just maya fanboy hating on Trucy?
Hcoregamer00 said:Seeing all this Trucy love makes me so happy.
Especially since the people at the court records forum hated her, I also heard that she wasn't that well received in Japan.
I guess the Trucy defense force will be the good ol' US of A.
Too late!!!grandjedi6 said:But seriously don't ever go to court records, ever. Edgeworth/Phoenix hentai is something that will scar you for life.
Amon37 said::lol :lol
Well at least I won't be like WTF if I'm somewhere and here someone suddenly yell.
Odrion said:What stealth meme?
ChaoticBlue said:game should be cheaper for something you're most likely ever gonna play once.
darkjacob said:Maybe her character is different in the japanese version?
Neither do I. I mean, it's obvious thatCallibretto said:I don't really get the hate for Emma