I've played it a bit more (currently a bit past when the AN and china rush in), and I'm still surprised at how easy this game is. I've gone through several missions that the game made seem like they were much harder than they actually were, what with Fiona recommending total devastation for a cakewalk.
Stupid AI mistakes aside (rockets and point blank range next to a fuel tank, destroying the structure they're standing on, etc.), the enemies do not seem even as smart as they were in Mercs 1. The guys on Giant Bomb were spot on when they said the combat doesn't require much at all; melee = instant kill = >_<.
Going back to Mercs 1 again, it may just be the way this game is presented, but the first one seemed a lot bigger. Right at the beginning you knew you had 52 people to kidnap/kill, and it was made out to be quite an adventure, not even counting the numerous side quests floating around. Much more of the stress in Mercs 2 seems to be placed on the side quests; the massive checklist on the Log screen shows that perfectly.
And the health system...ugh, 1-20 is the same as 20-100. I realize the game is meant to be very arcade-like, but I should not be able to jump out of a chopper at full height and survive, even with 1 health remaining (which itself may as well be 20 health). On the same note, a direct hit with a rocket launcher, or even a close by one, should kill me when I have less than 50 health.
Don't get me wrong; I do enjoy the game for what it is, and that's a fun "blow shit up" game. Fun for fun's sake isn't necessarily a bad thing, and the co-op really is a blast, but there are definite annoying flaws.
Duck said:
I'm loving Mercs 2, but I'd try to find it at $30/$40 if you're buying it.