Currently I am. How far am I from completion of the main story? Trying to get my timing right before Fallout 4.Recruiting help from different areas
Pretty much everyone did.OK real talk. Did anyone else thik that the main quest would have for sure been about done after the battle of kaer modan?
Not that I'm complaining, Jesus this game is epic. That act had so many badass moments.
Spoiler Romance question.
I told to Triss to stay but she left anyway. After that I slept with Yen. I still haven't got the option to tell Yen that I love her but plan not to. Is it still possible to romance Triss or to sleep with her? If I don't tell Yen that I love her will I end alone?
It's really weird to see so different feelings depending on what epilogue you have. I was delighted by mine, and i can't imagine how it would be with yours.I have just finished the game, and i must say (serious spoilers)i was really disappointed, "ciri is dead" didn''t have me going for a second, she was clearly going to be alive and waiting in the pub you were randomly going to. i also thought the way she goes through the portal to stop the white frost and then you're just told 2 weeks later that she did it was really poor, surely that couldve been a playable part of the game? i really thought the last 5 or so hours dragged a lot and i was just hoping for it to finish.
still a very good game which i have thoroughly enjoyed.
a good way off yet, but you'll do it before fallout.
I have just finished the game, and i must say (serious spoilers)i was really disappointed, "ciri is dead" didn''t have me going for a second, she was clearly going to be alive and waiting in the pub you were randomly going to. i also thought the way she goes through the portal to stop the white frost and then you're just told 2 weeks later that she did it was really poor, surely that couldve been a playable part of the game? i really thought the last 5 or so hours dragged a lot and i was just hoping for it to finish.
still a very good game which i have thoroughly enjoyed.
Spoiler Romance question.
I told to Triss to stay but she left anyway. After that I slept with Yen. I still haven't got the option to tell Yen that I love her but plan not to. Is it still possible to romance Triss or to sleep with her? If I don't tell Yen that I love her will I end alone?
OK real talk. Did anyone else thik that the main quest would have for sure been about done after the battle of kaer modan?
Not that I'm complaining, Jesus this game is epic. That act had so many badass moments.
a good way off yet, but you'll do it before fallout.
Romance spoiler question.
Wait how is it now? Someone says it doesn't end if you don't tell Triss you love her and another one says it ends? I told Triss to stay but she left anyway. Am I screwed with her?
a good way off yet, but you'll do it before fallout.
I have just finished the game, and i must say (serious spoilers)i was really disappointed, "ciri is dead" didn''t have me going for a second, she was clearly going to be alive and waiting in the pub you were randomly going to. i also thought the way she goes through the portal to stop the white frost and then you're just told 2 weeks later that she did it was really poor, surely that couldve been a playable part of the game? i really thought the last 5 or so hours dragged a lot and i was just hoping for it to finish.
still a very good game which i have thoroughly enjoyed.
It's hard to give a time estimate, but you may want to put an entire saturday or two aside for playing before FO4 comes out if you don't get a lot of time during weekdays. Either that or just give up the idea that you'll be playing FO4 on release day. You easily have 10+ left.Wow really? Shoot I dont get a hole lot of game time during the week. Better start cranking away.
It's hard to give a time estimate, but you may want to put an entire saturday or two aside for playing before FO4 comes out if you don't get a lot of time during weekdays. Either that or just give up the idea that you'll be playing FO4 on release day. You easily have 10+ left.
Romance spoiler question.
Wait how is it now? Someone says it doesn't end if you don't tell Triss you love her and another one says it ends? I told Triss to stay but she left anyway. Am I screwed with her?
Yeah.... I wouldn't be surprised if more people avoidthe bad Ciri ending now that Gaunter O'Dimm gives you advice how to avoid it in case you side with him and finish the expansion's main quest before finding her
Please don't read the spoiler until you play and finish Hearts of Stone
Keira, Crookback Bog, Bloody Baron, then Novigrad, and Skellige.Another quick question, does it matter the order I do quests? Like I was thinking of going to do Bloody Baron after doing Keira's quest but before doing the Swamp.
The only part that matters is that you should head to Skellige the instant you hit the suggested level for the quest named "Destionation: Skellige". You will want to stick around and work on side quests and stuff you have open, but resist that urge and get on the boat ASAP. You're meant to jump back and forth (as opposed to clearing everything in each area before moving on).Another quick question, does it matter the order I do quests? Like I was thinking of going to do Bloody Baron after doing Keira's quest but before doing the Swamp.
Another quick question, does it matter the order I do quests? Like I was thinking of going to do Bloody Baron after doing Keira's quest but before doing the Swamp.
ah so basically i got the crappy ending, nice.
That's what i get for not reading any guides or anything.
ah so basically i got the crappy ending, nice.
That's what i get for not reading any guides or anything.
Some other random end-game thoughts:
-What the fuck happened to Priscilla?
In my opinion, the ending whereis the most enjoyable ending. Sure, it's bittersweet, but the dialogue between Geralt and Ciri is the best of all the endings, and I felt like you talked to the other characters a bit more.Ciri becomes Empress
So just completed the game a couple of days ago and...
ENDING SPOILERS. story ended withCiri deciding to become a Witcher and Geralt shacking up with Yen and living the rest of his days with her in happy retirement. So far so good. But then I'm told....Radovid ended up becoming king of the universe before burning half the population of the world alive.
Man, I feel terrible. I consciously refused to do the initial assassination mission because 1) I was afraid the mission would lead to someone even worse being put in charge (as is the way these things often end) and 2) Because I thought Witchers were supposed to be politically neutral, being a people dedicated to slaying beasts and not monsters. Clearly though, I thought wrong.
same ending i got, crap right?
Did you refuse to kill the guy like I did or did you just forget about the mission?
This helped me out quite a bit.Has anyone attempted to grind the "Master Marksman" trophy as of late? I swear I've done a bazillion rounds at the Devil's Pit, trying to headshot the bandits, but I still haven't gotten the trophy. I've also wasted points on that stupid crossbow slow-mo, but either the trophy counter is broken or I have serious issues registering headshots.
Can anyone share the trick for this, or is it supposed to take ages to get this one?![]()
Has anyone attempted to grind the "Master Marksman" trophy as of late? I swear I've done a bazillion rounds at the Devil's Pit, trying to headshot the bandits, but I still haven't gotten the trophy. I've also wasted points on that stupid crossbow slow-mo, but either the trophy counter is broken or I have serious issues registering headshots.
Can anyone share the trick for this, or is it supposed to take ages to get this one?![]()
New game plus presents interesting opportunities that are not available in the NG.
For example, you could conceivably do all of Skellige before even touching the Blood Baron or Novigrad in NG if you started NG plus at a very high level (like say level 50).
Here are the questions that would come up if you did all of Skellige first:
You would already know you needed to find UMA and I wonder how that scene would play out once UMA shows up in the room with the Bloody Baron?
As for Novigrad, what reason would you have to find Dandelion, since you would know that helping Uma was the key to finding Ciri?
It just seems like NG+ would potentially create opportunities to completely break the game.
It's a bitch, you just have to persevere.Thanks for pointing that post out! Will resume my attempts tomorrow *gulp*
Please do.I did most of Skellige before the others but I did do Keira first. I did what you spoilered and recorded it. It's a bit different. I onlyrecorded the Baron part and the extra quest to find out where Uma is. You already know it from the Baron but it's a fun little bit of extra information. The Baron is great in the scene.
D knows the words of the curse because Ciri kept saying it all the time to not forget. Without them you can't break / free. So he plays that part in the mystery and not so much to find out if Ciri was in Novigrad all things considered
Want me to upload them?
It's great that they give you that freedom. No one would ever do it but I was amazed at that they just let you and I prefer the odd way.
It's a bitch, you just have to persevere.
Does the bit about using Axii and then shooting them from the side make sense? If that's confusing I can record some gameplay if it helps.
So just completed the game a couple of days ago and...
Triss or Yennifer? Neither, Cerys all the way.
>Wanting to plough a woman roughly the same age as Ciri
I have seen a lot of people voicing the same opinions in these threads.
As a man, Cerys is indeed a fine woman.
But as Geralt, a man who is even older than her father, I find it weird as hell to even think about it.
so any ideas why im not presented with a new game plus option in the menu?
I'm almost done with the main game and up to now I would call the writting in this game brilliant.. but then I played the missions Reason of State and I don't understand what the hell happened..the start of that mission and the reason why they wanted to kill Radovid is understandable, but the end to that quest doesn't make any sense.. Dijkstra is acting totally out of character and his plan is really stupid and the choice he offers to Geralt isn't even really a choice - you're not choosing between a smaller and bigger evil, like most choices in Witcher games are.. and why does Dikstra fight even though he knows he isn't a good fighter and he is against Geralt, Roche, Ves - all of which are really good at fighting.. why didn't he poisoned the wine instead? Or used his archers? Why the world is the same after this, maybe the biggest thing (event) for Northern countries in the game ?- yeah, I know it changes the ending, but other than that the world is the same nonetheless.. No one mentions that the biggest foe of Emhyr has died.. like what the hell?
I'm almost done with the main game and up to now I would call the writting in this game brilliant.. but then I played the missions Reason of State and I don't understand what the hell happened..the start of that mission and the reason why they wanted to kill Radovid is understandable, but the end to that quest doesn't make any sense.. Dijkstra is acting totally out of character and his plan is really stupid and the choice he offers to Geralt isn't even really a choice - you're not choosing between a smaller and bigger evil, like most choices in Witcher games are.. and why does Dikstra fight even though he knows he isn't a good fighter and he is against Geralt, Roche, Ves - all of which are really good at fighting.. why didn't he poisoned the wine instead? Or used his archers? Why the world is the same after this, maybe the biggest thing (event) for Northern countries in the game ?- yeah, I know it changes the ending, but other than that the world is the same nonetheless.. No one mentions that the biggest foe of Emhyr has died.. like what the hell?
In a game where choices are everything, the biggest event which should have had the biggest consequences, and still nothing happens...
A really, really disappointing quest in a otherwise great written game.. again, what the hell happened?
Have you made a save after finishing your playthrough?
Yeah, the writing kind of went off the rails at the end of that quest.went from shrewd and canny to full-blown murderous Bond villain in about 30 seconds. Kind of a disappointing end to that plot thread.Djikstra