360 version is region locked for sure.
I have to agree. Back burner it goes for me until I hear more reviews.Kung Fu Jedi said:Wow! These early impressions are not making me very happy.With so many games out now or on the horizon, I may put this one on the back burner and wait if it's really as bad as people are saying.
notjackbauer said:I played it last night (PS3), and I'm enjoying it. Gameplay wise it's very similar to the first one- the biggest changes are L3 sprint and L1 zoom aim- almost functions as a lock on. You'll feel right at home.
People are right that a lot of the textures are pretty low-res, and I for one really miss euphoria. BUT I've barely scratched the surface of the game- no grappling hook, no helicopter, no real firepower. The big graphics test, for me, will be flying a helicopter over the jungle then decimating a city with a hail of missiles. Who cares about a splotchy wall texture when the point of the game is HUGE FUCKING EXPLOSIONS?
I think it's really fun- there's a lot of depth to the PMC aspect and the resources you need to collect. As with the first one, you can tell the designers are military nerds with the amount of details in the vehicles and weapons.
Other stuff- there's quite a lot of traffic on the street at all times, and there are a lot of firefights happening kind of randomly around. This was one of my favorite aspects of the original, and I'm glad to say they've ramped it up big time, it seems.
I think as I get into it (the game tells me I'm at 0%) I'll like it more and more. Mercs1 fans, have no fear!
eh, these impressions are just vague bashing. No one bought the first one because of the mechanics or fucking texture (lol); it sold word of mouth because it was insane fun. Got it ealier today and all you need to know is it's STILL insane fun and has tight, stable co-op (very solid, no skips need to play more later) that makes it even more fun. LOL textures ffs how will I nuke that building is I can't tell if its brick or stucko.DenogginizerOS said:I have to agree. Back burner it goes for me until I hear more reviews.
Zenith said:can you tell me how it compares to Just Cause?
LOL!BobTheFork said:eh, these impressions are just vague bashing. No one bought the first one because of the mechanics or fucking texture (lol); it sold word of mouth because it was insane fun. Got it ealier today and all you need to know is it's STILL insane fun and has tight, stable co-op (very solid, no skips need to play more later) that makes it even more fun. LOL textures ffs how will I nuke that building is I can't tell if its brick or stucko.
to repeat
graphics- ?
sound - ?
controls - ?
replayability - ?
FUN - 10
Scotch said:Urge to buy diminishing. I'm definitely waiting for some reviews or demo first.
yes. I just got into it a few hours ago and I not saying 'best game ever' but yeah I can already tell it's lots of fun and I haven't even got the good weapons, vehicles and missions yet.DenogginizerOS said:LOL!
I just feel better when I am spending $60 and there are other games coming soon (Force Unleashed, NHL 09, Tiger) that I am budgeting for if there are good impressions. I trust your opinions so I will file them under the "good" category. I take it you got the PS3 version?
Crackdown and Just Cause did. So did the first Mercenaries.BobTheFork said:yes. I just got into it a few hours ago and I not saying 'best game ever' but yeah I can already tell it's lots of fun and I haven't even got the good weapons, vehicles and missions yet.
Edit: GreyFox, sandbox games don't usually get demos for a reason.
oh ffs. Ok then They haven't talked about making one so don't expect to see one.Scotch said:Crackdown and Just Cause did. So did the first Mercenaries.
Technically it doesn't come out until Sunday (lots of broken street dates) so maybe later in the week or next week some comparisons come out. Given the online co-op go with the system your friends have. If that doesn't matter, then I doubt there much difference, the multiplatform gap seems all but closed recently.Barso said:Any PS3, 360 comparisons?
Sorry to ask but £40 for the better version hopefully is not alot to ask for.
Thanks to all help and replies.
Can you tell a bit more about how the online coop is? How far away is the friend you're playing with (do you know your ping to him)? Do you know if there's any substantial lag for you or your friend when playing coop?BobTheFork said:Got it ealier today and all you need to know is it's STILL insane fun and has tight, stable co-op (very solid, no skips need to play more later) that makes it even more fun.
GrayFoxPL said:Which version are the impressions from?
Mine are from the 360 version.DenogginizerOS said:Which version? PS3 or X360? or PS2 or PC?
notjackbauer said:sorry, never played just cause. A couple other things I thought of-
I was surprised by how awesome the music is! It really adds a lot, along with great sound effects. Also, the driving controls have been redone- it's still a little twitchy but feels much less boxy. I can't wait to get home and tear shit up!!
I'm with you BobTheFork. FUN!
Zenith said:what are the vehicles like. do they all feel the same or are the weapon systems modelled accurately (I don't mean realistically, but does the cannon of a T55 feel different to that of an Abrams or whatever)
They control pretty floaty. It uses A and X (or X and square) to accelerate/brake, so that took some getting used to. The tanks handle like crap. The left stick is for turning and accelerating, and the camera doesn't stick behind it, so you're always having to re-adjust it.Zenith said:what are the vehicles like. do they all feel the same or are the weapon systems modelled accurately (I don't mean realistically, but does the cannon of a T55 feel different to that of an Abrams or whatever)
Flunkie said:They control pretty floaty. It uses A and X (or X and square) to accelerate/brake, so that took some getting used to. The tanks handle like crap. The left stick is for turning and accelerating, and the camera doesn't stick behind it, so you're always having to re-adjust it.
As far as I can tell, you can't modify the controls one bit.
AgentOtaku said:you play the first Mercs1?
...this is exactly how tanks/APCs controlled
notjackbauer said:Mercs1 fans, have no fear!
That's cool.. I'm just saying that that's how they control. Right now I don't prefer it, but most games grow on me pretty fast. I played it a little more tonight and finally started getting stuff like the grappling hook.. pretty cool.AgentOtaku said:you play the first Mercs1?
...this is exactly how tanks/APCs controlled
Definitely freakin' awesome. They're one at a time though. If I put a C4 charge right in between two gas tanks, one blows up, and then the other follows. Happens every time.Acid08 said:How do the explosions look? If theres one thing I want to look good in this fame its the explosions.
Shaheed79 said:If you want to see the first few missions played out go to http://tinyurl.com/6zq3px.
El_TigroX said:2) This game needed another 6 months of polish. I ran into a tremendous amount of glitching and bugs in just 4 hours:
* Falling through the ground
* Buildings blowing up, but not being counted, reappearing and then blowing up again, even though no one shot it... repeat 3 more times.
* Enemies appearing from their tanks without heads or faces (Less a bug and just a noticeable problem)
* General clipping issues that affect gameplay
El_TigroX said:I've been playing this game on my 360 for the past 4 hours. I want to echo some things that were said about it:
1) It's fun - coop is fun if you have a friend that likes to mess around and do crazy things
2) This game needed another 6 months of polish. I ran into a tremendous amount of glitching and bugs in just 4 hours:
* Falling through the ground
* Buildings blowing up, but not being counted, reappearing and then blowing up again, even though no one shot it... repeat 3 more times.
* Enemies appearing from their tanks without heads or faces (Less a bug and just a noticeable problem)
* General clipping issues that affect gameplay
3) The textures are rough looking, but not distracting in any way
4) The game sometimes doesn't make sense - I'll chalk this up to being co-op and things being a bit crazy
5) Last, but not least, it's fun!!!!
You don't have to hold it down. You can just click it.AgentOtaku said:still not happy to hear about L3 to sprint
....FUCK!!! (>___<)
El_TigroX said:* Buildings blowing up, but not being counted, reappearing and then blowing up again, even though no one shot it... repeat 3 more times.
Flunkie said:I haven't seen the building disappearing/reappearing glitch thing yet, though.
AgentOtaku said:still not happy to hear about L3 to sprint
....FUCK!!! (>___<)
I was going to say the same thing. It seems the co-op mode is pretty buggy. I may wait until someone comes out with an unofficial patch that fixes the net code and regular bugs before I dip.saunderez said:That to me sounds like a netcode problem.
So it's basically Saints Row.El_TigroX said:I've been playing this game on my 360 for the past 4 hours. I want to echo some things that were said about it:
1) It's fun - coop is fun if you have a friend that likes to mess around and do crazy things
2) This game needed another 6 months of polish. I ran into a tremendous amount of glitching and bugs in just 4 hours:
* Falling through the ground
* Buildings blowing up, but not being counted, reappearing and then blowing up again, even though no one shot it... repeat 3 more times.
* Enemies appearing from their tanks without heads or faces (Less a bug and just a noticeable problem)
* General clipping issues that affect gameplay
3) The textures are rough looking, but not distracting in any way
4) The game sometimes doesn't make sense - I'll chalk this up to being co-op and things being a bit crazy
5) Last, but not least, it's fun!!!!
SapientWolf said:So it's basically Saints Row.
You're right. It's an online desync problem. Usually means the netcode is pretty shitty.saunderez said:That to me sounds like a netcode problem.
Cosmic Bus said:Same here. I always cringe when I see anything significant mapped to either L3 or R3.