StevePharma said:
Much shorter. I think I beat it in 6 hours on my first try. It's also much more linear and action oriented; there's less levels with platforming and puzzles than in Anniversary.Hanmik said:I now started Legend and I heard that it is shorter than Anniversary. But how much shorter..?
Mr_Zombie said:Much shorter. I think I beat it in 6 hours on my first try. It's also much more linear and action oriented; there's less levels with platforming and puzzles than in Anniversary.
Still a fun game.
Underworld is more on the Anniversary side. There's lots of big levels with multiple puzzles to solve and lots of platforming to do, although Anniversary was still better in that regard. I don't remember how long the game is, but it's somewhere in the middle between Legends and Anniversary; I think it took me about 9 - 10 hours or so.Hanmik said:How is it with Underworld then..? like Anniversary or like Legend..? or a nice game in between those..?
TripOpt55 said:I just got the Anniversary Platinum. I just needed the hard trophy. I made a quick run back through the game this weekend and got it. Took about 4 hours. Such a good game. Not sure if I will be going for the Legend Platinum. Some of those treasures just seem to elude me. Maybe in a little while when I'm bored I will look for them again.
I actually got the time trials. they seemed pretty easy. I just need to sit down and find those treasures. I like to not use guides, so a few I just can't find yet.ULTROS! said:If you want an easy plat, Legends is pretty easy (you can cheat on the time trials).
ULTROS! said:If you want an easy plat, Legends is pretty easy (you can cheat on the time trials).
jetjevons said:What's the point of getting a Plat if you cheat? Aren't achievements/trophies supposed to be a self-satisfying reminder of your achievements? Don't get it.
dak1dsk1 said:My god, this collection is horrible. I feel so ripped off. I will be very careful before I buy another of these so-called 'hd-collections'.
B-Dex said:Wat?
Ratrat said:Don't know where else to post this but, are all the Tombs Raiders on psx good? Theres got to be a dmc2(never existed) tier game in there that should be avoided right? I'm planing on buying all of them.
edit: Guardians of Light was my first Tomb Raider and I'm currently playing and loving the hell out of Tomb Raider 1.
Ratrat said:Don't know where else to post this but, are all the Tombs Raiders on psx good? Theres got to be a dmc2(never existed) tier game in there that should be avoided right? I'm planing on buying all of them.
Oh my. I guess the Xbox1 version is the superior version then?Totobeni said:Still Legend on xbox1 run at 60fps (and look great) so it's shame the ports on upscaled PS2 ports run at 30fps![]()
Maybe its this Scan line'ish filter that's raping my eyes...Oneself said:Legends didn't age well visually... looking at videos on the net, it looks pretty much like the 360 version.. though I am not entirely sure about it because there are some weird "scan lines" that makes it look like an upscaled PS2 game.
Yup, it has some annoying glow as well.Lord Error said:It's not just high res PS2 port. In fact it seems like they added better HDR glow to it than even PC version.
I never played 4 /5. I had Tomb Raider 1, which was amazing back in the day, and Tomb Raider 2 which I thought was in some ways even better. I really disliked 3 and never played another after that until Legends hit. Which I enjoyed, but felt very linear.Mr_Zombie said:In my opinion:
TR1 & TR4 - great!
TR2 - has lots of improvements over TR1, but at the same time it moved TR from desolated caves and tombs into places like Venice (although Maria Doria shipwreck was cool), and also introduced human enemies as a standard enemy type (TR1 also had human enemies, but all of them were bosses).
TR3 - it's where, IMHO, the formula got a little bit stale and I didn't really enjoyed it (Area 51 sucked) :/
TR5 - sequel just for the sequel's sake; it had a sneaking mission... ugh.
None of them is the DMC2 of TR series though (that title would go to TR: The Angel of Darkness, which was a mess).
dak1dsk1 said:Why the heck are the graphics so bad? It's like they used some ugly blur filter, that you just can't turn off. Very not HD. Running emulated PS2 games on my BC unit looks MUCH clearer and better. In fact, I'm sure that if i ran TR: Legend through emulation, that it would look better.
Appollowexx said:So 4 was actually decent? Huh.
corkscrewblow said:Just got this and haven't played a TR game since the first two on PS1 many years ago. What's the proper order I should play them in?
Story-wise it makes the most sense to play it:corkscrewblow said:Just got this and haven't played a TR game since the first two on PS1 many years ago. What's the proper order I should play them in?
There are massive connections between Anniversary and the other two. Underworld makes so much more sense if you played TRA.Rated-Rsuperstar said:Underworld is a sequel to Legend. Anniversary just retells the first game without any connection to the others.
Oh yeah you're right, lol. I've forgotten the TR story.Stallion Free said:There are massive connections between Anniversary and the other two. Underworld makes so much more sense if you played TRA.
Stallion Free said:There are massive connections between Anniversary and the other two. Underworld makes so much more sense if you played TRA.
doing this, thanks!Stallion Free said:Story-wise it makes the most sense to play it:
I thought Underworld did a really nice job wrapping everything up and the overarching plot was enjoyable.Rated-Rsuperstar said:It's been a while since I've played Anniversary. My bad. I'll just say in my defense that these games don't really tell the most compelling story.
Stallion Free said:I thought Underworld did a really nice job wrapping everything up and the overarching plot was enjoyable.
No, I was on PCRated-Rsuperstar said:Did you play the epilogue DLC? Anything important in there?
Thanks. Man, I can't believe at the time I didn't get into Legend. I'm not far into the game but It's been pretty cool. I was tempted to start playing Underworld but I wanted to play them in chronological order.Die Squirrel Die said:Legend received quite an extensive graphical upgrade when it was ported to the Xbox360, so they had a lot of current-gen assets available for the PS3 version. Anniversary didn't receive the same treatment as it seemed to have been a quick project to capitalise on the reinvigorated TR brand after Legends success, so it's just the PS2 assets at a higher resolution.
PS2 Legend didn't look as good as PS2 Anniversary.
The puzzles are like the best part of the game. There are a couple mediocre ones in the last level set though.corkscrewblow said:On the last part of Anniversary, game is kinda tedious with all the puzzles. Or maybe I'm retarded![]()
purple cobra said:The platforming is still pretty much the same so that's a plus. Game looks good too. I just want to see how the combat feels to me later on with zoom/fire being on the triggers. I hate those triggers used for primary functions in games. My fingers always seem to slip off. I may have to see about getting those snap-on triggers.
Yeah, watching the E3 demo for the new Tomb Raider game, it's definitely a new direction. Oh, and I think corkscrew was banned in the Counter Strike: OG thread.kliklik said:Did anyone else have the Biggest Bang for the Buck trophy glitch on them?
Ya, realtriggers or pelican dual controller triggers. TRU kinda falls apart at the end and gets sloppy and I found the puzzles way too simple. But there was a lot of potential there, which made it all the more frustrating. There's this massive underwater puzzle that is quite daunting at first, but unfortunately, it too is quite simple. I don't think we're ever going to see a return to the old gen type puzzles. And why was corkscrewblow banned?
Sagitario said:Got this as a gift a few weeks ago... what's the correct/recommended order to play them?
Anniversary connects as well. Anniversary should be played prior to Underworld.kliklik said:Legend then Underworld, since they connect. You can play Anniversary whenever. I think it's the best of the three, so I'd say save it for last.
Agreed, 100%kliklik said:Legend then Underworld, since they connect. You can play Anniversary whenever. I think it's the best of the three, so I'd say save it for last.