that was glorious carnage! Love how our groups randomly ran into each other in the DZ.<3 you guys. That was mad fun. Cuco:
"See that dude clapping? Get him."
8 purple people shoot him simultaneously
freaking awesome. Wish there was a way to form an alliance between groups because the accidental rogue is so easy and so potentially costly.![]()
When are they going to fix the mission not starting bug? It's absurd.
They did fuck all with regards to punishment for the BK, hornet and scarecrow farm. Can't see it for the APC cheese. BK wasn't a glitch as such, the game respawned him if you didn't kill the other mobs. Hornet and Scarecrow required a similar method as the APC with the mobile cover and no action was taken after them.
Same, unfortunately. Maybe a short break will do me some good.
I'll look forward to seeing where Massive is moving the goal posts to, since I'm not feeling where they're at right now.
This problem is exacerbated by the 1-month exclusivity... I'm on PSN...
Considering this.
I'll never cheat again, I promise.
This update drove me back to destiny. HahaLost pretty much all interest in playing after this update.
Man around end of Mach I took a break from his game, and I had just reached level 30 so felt a little burnt out and wanted a break, then I read about all this going down, glitches here there and everywhere, and I'm sat here with no yellows thinking WTF do I do to get some and make myself able to even compete/join friends who have yellow gear without screwing them over.
Seems like a massive mess at the minute, am I wrong?
This update drove me back to destiny. Haha
BK, Hornet, Scarecrow, etc are just a faster way of earning PxC, and everyone can still catch up with exploiters by simply doing the regular activities that net PxC. Personally, I can gain PxC pretty fast by repeating CM over and over again; and I'm sure many other people can do that as well, which is a pretty legit way. While in the other hand, incursion exploit is on another whole level. Many people won't be able to finish the incursion (even on hard) if you're not glitching. And with this glitch, people can easily beat challenge mode which is ridiculous. There's a whole difficulty wall for this content, and people are bypassing it.
Tl;dr: skipping time for grind vs skipping difficulty wall
Man around end of Mach I took a break from his game, and I had just reached level 30 so felt a little burnt out and wanted a break, then I read about all this going down, glitches here there and everywhere, and I'm sat here with no yellows thinking WTF do I do to get some and make myself able to even compete/join friends who have yellow gear without screwing them over.
Seems like a massive mess at the minute, am I wrong?
Yellows are easy to obtain now. They've just made high level yellows and gear sets hard to obtain.
I don't know about that. If you read this thread, you would think the game isn't playable at all. I do my dailies, get my HE, go to the DZ at odd hours and get my HE and kill some mobs. I do think that for people who played the game 6 hours a day are probably frustrated with things but for me, it is still fun. After the patch, my agent has geared up pretty quickly.
So for me, it isn't a complete mess, though I would like to see more changes to make the game better and more balanced.
All players should get a one month suspension 8)
So the HE's that were dropped on the BK, hornet and scarecrow farm don't count? It wasn't just for PxC and 2 of the 3 required glitching through the door/gate no matter how tough the enemies were. If massive want to preach their code of conduct about glitching the incursion that requires the same glitch for previous exploits then the same punishment should be dealt across the board not 1 for 1 exploit and 1/none for another that required the same method.
So how do I obtain yellows now? Just roaming around the DZ? Then how do you obtain HE yellows the daily stuff?
So how do I obtain yellows now? Just roaming around the DZ? Then how do you obtain HE yellows the daily stuff?
So how do I obtain yellows now? Just roaming around the DZ? Then how do you obtain HE yellows the daily stuff?
Dammit! Still on for later though mate?
That was quick. GS booting is a good way to get a good MM team for Warrengate CM. I like to play with everyone but lol I'm not doing Warrengate CM with your 25 GS character.
Destiny's infusion is fantastic. It's so jarring switching between both games, where in destiny you can keep upgrading items you enjoy or are attached to, but in the division, no, screw you, here's some crap HE items and set items that drop your stats but raise your GS.The game needs infusion a la Destiny. My 163 Vector has a better roll than my 182. I would rather not craft umpteen more to try to replicate it. Let me put my trash 182 into my 163. Come on massive common sense here.
Same with armor. Prolonging the grind is not content. I'm not sure I'll ever have 900+ PC to buy some of these things.
Economy kinda broken
I farmed BK, but I never did Hornet and Scarecrow so I have no idea how those exploits work. I did get a Cadeceus from BK but I've already ditch the gun since forever ago. And you're missing my point, they're on a different level of exploits.
Bosses from hard mode missions will guarantee you a yellow. Farm hard mode missions until you're all set, then proceed with challenge mode. Then you'll have enough Phoenix Credit to purchase better weapons and gears from the BOO vendor. That'll be your last PvE checkpoint before going into DZ.
Guaranteed drops from named enemies in the DZ and two in each DZ key chest.
High level yellows are mostly found from incursions.
Every named 30+ mob guarantees a yellow (or gear set) piece. The mobs in the DZ really like to drop gear score 163, but the CM bosses drop 182.
Did the cheese Twice yesterday with some friends.
Why did we do it ? because it was more rewarding than doing the mission normally.
Falcon lost design is Bad, underwhelming and doesn't make me hopefull for the furture content.
Still sticky bombing that APC while we're talking about things IRL was a much pleasant experience than being frustrated by the design of that mission witch is awefull.
In years of horde mode co-op with friends, it's the only one i can't get into.
How long did it take to be that way tho? After they squeezed every bit of grind and shit RNG out of us for 6 months? Lets be real, the only reason they made the Infusion system better in the first place, was to convince people to buy their gear pieces for real money.Destiny's infusion is fantastic. It's so jarring switching between both games, where in destiny you can keep upgrading items you enjoy or are attached to, but in the division, no, screw you, here's some crap HE items and set items that drop your stats but raise your GS.
I farmed BK, but I never did Hornet and Scarecrow so I have no idea how those exploits work.
And that's bad? It's optional to buy or grind and the game is better for it.How long did it take to be that way tho? After they squeezed every bit of grind and shit RNG out of us for 6 months? Lets be real, the only reason they made the Infusion system better in the first place, was to convince people to buy their gear pieces for real money.
Originally Posted by Natchai_Ubisoft View Post
"We are in fact working on cheating, but it is all behind the scenes and not something we will very publicly discuss.
We are banning cheaters, permabanning as well."
... He edited this comment a few minutes after he wrote this...
Edit: no he did not, was looking in the wrong thread at ubi forums.
It's ok.
We've all beta tested their endgame. Xbone will pick up the mantle of responsibility to beta test their expansions
I farmed BK, but I never did Hornet and Scarecrow so I have no idea how those exploits work. I did get a Cadeceus from BK but I've already ditch the gun since forever ago. And you're missing my point, they're on a different level of exploits.
OK I get it now, will have to hit this game up again after the weekend and the BO3 Double XP weekend/DLC launch.
As a filthy casual on the division and someone who took a break I have to admit I feel massively alienated by this game. Seems I've shot myself in the foot not playing everday for hours.
My point is it took Bungie 6 months and MT's to make the change. Something we've all said they should do since day one of TTK.And that's bad? It's optional to buy or grind and the game is better for it.
My point is it took Bungie 6 months and MT's to make the change. Something we've all said they should do since day one of TTK.
Massive been working faster in 1 month than Bungie has in a year and a half. They'll get it right.
Lost pretty much all interest in playing after this update.