Count Dookkake
gdt5016 said:I just don't really worry about it.
And, to tell the truth, if it were to come out that some/all of the calls are fake, I dont know if I would find them less funny.
As an aside,
I thought Monday's show was fantastic. The Jimmy, then Ben AND Jimmy interviews were wayyyyy awesome.
Nothing compares to his Tom Snyder appearance.gdt5016 said:Check out his other appearances on the show, they're legendary.
Salmonax said:I liked Artie a lot better when he was sleeping through half the show and falling apart. It seems like Howard has to wrestle the show away from him a lot of the time.
Salmonax said:Nothing compares to his Tom Snyder appearance.
Gary Whitta said:I enjoy the Stern show but I can't stand Lange, he doesn't know when to shut up and 99% of his shit isn't even close to funny. I find myself changing the station more and more. It's a shame. I'd really prefer it if he just left the show.
I love when they nearly start tickling each other. Just madness. :lolgdt5016 said:Holy shit that was great.
Salmonax said:I think Artie can still be a solid contributor, but he just needs to calm down. Let Howard run the show/interviews and jump in with the occasional potshot. Lately he has a very loosely-related story for every topic (most of which aren't great), and he steps all over guests with jokes that really aren't worth the interruption.
I'd love it if this situation came to a head on the air, but for some reason Howard is oddly nonconfrontational with Artie.
Yeah I've heard him do this a few times recently, a guest will be in the middle of saying something and Lange will jump in with a totally lame wisecrack that achieves nothing but derail the guest's train of thought. I really hope Stern pulls him aside and gives him a talking to soon, if you listen to the wrap-up show it's clear that Lange is rubbing an increasing number of Stern's fans the wrong way.Salmonax said:and he steps all over guests with jokes that really aren't worth the interruption.
Dear Andrew,
Thank you for your email regarding Howard Stern being unavailable on
your iPhoneTM device. We are here to assist!
Andrew, SIRIUS & XM offer all of the channels for which we have mobile
performance rights. For that reason, certain satellite channels like
MLB Play-by-Play, NFL Play-by-Play, SIRIUS NASCAR Radio, and Howard
Stern will not be available on mobile devices. Listeners will continue
to be able to access that programming through the platforms they are
currently offered on. We have included a link to our website below where
you can find the online streaming channel line-up. We understand your disappointment as not
being able to hear Howard, but we trust that you will see the value in
this service.
If we can be of further assistance, please feel free to visit us online
at or contact a Listener Care Representative
directly at 1-888-539-7474.
Thanks again for contacting us and remember, everything worth listening
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I listening to the show right now and just heard them mention this. I can't believe how much of a money grubbing shitface Howard can be...gdt5016 said:Well, there appears to be some controversy over the fact that Howard isn't available on the new iPhone Sirius App.
Heres an e-mail from Sirius to a poster on SFN:
Some over there are blaming Don/Howard for this. Howard has certainly always limited when/how he can be heard.
sykoex said:I listening to the show right now and just heard them mention this. I can't believe how much of a money grubbing shitface Howard can be...
Siruis payed him half a billion dollar to be a part of Sirius, so how in the fuck does Howard have the balls to not allow them to put him on the official Sirius app? I don't even have an iPhone/iTouch, but it just amazes me how greedy Howard can be.
Gary Whitta said:Hold on a minute... they don't have mobile performance rights? Does that mean you can't get the Stern or NASCAR or MLB channels on the official Sirius portable devices like the Stiletto?
Yeah he's definitely available on the Stiletto.gdt5016 said:I think, THINK, you can get him on the Stiletto. In fact, I'm pretty sure.
It's a sucky thing for the fans, but I posted my thoughts on that above.
Gary Whitta said:It's a stupid, short-sighted move. Why wouldn't you want to do something that could help grow your audience? I don't pretend to know Stern's mind but I suspect that all the benefits he enjoys at Sirius (no censorship, two entire stations devoted entirely to him) is obviated by the fact that deep down he knows he's not reaching anything like the audience he used to on terrestrial radio. The other week on the show they played a clip where a local news guy made a joke about Stern having disappeared from the mainstream and Stern's reaction was really vitriolic; clearly it struck a nerve. I wonder if he's really happy playing to the very passionate but also very niche fan base he has on satellite compared to the nationwide masses he got when he was syndicated terrestrially.
I also think he kinda misses the FCC controversy stuff. That's what really put him in the public eye, but now that he can say fuck as many times as he likes without anyone really caring, that's got to be less fun.
Given all that, I don't understand why he wouldn't want to do something that would extend the reach of his show - which this iPhone app would definitely do - it might just help Sirius stave off bankruptcy at least until his contract is up.
Gary Whitta said:Yeah, I think Stern always thrived on the controversy and the fights he got into. He loved going to war against his critics and the FCC. Now nobody in the mainstream really gives a shit about what he's doing, that's got to eat at him a little.
Does anyone know what kind of audience he actually reaches at Sirius? I don't know if they do ratings breakdowns by channels but I'd love to know. I'm sure that's a fascinating part of the whole biz side of Stern's involvement with Sirius... they paid him so much money to bring him over but the network is still totally failing, so at this point is he the only thing keeping them afloat or the biggest anchor around their necks? I'd love to know the financials.
ntb825 said:Pretty sure that Howard once said they have 8.5-10 million regular listeners.
alr1ghtstart said:wasn't there some 3rd party sirius app that worked?
omg rite said:Hey, is he really on vacation until July 12th?
omg rite said:Doesn't he take another 2 weeks in August + every Friday?
Bad time to be off too, with the MJ thing providing great radio. Wanted to hear his thoughts on that.
Manick Joe said:I only really started to listen in his last year of commercial radio (but watched the E! shows pretty religiously way before that) and I can't believe how much they applauded back in the KROQ days as I catch up by listening to the History of Howard Stern Act II. It's almost like how Letterman's show is now instead of just laughing at jokes.
alr1ghtstart said:I really wish he would say when he was going on vacation. I've heard his "explanation" as to why he doesn't say, but it always irritates me when he's not live.
alr1ghtstart said:I really wish he would say when he was going on vacation. I've heard his "explanation" as to why he doesn't say, but it always irritates me when he's not live.
gdt5016 said:What was his reasoning BTW?