Are you in the mood for a cover shooter (Gears) or first-person shooter (Halo).
I personally enjoy Gears more because it's a lot of fun, there are a lot of great personalities, and the story is easy to follow across games. I have a lot of fun with Halo, especially co-op, but I have given up trying to follow the story.
Having never played any of the games before, I picked up copies of GOW 1-3 + Judgment and the Master Chief Collection when I got my Xbox on black friday. I just completed the first games in both series in the last couple of days having played a mission or so at a time, and I kinda found they complimented each other. Halo is a lot faster paced and kinda arcade'y, and Gears seeming slightly slower paced, also it helps that the reload button on each are the same.
I didn't even
cover shooters were different than
first person shooters. I thought and FPS is and FPS is and FPS.
I finished Gears 1 like a week ago; finished Halo 1 last night. Preferred Gears by a mile.
Gears: shoot shit, clear the area, move to the next area. shoot shit, clear the area, move to the next area. It's simple, it's fun, and then there's cool parts/elements added with the trains and carts and tanks and that make-sure-your-path-is-lit chapter. The story was zzZZz, but I didn't mind.
Halo: walk through these big levels that have like 10 different areas even though they all look the same, so you get lost
a lot. A lot of backtracking; a lot of "have I been here before?... am I supposed to go back through here?" Checkpoints at odd places; if you get to a checkpoint low with health you're fucked. No aim button. Would have preferred more than two weapons at a time. Grenades you can't see killing you. Sometimes enemies respawn, sometimes they don't. you can't tell if they're dead or not. Story was kinda neat.
finna dive into Lost Odyssey this weekend. I was actually looking at buying this, and Blue Dragon, when I first got the Xbone. never played em; love Sakaguchi+Uematsu.
Also I've probably played like 5 hours of Peggle 2 without realizing it. fuck EA access :\