Lumpy Onion
If I get a PSP game off of PSN is there any way to view the manual for it online? I know I can't view one like I can with my PSone classics.
CrunchyFrog said:Was Gogo a man or a woman?hermaphrodite?
Most (but not all) PSN PSP games come with a software manual you can view on your PSP - but not while playing the game... if you follow the XMB through Games -> Memory Stick and up/down to the game you downloaded, then hit triangle, you'll find an option for "Software Manual" at the bottom of the list if there is one available. I've only run across one or two games that didn't include a software manual, and I can't even remember what they are off hand. :lolGrumpyAlien said:If I get a PSP game off of PSN is there any way to view the manual for it online? I know I can't view one like I can with my PSone classics.
I used to do this, I think even before the internet where I as only like, 5 or 6. I don't really have any technical reason for why it works, I just find it reassuring when it does.theinfinityissue said:Gogo Was.
anyway, remember when you'd try to get a NES game going, but something was fucked up? You'd try blowing on the cartridge, etc? Did anyone else ever get it to work by inserting it not all the way in, then pushing it down kind of overlapping the outer plastic, till it slammed home and it totally worked. wtf was that?
Dust can fuck a lot of stuff up, maybe best to hold out if it's everywhere in the room.Stencil said:Dust + Xbox 360 = Bad. Right??
I reaaally wanna play Fallout but the room my 360 is in is under constructions. Is dust really bad? Or just kind of bad?
Flash drive will work if you format it to be 360 ready first, easy as pie. Make sure you "move" content and not just "copy" as some save files for games are copy protected, moving it seems to work.Snuggler said:I thinking about upgrading to the new Xbox 360 sometime soon, but I have a question: how do you transfer your saves to the new system? Am I gonna have to use a flash drive? Will a transfer cable work for transferring data from a fat 360 to a slim?
Diablohead said:Flash drive will work if you format it to be 360 ready first, easy as pie. Make sure you "move" content and not just "copy" as some save files for games are copy protected, moving it seems to work.
archnemesis said:The Why the DS Rocks - Official Game Recommendation Thread may have been created back in '07, but the last update was less than a month ago. ethelred usually does a great job keeping it up-to-date.
Negator said:Do any action RPGs similar to the Tales of or Star Ocean series of games exist?
Every PSP game I've bought off PSN comes with a digital manual. Peace Walker is the only one that hasn't. You can't view it online though. You view it directly from the PSP.GrumpyAlien said:If I get a PSP game off of PSN is there any way to view the manual for it online? I know I can't view one like I can with my PSone classics.
TEJ said:This might not be completely stupid, but can I transfer the content from my 120 gig 360 hard drive to a 360 slim? And if so, how?
Snuggler said:The transfer cable isn't compatible with the slim, as far as I know, so to move saves you'll need to use an external flash drive and to move DLC and XBLA games you can do a license transfer on
TEJ said:thank you. What kind of external flash drive would you reccomend? And how would I do the transfer?
Snuggler said:Because the henchmen are bad and they're from other countries where they talk funny.
Blu_LED said:Every PSP game I've bought off PSN comes with a digital manual. Peace Walker is the only one that hasn't. You can't view it online though. You view it directly from the PSP.
Did all the people on the Death Star deserve to die?brotkasten said:Why is it that the good guys always get away with murdering hundreds and thousands of henchmen? They are people too, you know? Have a wife, probably one or two kids and they're just doing their damn job and probably don't even like it.
ULTROS! said:Eternal Sonata
Morphis said:Why do some 360 games have a green swirl next to the logo on the cover, while others don't? What's the difference?
HixxSAFC said:Just a newer sleeve design.
sykoex said:Did all the people on the Death Star deserve to die?
With a converter? There one for the NESEzalc said:Is there a way to play Japanese snes games on an US snes?
Completely easy SNES modification that even a 10 year old can do.Ezalc said:Is there a way to play Japanese snes games on an US snes?