So, you believe the Ps4 will ship by this holidays? Ok, there's no use of discussing with you then.
I said next E3. Not this E3.
E3 2013. PS4 will be at E3 2013.
They won't let Microsoft beat them to the punch.
So, you believe the Ps4 will ship by this holidays? Ok, there's no use of discussing with you then.
Well lherre didn't quite say that. I said high-end vs mid-range. He then called Wii U low-end, and then I said only if we call PS4 mid-range. From there he said PS4 wasn't final. So essentially it still works it way back around to what has been said before.
another good point as well. Console cycles are becoming so long that console investment doesn't seem so bad.PC gaming is all about getting the top performance, 1080p etc, if your not picky about that and just want to get one upgrade, play next gen games decently and call it a day, might as well buy ps4/720. Most likely both consoles will have a 8-10 year cycle.
I said next E3. Not this E3.
E3 2013.
Ah I see. Thanks for clearing it up. So in the end do you think PS4 will be much closer to the Wii U, the 720, or right in between? Based off the specs Sony seems to be going with.
As I said awhile ago, I'm fairly certain Microsoft already has plans to use UE4 for several internally developed titles. Epic were in talks of getting more grunt out of the hardware, and did not state UE4 wouldn't work without said grunt.
UE4 will run on Microsoft's next system. I bet my position as a moderator on it.
Closer to Xbox 3.
Lets say UE4 doesn't/won't support the wii u. Does this mean that any game built using the unreal engine 4 will not run on the wii u no matter what?
No. Someone twisting the original UE4 rumor on another site if I remember correctly.
the gap between the wii and the other 2 was SO big that I assumed there were other circumstancesDid any game that ran on UE3 support the Wii?
PS2 succeeded because it released one year ahead of the competition.
Oh, I'm sure it will. I think that Microsoft's next system will be close enough to the Wii U that both will support UE4 eventually.
I think we're having the wrong discussion. Lets say UE4 doesn't/won't support the wii u. Does this mean that any game built using the unreal engine 4 will not run on the wii u no matter what? I think that's the key question here...the scaling.
I don't think that will bother people, I figure everyone here at least would just be happy to get the support.If they are able to scale it so that the game they build runs on UE3 then I don't think they should have problems porting. It's just the Wii U version might lose some effects and whatever the UE4 has to offer.
If they are able to scale it so that the game they build runs on UE3 then I don't think they should have problems porting. It's just the Wii U version might lose some effects and whatever the UE4 has to offer.
I don't think that will bother people, I figure everyone here at least would just be happy to get the support.
The other question is "Will developers think its worth the time to downscale games from Durango/PS4 for the Wii U?."
I mean Street Fighter IV for 360/PS3 could have been easily scaled down and brought to the Wii, but Capcom chose not to.
Although some games like Call of Duty could be down scaled.
they'll probably just say fuck it lolI definitely won't be bothered one bit as long as we have those games running on the Wii U. The question is, will developers bother and how easy will it be for them to do scale their games?
Oh, I'm sure it will. I think that Microsoft's next system will be close enough to the Wii U that both will support UE4 eventually.
Well as long as the Wii U is the PS2 of this generation in terms of power then I don't mind. I'm just worried that developers will make excuses not to port over 720/PS4 titles over.
Edit: Sorry. I seem to worry quite a bit in these threads.![]()
I think we're having the wrong discussion. Lets say UE4 doesn't/won't support the wii u. Does this mean that any game built using the unreal engine 4 will not run on the wii u no matter what? I think that's the key question here...the scaling.
duhhh, I just mean overall. As long as a game built on the engine can still be scaled, no big deal imo. But like I just said, developers will probably say fuck it and not do it. Such is life.Epic has already said UE4 won't scale in that manner. Power-wise it can scale down. Feature-wise it won't.
Hah. You and I were thinking the same thing. It's up to the developer in the end.
Well, that depends on three things IMO:
1.- Does the Wii U sports a Dx11 or not.
2.- If not, is Epic or a third party willing/capable of adapting UE4 to Wii U's non standard GPU.
3.- UE4 does require a minimum performance threshold that the Wii U (and mobile hardware for quite some years) won't achieve.
I don't know the answers to this questions. But probably neither does Geoff Keighley.
Don't believe Geoff's and Mike Capps' lies.
Epic has already said UE4 won't scale in that manner. Power-wise it can scale down. Feature-wise it won't.
Nothing you wrote addresses my three questions.Unreal Engine 3 was eventually ported to iOS and Adobe Flash. Wii's architecture was too dated to handle it, but Wii U will, at the very least, support programmable shaders. That was the big "leap" that separated next-gen consoles from the Wii, and why the Wii's third-party support dried up so quickly. Everybody had shifted to middleware that was incompatible with the last generation of consoles.
Well, for what is wroth, is my understanding that CE3 is capable of that on the HD twins.Don't the key new features Epic is hyping - the fully realtime lighting that supposedly saves devs thousands of man-hours - require brute-force GPU horsepower? Still a bit confused about that.
And the worst part of it all is, the down scaled Wii U ports of Durango/PS4 games will be given to shitty teams.
Activision or EA will give Wii U scaled down ports to their shitty teams, and give the Durango/PS4 versions to the super talented teams.
So I'm not sure why people are begging for PS4/Durango watered down Wii U ports.
They won't just be watered down. They'll probably be shitty because they'll be given to shitty teams that won't put any care or effort into the Wii U version.
Nothing you wrote addresses my three questions.
This could end up being true, but how were ports handled with the GC/PS2/Xbox? Were they developed by the same teams? I mean I don't see why they will be developed by a different team unless they began porting 720/PS4 games to the Wii U late into development.
I feel as if they will put more effort into the Wii U version depending on how successful the console in this next year. They didn't expect the Wii to be the monster it turned out to be in terms of sales. If the Wii U is close to being what the Wii was, I believe that developers will have to have their talented teams to work on the console.
duhhh, I just mean overall. As long as a game built on the engine can still be scaled, no big deal imo. But like I just said, developers will probably say fuck it and not do it. Such is life.
Don't believe Geoff's and Mike Capps' lies.
Don't the key new features Epic is hyping - the fully realtime lighting that supposedly saves devs thousands of man-hours - require brute-force GPU horsepower? Still a bit confused about that.
Good question, I'm not sure how GC/PS2/Xbox ports were handled. But those 3 systems were closer in power so I'm sure it wasn't handled as drastically as Wii ports for 360/PS3 games. Every 360/PS3 game that had a Wii port seemed to always have a completely separate team for that Wii port.
I'm not sure on GC/PS2/Xbox.
Only to run it at the level Epic wants, yes. I also found the info I was looking for and coincidentally you made the thread.
When people talk about Dx11 class GPU they are talking more about the architecture and instruction set of the GPU. Modern mobile GPU's are DirectX 9.0c+ compliant, so are the 360, Ps3 and the minimum required GPU for UE3 games, being Pc or Mac.1.- Doesn't matter. UE3 doesn't require DirectX anymore. Neither will UE4, in time.
I don't know. Epic refused to port UE3 to the 3DS, for example.2.- The more ubiquitous UE4 is, the better. So yes.
I don't know that, neither do you.3.- They'll lower the bar over time to meet a threshold far lower than the Wii U's specifications. (That of smartphones and tablets.)
Well the thing with the Wii is that the gap between it and the 360/PS3 was pretty huge. I don't think the gap between the Wii U and 720/PS4 will be as big, so it could turn out that the Wii U ports will be developed by the same team as the 720/PS4 games.
I feel as if the Wii U will not be getting UE4, but an upgraded version of UE3 that will be used to scale UE4 games to the Wii U. Just a hunch.
well yeah, of course. But could Nintendo have really made that much of an oversight?If I understand you correctly, not if Wii U's GPU doesn't support the necessary features for it.
I just realized something.
One thing I noticed is bgassassin and Iherre hinting at PS4 being more in the middle range (in between Wii U's power and Durango's power.)
Depending on how powerful Sony's next system is, it may have a huge effect on what scaled down ports Wii U gets. Epic doesn't want to screw themselves where the only system that can use Unreal Engine 4 is Durango. Most publishers want their games on as many consoles as possible.
So even if Durango is powerful, most developers might have to scale back projects so they are compatible with PS4. And it would increase Wii U's chances of getting a port.
No one post in that thread, PLEASE.
When people talk about Dx11 class GPU they are talking more about the architecture and instruction set of the GPU. Modern mobile GPU's are DirectX 9.0c+ compliant, so are 360, Ps3 and the minimum required GPU for UE3 games, being Pc or Mac.
I don't know this question. Epic refused to port UE3 to the 3DS, for example.
I don't know that, neither do you.
Isn't that thread just repeating that UE3 was confirmed to run on Wii U at GDC? If Geoff is just referring to what the Epic guy said, he didn't say "no" to UE4 on Wii U. He said "yes" to UE3 on Wii U.
Is there some direct quote that I'm missing from GDC from Epic that UE4 will not run on Wii U?
That seems to be exactly what it is.Isn't that thread just repeating that UE3 was confirmed to run on Wii U at GDC? If Geoff is just referring to what the Epic guy said, he didn't say "no" to UE4 on Wii U. He said "yes" to UE3 on Wii U.
Is there some direct quote that I'm missing from GDC from Epic that UE4 will not run on Wii U?
like someone mentioned earlier in this thread, if he was revealing private information, wouldn't that be breaking NDA, or at least breaking Mike Capps' NDA?well thats what that thread basically comes down to. Is Geoff revealing info from a private conversation or making assumptions.
Frankly I am depressed the bodies havent started to hit the floor over there
Isn't that thread just repeating that UE3 was confirmed to run on Wii U at GDC? If Geoff is just referring to what the Epic guy said, he didn't say "no" to UE4 on Wii U. He said "yes" to UE3 on Wii U.
Is there some direct quote that I'm missing from GDC from Epic that UE4 will not run on Wii U?
like someone mentioned earlier in this thread, if he was revealing private information, wouldn't that be breaking NDA, or at least breaking Mike Capps' NDA?
well thats what that thread basically comes down to. Is Geoff revealing info from a private conversation or making assumptions.
Frankly I am depressed the bodies havent started to hit the floor over there