Is the Custom M44 worth 870 PC? Seems a bit steep.
Tom Clancys The Division - Legendary Agents Trailer
Wow. Nice video.
"Video not available"
An M44 is, but maybe not that one.
Dunno what to do, I have 700 saved already. I'm still on a low lvl purple sniper because nothing has come close to the raw DMG of it. I made the Tenebrea and it was shit in comparison.
If you are still on a purple it'll be worth grinding for, the damage is ridiculous in comparison.
Originally Posted by Natchai_Ubisoft
We are working on fixing the exploit. Obviously it is against our Code of Conduct and the team is looking into what can be done in terms of punishment for those who have exploited.
Originally Posted by Natchai_Ubisoft
We are working on fixing the exploit. Obviously it is against our Code of Conduct and the team is looking into what can be done in terms of punishment for those who have exploited.
I don't get this, it's not as if a 160 player can't hold their own in CM.
We had 2 guys join the other day, one was 150 (OK), the other was 90 (wat)... As it wasn't the powerplant it was fine. He switched to a support role and it was really useful.
I know right? I enjoyed the story and love the setting. That's too bad because when I free roam in the map, I see all these potentials for new missions and stuff. Adding new interiors to buildings creating new missions or extra storypoint via DLC.
Using exploits is against the code of conduct, so no, it's not OK.
We know that we have to act a lot more strongly towards players who use exploits, and we are working on that.
In terms of punishment, how can they know who glitched purposefully and who joined a group via matchmaking who then did the exploit but didn't partake in it.
LOL shock turret OP. Bungo pls nerfNever use shock turret or other turret when your in big 6+ Agent DZ Ultra group.I'm looking at you Cuco.
I gain more xp a lot quicker doing DZ solo in 0-160.
Four piece striker perk is OP. Things melt. Love it. Was gonna go 3 striker plus 3 sentry. Got enough to for that. But can't now. Striker too good.
Anyone on PS4 want to team up for daily warrengate CM? I'll be ready in a few minutes. Just join on me if you want.
PS4 DekuBleep
meh if they do a 3 day suspension, it's worth it
Never use shock turret or other turret when your in big 6+ Agent DZ Ultra group.I'm looking at you Cuco.
I gain more xp a lot quicker doing DZ solo in 0-160.
LOL shock turret OP. Bungo pls nerf
That was a lot of fun last night. Mega groups dont function well for farming xp because you dont get credit for the other group's kills, unless you put some kinda damage into them as well.
Originally Posted by Natchai_Ubisoft
We are working on fixing the exploit. Obviously it is against our Code of Conduct and the team is looking into what can be done in terms of punishment for those who have exploited.
meh if they do a 3 day suspension, it's worth it
I can be on in about an hour, or if you've done it by then I could still add you and run some Lexington for phoenix creds or DZ?
LOL shock turret OP. Bungo pls nerf
That was a lot of fun last night. Mega groups dont function well for farming xp because you dont get credit for the other group's kills, unless you put some kinda damage into them as well.
<3 you guys. That was mad fun. Cuco:
"See that dude clapping? Get him."
8 purple people shoot him simultaneously
freaking awesome. Wish there was a way to form an alliance between groups because the accidental rogue is so easy and so potentially costly.![]()
Deku I'll be on in a little bit if we can grab recently woken up Grim we could run stuff. I'm waiting for Costco to openYeah was a lot of fun. Awesome!!! GGz!!!
I'm sure they can find out who glitched and who did not, if they can find out how many headshots you did, how many car doors you closed, and other things.
I'm really curious what the "punishment" could be...
In my opinion, they should close the incursion asap with an emergency hotfix, fix it and open it again when they are sure it can't be cheesed.
I might try to get a cheese or two in to stay competitive and wait for the May update.Lost pretty much all interest in playing after this update.
EDIT - disregard, literally just got called in.
There won't be any punishment, it's simply a way to try and scare people who haven't already done the exploit from doing it. How can they punish people for a mistake that they have made in not preventing the shield from being deployable.
Lost pretty much all interest in playing after this update.
I might try to get a cheese or two in to stay competitive and wait for the May update.