Stained glass plays like Zelda 2?Change the paper to stained glass and you got yourself a hit.
Sounds a lot like the game in this video
Stained glass plays like Zelda 2?Change the paper to stained glass and you got yourself a hit.
Well joke's on you, since they're alternate universe us (with hats), you just called yourself atrocious
actually, i love hats, i want to be with them...
(Ice, I'm not quite sure how that worked out but through a sleight of fate i happened upon your gif when i searched for that image...gj nice haha, never got to see it)
Oh, so that originated on gaf also thenRösti;38257436 said:I belive I created that image, it's a spoof on a Two and a Half Men ad.
I guess I am ):
You'd rather be a cowboy than me lover? I am disappointed.
Thanks, most people didn't like it because I used white font like an idiot.
Good, now Nintendo won't make one.
Sunshine was fantastic... for 70 stars. Those blue coins were simply awful.
So guys what the hell is this? haha
They stole our train!
So guys what the hell is this? haha
They stole our train!
So guys what the hell is this? haha
They stole our train!
goddamnit Nintendo give us the wave race! With a sexy online oh gawd..Give me a new Wave Race... NOW!
goddamnit Nintendo give us the wave race! With a sexy online oh gawd..
Just Cause 2 looks pretty damn impressive for an open world game.
The Triforceathon in Wind Waker made me look up a FAQ after putting to down for a few months cause of it. Glad I did though!I'll always remember David Sirlin's comment about the Blue Coins.
Mario Sunshine is actually the only game in this list for which I ever had to look up secrets on the internet. After looking them up, I wondered if I were in prison for 20 years with no entertainment other than Mario Sunshine, could I find all these blue coins without a FAQ? Probably not, I concluded.
Maybe the worst of all collectibles
Blue Storm wasn't as pretty but I always thought the dynamic wave and wake deformation was pretty impressive.Seriously man, holy shit that water looks amazing.
Major League Eating already came out for Wii Ware.the number 1 thing i'd like to see happen at E3
I think it was because of its randomness and "difficulty". Putting Mario in a tropical island setting didn't sit well for some people apparently. Anyways, I loved it.
Would you rather a sequel to CastleVania Judgement or Soul Calibur Legends?
Sunshine was fantastic... for 70 stars. Those blue coins were simply awful.
So I've seen photos of Iwata and Miyamoto in their youth and in the 80's-90's, but what about Reggie?
Weekends are usually pretty shitty for news and leaks. This week is the ramp up to E3, so I think we'll start getting some more serious hints and news then.
Said it before and i'll say i again: we nintendo fans need to step our fucking game up and put our money where our mouths are.
Resident Evil 6
Tomb Raider
Half Life 3
Bioshock Infinite
Bordernlands 2
Assassin's Creed 3
Aliens CM
Darksiders II
Call of Duty: Blops 2
Cloudberry Kingdom
Castlevania LOS2
Rayman Legends
You tell me that out of all these titles that could show up on the WiiU, some of you can't even find three of them appealing? We have to do our part.
Let's start a game of Dream Nintendo E3 2012.
Dream E3 -
Tech specs revealed, custom Radeon 6770, very fast four core CPU, 2GB's of Ram, 1TB HDD.
They show off UE4 running on Wii U with an exclusive third party game revealed.
They show off CryEngine 3 running on Wii U with an exclusive third party game revealed.
Retro announce a new IP and it's out in the launch window.
F-Zero and Starfox Wii U are launch games to go along with Pikmin 3.
Video showing Zelda, Mario Universe, Metroid, Smash Bros and Mario Kart is shown.
Blops 2, Resident Evil 6 and GTA V announced for the system.
All third party games run at 1080p native, 60 fps locked with extra PC like graphical effects.
Core Controller revealed with support for every game announced if your not into the tablet.
Nintendo Network is as stable for online gaming as XBL.
Nintendo Network is free.
Wii U store available on day one with almost every major NES / SNES / N64 / GC games.
Play any of those games wirelessly away from the main console on the tablet.
Achievement / Trophy like system revealed.
Console out in October for launch of Resident Evil 6 and GTA V.
$300 launch price.
I don't really understand why every 3D Mario has to have 120 stars. I t seems so arbitrary, and a result they all have filler. Sunshine is obviously the worst culprit but the others aren't innocent either.
- Pikmin 3 has a very impressive online mode.Let's start a game of Dream Nintendo E3 2012.
Dream E3 -
Tech specs revealed, custom Radeon 6770, very fast four core CPU, 2GB's of Ram, 1TB HDD.
They show off UE4 running on Wii U with an exclusive third party game revealed.
They show off CryEngine 3 running on Wii U with an exclusive third party game revealed.
Retro announce a new IP and it's out in the launch window.
F-Zero and Starfox Wii U are launch games to go along with Pikmin 3.
Video showing Zelda, Mario Universe, Metroid, Smash Bros and Mario Kart is shown.
Blops 2, Resident Evil 6 and GTA V announced for the system.
All third party games run at 1080p native, 60 fps locked with extra PC like graphical effects.
Core Controller revealed with support for every game announced if your not into the tablet.
Nintendo Network is as stable for online gaming as XBL.
Nintendo Network is free.
Wii U store available on day one with almost every major NES / SNES / N64 / GC games.
Play any of those games wirelessly away from the main console on the tablet.
Achievement / Trophy like system revealed.
Console out in October for launch of Resident Evil 6 and GTA V.
$300 launch price.
Have they ever came out and said if streaming games to the UPad is a feature that's built into the hardware/software or is it something the devs can choose to implement?
Have they ever came out and said if streaming games to the UPad is a feature that's built into the hardware/software or is it something the devs can choose to implement?
Have they ever came out and said if streaming games to the UPad is a feature that's built into the hardware/software or is it something the devs can choose to implement?
No clue about GPU stuff, but I'm kind of thinking of an analogy with video encoders. Like there's hardware specific for encoding functions these days on some chips, I don't know how much space/transistors they take up, but I'm pretty sure they're more efficient at the task than general compute processors like regular CPUs or in this particular case, programmable shaders.
Perhaps they could make some stripped down shader units primarily for whatever effects (tesselation, lighting, blah blah), rather than necessarily making magic new hardware. It'd kind of fit in with the argument that if they had something special it'd already be in use in their other GPUs, since this would be sort of cutting down something existing to make specialized hardware rather than creating something new from scratch, whereas on higher end hardware they could just throw on more standard general use hardware.
But that's all just crazy speculation.
Have they ever came out and said if streaming games to the UPad is a feature that's built into the hardware/software or is it something the devs can choose to implement?
My hunch? We're going to see a small little symbol on the corner of game boxes indicating that a game can be played on the uPad independently from the TV.
For example, look at the upper-right on this box:
There will be a little uPad symbol on there if it's a uPad-only-enabled game.
At least.. that would be my own theory.
That would be very confusing. These symbols indicate if these peripherals are used in that particular game. Having a symbol of the uPad by itself doesn't make sense, because all of the games will make use of it.
It doesn't indicate that the game can be played independently from the TV.
this reminds me what is the official name for the uPad?
its going to need one from Nintendo
this reminds me what is the official name for the uPad?
its going to need one from Nintendo
this reminds me what is the official name for the uPad?
its going to need one from Nintendo
I wonder if Apple would take issue with Nintendo using the uPad/Upad name even though its for a different type of electronics product.
I do wonder, though, if we will hear about people that enjoy their wii u without even having it hooked to a tv set?
You know somebody is going to end up carting the console to a Starbucks and hooking it up to one of their complimentary outlets to play in the corner.
You know somebody is going to end up carting the console to a Starbucks and hooking it up to one of their complimentary outlets to play in the corner.
The home stretch gentlemen. I still remember when we were three months away.