thats the striker set inflating the dps.
you can see hes in the shooting range trying to get it up.
I want that Striker Vest.
how are people cheesing it? links pls
Me and camo are Currerntly cheesing.if your on Psn u can join us. With have 2 spotsHaven't gotten it yet.![]()
You still got room?Looking for 2 more for incursion cheese method I suppose :/ lol Psn
Half the replies in this thread are just talking about cheesing the game. The state of this game is pathetic.
You guys cheesing? I'm down... GT: Shermas.
Sorry we were in the middle of a 3 man run when you messaged me. It sucks you can't join in progress
Half the replies in this thread are just talking about cheesing the game. The state of this game is pathetic.
I did some daily missions, some CMs and what I got for my troubles were some gold "mods" and some drops of blues. So a regular mission, I can average ~3 blues, maybe ~2 purple if I'm lucky, and the guarantee gold drop? Probably 14/20 times it's a mod part for me while the rest is like some grip for gun or some shit. Maybe an armor that's worse than what I have currently if I'm lucky. Which I can deconstruct for rad "1" crafting material.
Also ran around opening boxes for crafting and I got a lot of greens for my time. Add on top of the crafting nerf it's like a kick in the dick for the players that don't use exploits. So it's absolutely understandable that it's gone down this route.
Once again everytime I finish a mission or open a box, my usual reaction is this lol:
Does anyone else get really bad random control lag at times when in a group?
this game is hilarious, my 214 gear is better than the 240 I got, I'd be pissed if this is the only one I will get for the week
Trying to decide what's the best overall dps set; 4 strikers / 2 sentry, 2 strikers / 4 sentry, or 3/3.
Do the talents that give you credits for HS work in dz?How much did they nerf DZ$ drops?
Found it so slow to make any $ progress recently.
What is there to spend Phoenix credits on now?
Do the talents that give you credits for HS work in dz?
Also does scavenging affect credit drops?
Increase your scavenging.
Thought scavenging is bugged. At one point my scavenging was at %150 and my drop variety was still crap compared to my friend that constantly get gold drops but lower scavenging than me
for darkzone or CM's?
4 sentry + reckless + savage is best for DZ by far imo
for CM's 4 striker's + 2 sentry is the best since i'm going to assume 1 person in my group has 4 sentry for the free 45% damage
On an unrelated note, I absolutely love how the DZ was always touted as having the best gear, and about how supply drops will contain amazing loot. I'm not complaining about free phoenix credits and divtech but when you overhype the shit out of the DZ and supply drops, and then the best gear is just on some blueprint... shits awful man.
Trying to decide what's the best overall dps set; 4 strikers / 2 sentry, 2 strikers / 4 sentry, or 3/3.
Yeah, my fear is they will "fix" reckless and then we're screwed.
I agree with the loot drops, they are a massive fail. This patch is just a massive disappointment. Never fear though, PC and PS4 are locked out of potentially cool content for a window iirc. : /
I kinda wish the whole map was a DZ
I read somewhere that that's what they're planning on with the second DLC. Which thankfully I didn't get the season pass because that's not attractive to me.
The thing that is annoying me now is being kicked from the daily's because of my relatively low GS (168). I have no problem melting level 32 elites with my level 31 Aug but people only see the gear score before I'm kicked.
Oh I know what you mean, I hate DZ I just meant that since the rest of the map is essentially useless once cleared at least do something with it lol
I don't get this, it's not as if a 160 player can't hold their own in CM.
We had 2 guys join the other day, one was 150 (OK), the other was 90 (wat)... As it wasn't the powerplant it was fine. He switched to a support role and it was really useful.
I don't get this, it's not as if a 160 player can't hold their own in CM.
We had 2 guys join the other day, one was 150 (OK), the other was 90 (wat)... As it wasn't the powerplant it was fine. He switched to a support role and it was really useful.
Does anyone know if assignments are only for level 30 players?
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