The armor and weapons set along its diagrams disappearing in NG+, yes. They're working on it.Post patch has anyone had issues with the wolven armor ?
The armor and weapons set along its diagrams disappearing in NG+, yes. They're working on it.Post patch has anyone had issues with the wolven armor ?
The armor and weapons set along its diagrams disappearing in NG+, yes. They're working on it.
The armor and weapons set along its diagrams disappearing in NG+, yes. They're working on it.
Long shot, but is there some mod to toggle first person or at least hide Geralt /UI to take screenshots? So many amazing screenhots would be taken if I could get a clean UI.
Long shot, but is there some mod to toggle first person or at least hide Geralt /UI to take screenshots? So many amazing screenhots would be taken if I could get a clean UI.
Right, just New Game+. Affects all DLC equipment, even horse accessories.None of this is an issue in regular new games, right? Is there anything other than Skellige's Most Wanted that is still completely broken for a normal playthrough?
It took me ages to really get into this, but now it is easily my favourite game of the year, and one of my all-time favourites. Its almost the perfect story-driven RPG.
The quest design is brilliant. Even the most mundane sounding side-quest can lead to a fun little mini-story, and the voice acting and dialogue for all of them are great. I really enjoy that there are few all round good guys or bad guys in the Witcher. Its much more realistic and interesting than being black and white.
I've lost count of the times I have just had to stop and take in the view as I explore the world too. Skelige in particular is gorgeous, and feels like a credible place. The way the wind blows the trees and shrubbery give the world a much more 'alive' feel.
I've probably overdone the side quests a bit as I'm level 24 and not even finished act 1 yet, but I'm really playing for the story and exploration at this point. Its hard to concentrate on the main story when the side quests, treasure hunts, and contracts are so well written and fun.
In short, I fucking love this game.
I'll never understand how CDPR managed to pack so much into the Witcher 3. It's absolutely crazy.
What's scarier is them saying Cyberpunk 2077 is far bigger.
The funny thing is that playing through heart of stone i'm coming across quests from the main game i hadn't done ..i thought i had done Everything , but NOPE i still have stuff to do ..i'm actually scared to think that i've overlooked a sizeable chunk of quest content
I'm NOT done with this game ! ( Rejoice ! )
After what felt like 50 hours, I finally arrived at Skellige.
Knowing that I tend to do EVERY sidequest I come across, how much trouble am I in and how far am I into the game ?
It's funny because the sidequests in the game are so interesting I play them for the story and gameplay rather than the reward.
You're less than 50% through the game.
Yeah, but how many of those unfinished quests are going to net you more than like, 10 exp?
I finished one the other day and I got exactly 1 exp point.
What's scarier is them saying Cyberpunk 2077 is far bigger.
alright someone help me with the novigrad quests:
I have finished them, so what the fuck happened to the huge treasure? have I found it and just missed that scene or something? I have no idea. I have freed dandelion etc. but no talk of the treasure.
also wtf at the ending of the cabaret quest. that was a very good quest.
god I fucking love witcher 3
Regarding the. I think it's possible for you to find ittreasure, I didn't do it on both playtroughs though so I'm not too sure.but you have to let Menge torture Triss
I've just started skellige, where am I now? damn it I thought I'm nearing the end lol. this game is never ending.
Yeah, but how many of those unfinished quests are going to net you more than like, 10 exp?
I finished one the other day and I got exactly 1 exp point.
that's silly. oh well.
one thing that bugs me as that you hardly ever get to see the fancy northern part of novigrad. was that an afterthought or why are there hardly any missions there?
One of the best things about this game is that I do the quests for the quest, rather than the EXP. They are so well written that I don't want to miss out on fun little adventure, even if I'm way overlevelled and won't receive any particularly useful reward. There are quite a few examples of pretty epic side quests that start off with a seemingly unassuming task.
This is the reason I've stopped playing MGSV and I'm just sticking to The Witcher, the 60-30 fps makes the game feel too awkward every time.Game is very pretty but boy...a few weeks of MGSV its weird going back to the rocky 30fps feel.
One of these days Ill get a decent PC. One day.
Er, has anyone else had a gwent card disappear from their deck? I'd realised today that I hadn't hadpop up in any of my games recently, and after checking, it's no where to be seen in my deck. I'm a bit baffled.Villentretenmerth
Did the patch increase enemy health/armor on death march, or am I remembering wrong? Started back up my sign build character to play the expansion, and the lvl 30+ mobs take forever to kill it seems. Igni seems pointless...may have to respec.
I've not seen the details, but there were certainly changes to Death March difficulty. The changelog includes "Improves balance for Death March difficulty."
How do you disable the HUD as noted in the patch notes?
Why bring Jesus into this?Christ, why do they even put it in the patch notes if they aren't including it. That was the only reason I downloaded that 16GB patch![]()
You should be level 30. Other than that it can take both before or after the main quest depending on when you play it.Hey guys I got Witcher 3 on PS4 at launch but have been holding off till they fixed the performance after playing for a bit. Now that it is, I've decided to continue my journey! However when does the first expansion take place? I was thinking of picking it up.
You should be level 30. Other than that it can take both before or after the main quest depending on when you play it.
And get it, it's incredible.
Glad i picked this up on PS4 recently. Yesterday i finished everything at Wild Orchard and went to Velen. I was riding on my horse, it was raining ingame and raining outside my flat, sitting on the couch with a blanket around my shoulder, 5.1 surround sound and the bleak atmosphere from the countryside and village was giving me serious vibes. That was such a great moment that it gave me chills.
And damn we have come a long way in console gaming, even on these laptop CPUs. The faces (animations/expressions) are so good and the women look really attrative and diverse so far.
What is a good sign investing into? So far i almost exclusivly used Igni and gave it two points. Resenting to looking up to much online but there was no real need for it till now.
Thanks, had a similar question in mind. Does the expansion add anything (gear/items/skills/whatever) to the main game?
It's not a standalone expansion, it's just another (long) side quest added in an area that was barren in the base game. So, yeah, it integrates itself into the main game. Pretty clear case of content they couldn't finish in time for release, but still pretty worth it.Thanks, had a similar question in mind. Does the expansion add anything (gear/items/skills/whatever) to the main game?
It's not a standalone expansion, it's just another (long) side quest added in an area that was barren in the base game. So, yeah, it integrates itself into the main game. Pretty clear case of content they couldn't finish in time for release, but still pretty worth it.
It comes with a few new outfits and weapons, a few new diagrams and a new way to enchant your gear (which most people seem to agree is kinda useless). There's a disappointing lack of new contracts, potions/decoctions or smaller quests a bit meatier than "I buried a chest 2 meters from my corpse".