Wolf Akela
How much should I get? Per armor set
How much should I get?
Wow, I cannot imagine amassing 350k given the paltry income. I don't even dismantle unless I need it now.
Kinda sucks how you can't use other Abilities after you filled them all up. I just hit level 33 but I haven't beat the game yet. All my stuff is filled but I still got Ability Points to use but no more empty slots![]()
You can change active skills, you know that?
I think it's hold Parry in combat and you can flip through the signs left and right on the dpad. Actually forgot about it until you brought it up.Is there any way to quickly switch between signs without bringing up the wheel?
You're probably right. It's been a while but I think that's how I did it. I'll confirm it tomorrow, thanks!I think it's hold Parry in combat and you can flip through the signs left and right on the dpad. Actually forgot about it until you brought it up.
Just got this game on ps4. I wanted to start it last night but started looking at the all the settings and didn't want start without getting some info. What gameplay/audio/visual settings should i be going into this with? I mostly don't want to start and find out way later that ticking a few settings on/off could've drastically increased my enjoyment. Thanks for any info![]()
Nope, just watch some detailed YouTube recaps and do some background reading. That's what I did.Do you need to play Witcher 1 and 2 to enjoy this snazzy gem of a game?
Do you need to play Witcher 1 and 2 to enjoy this snazzy gem of a game?
They are definitely worth playing. No reason to avoid them. But a lot of people enjoyed W3 without them, so I guess you don't need to.Do you need to play Witcher 1 and 2 to enjoy this snazzy gem of a game?
You don't need to but you should.
They are definitely worth playing. No reason to avoid them. But a lot of people enjoyed W3 without them, so I guess you don't need to.
Nope, just watch some detailed YouTube recaps and do some background reading. That's what I did.
The funny thing is that even if you played W1 and W2, stuff in W3 might still have you scratching your head, because a lot of it references the books (far more than the previous two games). That's why I suggested some background reading (e.g. wikis) too, just the get the broadest strokes of some of the character history from the books.Thanks guy!
I'll watch some recap videos to make sure I'm not missing out.
I think I might be terrible at this game.
I booted it up after taking a detour through some other games for a while, am at the Ladies of the Wood quest. I got to a point where I need to do something in a tree, but there's a werewolf that I couldn't beat so I decided to see what the internet suggests (long story short: griffin armor). So I began hunting for those. Problem is, the silver sword is protected by a baddy that wrecks my shit every time. I feel like my armor and weapons are perpetually being damaged and I don't have the materials or crowns to repair them regularly, making everything that much more challenging. I'm fairly early on in the game and am REALLY struggling--is the game supposed to be this hard? I think I'm playing on Normal or w/e, but might drop down to Easy (I sure as hell hope this isn't on Easy or I might just give up on video games forever). Anyone have any advice for (a) getting more money and (b) getting my health/strength up so I'm not dying so frequently?
How do you get money. I'm constantly broke
Collect junk. Sell junk. Stuff like bear and wolf hides sell for a good amount of coin. Sell weapons and armor that are low leveled. Even lower leveled relics sell for a good amount.
http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?p=207366125#post207366125How do you get money. I'm constantly broke
First of all try Moon Dust bomb. It prevents werewolf from regenerating its health.
Selling junk is good way to get enough money to repair your gear.
Which one?Is there a particular merchant in Velen who sells bomb blue prints? Trying to do a side quest and on this enemy a type of bomb that I don't have is recommended to defeat it quicker. I've tried multiple times without it, and it seems my attacks do nothing.
Yeah I sell some of the weaker weapons that have been damaged rather than reparing them, as I can typically get a steel weapon fairly easily.
Do I need the pattern for the moon dust bomb, if so where can I find it? Or do I just buy at certain shops? And is there a place where you receive the recipe for the Swallow potion? Cause I just meditate to replenish my stock and those go QUICK.
* If you have some strong alcohol in your inventory.And what do you mean with swallow? If you have it made once, you always have max 3/4/5 bottles depending on potion level and after you use them all you need to meditate.
Quoting for a new page so it doesn't get buried.I think my game is bugged for Blood and Wine. The quest to have the palmerian take me to the dutchess won't activate.
Sorry for all the Gwent questions but can I just double check...
If I'm trying to collect em all and I beat a merchant/blacksmith, there's no need to play that person again? I can just check them off as I go?
As DeathJr said, only one for each; but do remember to check if they're selling any cards.Sorry for all the Gwent questions but can I just double check...
If I'm trying to collect em all and I beat a merchant/blacksmith, there's no need to play that person again? I can just check them off as I go?
Yes, you can only win 1 card off each merchant.
As DeathJr said, only one for each; but do remember to check if they're selling any cards.
Not sure where I first picked up the diagram for the Moon Dust bomb, but I think a lot of them are pretty randomized, aren't they?
I know I had it by the time I took on both that Werewolf, and the Jenny o' the Woods contract, so you can get it early.
Which one?
Just use Yrden. When she starts splitting into three, run a bit then use crossbow so you don't get drained.
Quick web search tells me that the halfling herbalist Northeast of Oxenfurt sells the diagram for the Moon Dust bomb, but I'm almost certain I tackled the Jenny O' the Woods Contract with that bomb before I went in that direction on my second run through the game...
Never felt that I needed the Moon Dust bomb for her though. What level are you? Are you making good use of Yrden?
Stick with fast attacks, unless you can catch him vulnerable after he attacks you with something big. Moon Dust bomb, or Igni to stop him from regenerating once he starts howling.Guys Im getting my ass kick on wild at heart, that werewolf is whooping my ass and I have cursed oil! Any tips? Im on blood and broken bones
You don't have to beat it all over again. The game actually gives you an option to start a new game just to play the expansions alone with an appropriate level and equipment.I have a question:
I've bought the Expansion Pass now and it seems that I have once deleted my The Witcher 3 installation. Not a big problem, but I've forgotten to backup my save-fileI really don't have the time and motivation to play through The Witcher 3 a second time. Do you know if I have to beat the game to play the expansions? I hope not!