PS2 level graphics?? Are we playing the same game? Seriously, the graphics aren't the best this gen, but they are still well ahead of last gen, and for an open world game where everything is destructible, I think it looks pretty damn good.
Also, there are tons of little touches that are nice and some fun physics going on. For instance, I was in the middle of a fire fight and shot out the stake holding down a rope that was keeping a pile of pipes in place. The pipes then rolled down and crushed a couple of bad guys. Definitely a cool moment.
Also, I finished off a mission, with a helicopter in hot pursuit at the time. I got the contract complete message, accepted my payout, and I figured that was that. I drove off looking for some new things to do, and noticed that the helicopter was still following me! Just because the mission was done for me, doesn't mean it was over for him! :lol I had to take him out to get him off my tail.
Fun stuff!