I finished the prologue and am now in velen. The map is huge and the enemies a lot more tougher. I died numerous times.
On a slightly frustrating note, it really is annoying you can not pause cut-scenes or that reloading your saving is not a fast process.
If you're playing on PC you can at least alt-tab out of cutscenes to pause them, but yeah.
I've been mainlining the story, any recommended side quests or contracts? I'm not planning on doing a lot, but if there are some stand out ones that would be helpful.
I think the best side quests are ones that are practically part of the main quests in terms of when they are presented to you and what characters they involve. Here are my picks just going off a quick search and from what I remember. Definitely don't wanna miss em:
-In Velen, do Towerful of Mice and Return to Crookback Bog. Also you may want to try The Fall of the House of Reardon.
-In Novigrad, do Cabaret and A Deadly Plot. It may take some time before you can access those. Also do Following the Thread.
-In Skellige, do Possession, The Lord of Undvick, and The Last Wish.
A lot of those have major impacts on the plot/main quest and span multiple quests after you complete the first (you'll want to do those do). Frankly as someone who did all the quests, Iooking back I'm shocked these don't need to be done to complete the game. They're that good and comprehensive.
Look around the place, you might be thinking the wrong ship and "behind" like I did. It's not the one with a monster nest.So I just got to Skellige, but the captains body is not behind the ship. Did one of the patches remove it?
I understand it is an open-world-game and as such loading a saved-game requires getting the world in the right state but my lord is the loading times bad - especially when i have to hear vessimer repeating the same dialogue over and over again. I am playing on a PC with a SSD, it must just be agonizing on the consoles.
Are you running a reshade?I understand it is an open-world-game and as such loading a saved-game requires getting the world in the right state but my lord is the loading times bad - especially when i have to hear vessimer repeating the same dialogue over and over again. I am playing on a PC with a SSD, it must just be agonizing on the consoles.
That's not Vesimir, it's old Dandelion.
Anyway, I don't think the loading times are bad, the game gernally loads for me within 10 seconds.
That's not Vesimir, it's old Dandelion.
Anyway, I don't think the loading times are bad, the game gernally loads for me within 10 seconds.
Are you running a reshade?
Food and drink you have to buy or find as loot. Mostly you'll want to use potions and signs to heal though.Just started playing recently. I'm absolutely loving it so far.
What's the best way of getting food and drink? Just buying it? Or can you "craft" it?
Mugging people for chicken sandwiches.Just started playing recently. I'm absolutely loving it so far.
What's the best way of getting food and drink? Just buying it? Or can you "craft" it?
As i mentioned before i noticed some long loading times on my PC (using SSD). It seems that loading time varies significantly if you load from a previous checkpoint or load from a manual save. Loading from checkpoint is under 10 seconds, loading from a manual save (what i do normally) takes 35 seconds.
Is your gamesaves directory on an SSD as well? As by default it's saved to wherever you have the Documents directory, which for me is on a HDD. Haven't tried moving it to check if it makes a difference but worth noting.
this game has some glitchiness with new expansion. Sometimes when I save the game manually, monsters and bandits all of a sudden are LEVEL 1 and 1 shot killable.....
OK, I think I encountered the first game breaking glitch.
From ofiers distant shores quest bugged and I don't find the diagram on the chest of the first bandit camp. I search the red chest and there are a lot of trash items and some oil, but no diagram.
I go to the other 2 camps and I find their diagrams but the quest arrow doesn't go away because I still have to get the diagram from the first camp, the problem is, I can't even open it anymore because I got all the items.
GAF please, what do I do?
Reload an old save.
It was always a slow. I think there was even an ability that made it slower.
That's the problem, in the old save the quest is already initiated. But here is the thing, it's from the very beginning of the quest, when I'm investigating the merchant's carriage, before I enter the hideout. Even if I start from this point, the quest is still bugged![]()
Fixes issue whereby diagrams required to progress in the "From Ofier's Distant Shores" quest
could not be looted from a chest.
1) What order should I do the DLC? Story--->HoS-->B&W---> End or do them post-game? I kept myself away from spoilers about the DLC as much as possible so I'd really like to do them in a way that's satisfying to the narrative.
Sounds like you're boned. There's a patch coming out today, maybe that helps.
Edit: Looks like you're in luck:
I just started this up recently, and man...
... what a fuckin' game! The writing! The music! The universe! GWENT!
The combat has grown on me a bit, but I'm still pretty sloppy. I have the side-stepping/rolling down and I've learned to spam less, but I'm still garbage at countering.
Last night I cleared all the question marks on the White Orchard map. Caught myself humming the battle music on the way to bed. All I want to do is play.
Edit: How could I forget Gwent?!??
Exactly what I wanted to know. ThanksPlay the main game to completion, then HoS, then B&W.Canonically HoS takes place before the ending of the game, but level-wise and main story pacing-wise you should really play it afterwards.
I just started this up recently, and man...
... what a fuckin' game! The writing! The music! The universe! GWENT!
The combat has grown on me a bit, but I'm still pretty sloppy. I have the side-stepping/rolling down and I've learned to spam less, but I'm still garbage at countering.
Last night I cleared all the question marks on the White Orchard map. Caught myself humming the battle music on the way to bed. All I want to do is play.
Edit: How could I forget Gwent?!??
Jumping on this train. You're in for one of the greatest gaming experiences of your life.I just started this up recently, and man...
... what a fuckin' game! The writing! The music! The universe! GWENT!
The combat has grown on me a bit, but I'm still pretty sloppy. I have the side-stepping/rolling down and I've learned to spam less, but I'm still garbage at countering.
Last night I cleared all the question marks on the White Orchard map. Caught myself humming the battle music on the way to bed. All I want to do is play.
Edit: How could I forget Gwent?!??
In the Witcher 3, once you've crafted a bomb or potion once, you never have to craft it again. If you meditate (for an hour or longer, doesn't matter) then you'll use any strong alcohol in your inventory to replenish all of your bombs and potions.So...
After the update, I don't see the option to make bombs anymore? I'm at a certain quest and I need a certain bomb to make it easier, yet I don't see a section to craft or make them anymore? Do I have to get a blue print first or something?
In the Witcher 3, once you've crafted a bomb or potion once, you never have to craft it again. If you meditate (for an hour or longer, doesn't matter) then you'll use any strong alcohol in your inventory to replenish all of your bombs and potions.
Right, I got that. But I want to make a certain bomb that the Beastiary says is useful against an enemy. I don't see the ability to craft this certain bomb. Do they work similar to other items where you have to find the scroll first?
After playing 17 hours last year and getting side tracked and never returning I turned it on yesterday.
It all came back really quickly. I'm still a little shakey on combat but I'll get better.
I think I'll focus on the main quest and only do question marks if they're on my path.
Are there anymore blood and wine gwent sets still left anywhere?