I just tried my local Sears and they claimed they didn't have the game yet. Although one woman said she saw a box of new games, but one of them had a 'Do not sell before 8/28' date on it ( so I knew they had them, just didn't have the lack of brains to put them on the shelves yet...
On another note, on Wednesday I tried a ghetto Kmart, and actually talked an employee to go to the back and see if they had it. She came back out with it and I got all excited and then she scanned it into her 1995 era computer, and I got a big FU because it said it was before the sale date.... I was freaking pissed as that Kmart has not renovated shit in it for at least 10 years, yet they have a register that is halfway smart...
The other thing that sucked is the woman was not exactly the sharpest knife in the tool box either...
Oh well, Sunday morning it is then...