Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I'm not sure, but I feel like it should since your armor boost applies to magic armor and shields include magic defense.Does block apply to magic?
I'm not sure, but I feel like it should since your armor boost applies to magic armor and shields include magic defense.Does block apply to magic?
Block applies to almost everything. There are very few situations where it does not apply. Dodge basically only affects melee attacks.I'm pretty sure it doesn't. That would explain why they let it cap out so high. But it also is a bit bugged in that it doesn't display every time the dodge happens, you may be dodging a lot more than you think.
Does block apply to magic?
So far its been working well. Partly due to the fact i have a 299 dps great axe that ive been using since i had 104 strenght. Onslaught in stun with slam then attack/flame hammer till dead. The only thing i have a problem with is force field. I dont really like having it take my charges so wondering would I be ok going woth aegis, bulwark and just heal bot? I seem pretty squihy. Also how is ember hammer?
Looking to go lots of stun and strenght so staying away from the focus tied abilities. Definitely going to pick up tremor and after that its up in the air.
Block applies to almost everything. There are very few situations where it does not apply. Dodge basically only affects melee attacks.
Have you done much testing with Emberquake? I'm currently level 94 and have about 100 more points in STR than I do in FOC. My weapon DPS is somewhere around 7,000 and Emberquake deals something like 61% of my weapon DPS (still only at 14/15). I'm not sure how much fire damage it deals at 15/15 and at level 100, but it's probably somewhere around 1500 right? I'll have to put some effort in and check out which part of the damage can be increased more easily. There's Fire and Spark, obviously, and a lot of late game engi equips boost fire damage as well. I'll reset my stat points once I've reached the level cap and mess around a bit.Dynamo Field is amazing for building Charge. It's basically a staple for an Engineer to be honest. Also, pretty much everything an Engineer has scales with Focus :x Though, Flame Hammer does scale better with STR than Focus (and Emberquake is the opposite, better with Focus than STR).
pretty mich what i expected. I may just try no forcefield for now its not bad.Depends on the difficulty you're on. Aegis is pretty terrible for Elite, for instance. Possibly manageable on Veteran but it's still vastly inferior to Forcefield.
Oh yeah definitely getting dynamo field. More chaege the better. I guess forxe fieldau be worth maxing because only flame hamer is decreasin the charge. As for the skills tied to stat It seems to be true for almost all the classes. I feel in TL2 the stats are just tweaked enough to what affect they have you really need a good balance of the first 3 up to a certain point and then just vitality as needed. I mean i dont want to run put of mana after ive done one onnslaight and seismic slam. Eventually ill put more point in focus. I guess ill just stick with flame hammer for attacks.Dynamo Field is amazing for building Charge. It's basically a staple for an Engineer to be honest. Also, pretty much everything an Engineer has scales with Focus :x Though, Flame Hammer does scale better with STR than Focus (and Emberquake is the opposite, better with Focus than STR).
Yep. And its a huge problem for me. Because in NG+ every enemy that hits you make 4k dmg. And i just have 4200 hp
Yes. Check your waypoint portal in town.
Well it looks like I can't play this game for more than ~30 minutes without feeling a little bit of pain in my fingers, to the point of being uncomfortable playing...
I think I'm fucked.
Well it looks like I can't play this game for more than ~30 minutes without feeling a little bit of pain in my fingers, to the point of being uncomfortable playing...
I think I'm fucked.
your mouse finger? Are you constantly clicking?
Have you done much testing with Emberquake? I'm currently level 94 and have about 100 more points in STR than I do in FOC. My weapon DPS is somewhere around 7,000 and Emberquake deals something like 61% of my weapon DPS (still only at 14/15). I'm not sure how much fire damage it deals at 15/15 and at level 100, but it's probably somewhere around 1500 right? I'll have to put some effort in and check out which part of the damage can be increased more easily. There's Fire and Spark, obviously, and a lot of late game engi equips boost fire damage as well. I'll reset my stat points once I've reached the level cap and mess around a bit.
Flame Hammer - Second best STR scaling option, splinters scale with Focus. Damage is primarily around the Initial Hit/STR, not the Splinters/Focus.
Seismic Slam - Scales with Focus.
Emberhammer* - Best STR scaling option, skill is clunky to use, ultimately less total damage than Flame Hammer. Charge use semi-at-odds with Forcefield.
Onslaught* - Scales with STR, not primarily used for Damage.
Storm Burst** - Scales with STR, not primarily used for Damage.
Emberquake - Scales with STR, splinters scale with Focus. Damage is primarily around the Splinters/Focus, not the Initial Hit/STR.
If we add in the Aegis tree:
Shield Bash - Scales with Focus.
Overload* - Scales with STR, conflicts with Forcefield for Charge use.
Dynamo Field - Scales with Focus.
Tremor - Scales with STR, not primarily used for Damage.
Fire Bash - Scales with Focus.
*Also scales with Focus due to them dealing "WeaponDPS as Element" Damage.
**Initial hit scales with STR, the bolts it fires will scale with both STR and Focus.
Emberquake is fucking godly damage. I have shit for Focus and it STILL hits hard as a truck.
No, funnily enough I feel a bit relieved if I start clicking instead of just keeping the button pressed. Maybe it's because I'm a claw grip user, or maybe I just need a better mouse...
I've posted about this before and reflect doesn't always work as advertised. While there are instances where an attack contains both a reflectable component and a non-reflectable component (a projectile that leaves something on the ground, for example) but there are also attacks that claim that they are reflected but do their damage anyway.Likewise, reflect ranged applies to basically anything that isn't an actual melee swing. Spell damage that you have to walk into will be reflected, for instance.
Does difficulty change anything besides how hard the game is?
This is my biggest problem with Torchlight 2, I played about half of it on Veteran and having very little gold and very few pots the whole time, figuring this was the trade-off from normal for getting the better drops on Veteran. Then I read presumably in the OT this isn't true, and loot drops are all the same on every difficulty?? So there is no advantage to playing on Veteran? You get the same exact rewards yet all the enemies hit harder and have more HP. Really dumb IMO.
How is that not right? To get easy loot then play on normal. It just means that upgrades and that one item or your itemization and skills are that much more meaningful at higher difficulties. If you had crazy eipc and more loot drop in veteran than normal it wouldnt be much harder.No.
Quote from my "Games with engaging difficulty levels"thread:
TL2 did many things right, but that surely not.
Couple quick questions (I'm level 15):
1. I'm making a ranged outlander (not sure which weapons yet, but probably bows or pistols, not likely to be shotguns). How should I spend my stat points? I've been pumping dex, but this isn't D2, and all the stats seem useful.
2. Any skills that are flat-out terrible and I shouldn't really bother with? How about any flat-out can't miss? So far I'm liking the poison explosion passive and the shadow skill that breaks into 4 pellets when it hits a target.
3. I see that I can respec only the last 3 skill points I've spent. Is there a way (without modding) to reset everything? I don't want the point in glaive that is auto-spent, but is it too late to get it back?
TL2 did many things right, but that surely not.
I'm going to disagree like I did last time: Dexterity outprioritizes strength at lower levels due to the fact that it can push you ahead on item requirements and since you will likely be hinged fairly heavily to crits, a higher crit chance than you'll get from 11x dexterity is likely more desirable. It's not unreasonable to get near the crit damage cap in the upper levels.STR and DEX if you're set on that route. If you pick up more skills that do not deal WeaponDPS Damage (e.g., Glaive Throw), you may want more points in Focus. Generally speaking, a WeaponDPS heavy build will do 3 STR/2 DEX until the DEX cap and then probably just purely pump STR.
~110 DEX, with the proper skills, will get you to the 75% Dodge Cap, for the record, so going beyond that isn't that useful outside of Crit Chance% and earlier ranged weapons to equip. And/or saving yourself some points from Dodge Mastery, I suppose.
Also, if you're not on Elite (and, even then, only if you're using a Shield), points in VIT aren't totally necessary.
Thanks! We can be TL2 thread friends, just like we were D3 thread 'friends'... =PSTR and DEX if you're set on that route. If you pick up more skills that do not deal WeaponDPS Damage (e.g., Glaive Throw), you may want more points in Focus. Generally speaking, a WeaponDPS heavy build will do 3 STR/2 DEX until the DEX cap and then probably just purely pump STR.
~110 DEX, with the proper skills, will get you to the 75% Dodge Cap, for the record, so going beyond that isn't that useful outside of Crit Chance% and earlier ranged weapons to equip. And/or saving yourself some points from Dodge Mastery, I suppose.
Also, if you're not on Elite (and, even then, only if you're using a Shield), points in VIT aren't totally necessary.
Poison Burst is pretty bad :x Shadowling Ammo, Shadowling Brute, Death Ritual, and Bane Breath also aren't that good. Flaming Glaive is awkward to use and I don't particularly find Burning Leap to be a good skill all-in-all. Vortex Hex and Shattering Glaive possibly though I didn't really invest much time in either skill. Bramble Wall conflicts with Glaive Throw but it doesn't seem like you're going that route.
Outside of activating the console, nope..
Shield on ranged? Can't use a shield with a bow, right? Maybe I'll try a berserker, I've always liked SS builds.I'm going to disagree like I did last time: Dexterity outprioritizes strength at lower levels due to the fact that it can push you ahead on item requirements and since you will likely be hinged fairly heavily to crits, a higher crit chance than you'll get from 11x dexterity is likely more desirable. It's not unreasonable to get near the crit damage cap in the upper levels.
You also probably shouldn't play without a shield, but that depends greatly on your tolerance for dying.
How is that not right? To get easy loot then play on normal. It just means that upgrades and that one item or your itemization and skills are that much more meaningful at higher difficulties. If you had crazy eipc and more loot drop in veteran than normal it wouldnt be much harder.
Whats the point in boss chests? I've never seen a unique or legendary drop from one. They seem to drop the same amount of stuff a 'blue' chest drops. At least, thats the way its been for me up to ng+. Does that change?
It is rare that the boss chest drops unique, but it is so bad that the boss drops unique and you are greeted with a boss chest that is not guaranteed unique.
I use one pistol.Shield on ranged? Can't use a shield with a bow, right? Maybe I'll try a berserker, I've always liked SS builds.
I'm playing hardcore and I'll play elite again. However, if I die I'll probably play the earlier playthrough(s) on veteran to speed them up because I've already done them before.All of the people I know will never touch Elite again after beating it once, and THAT is bad design.
I'm going to disagree like I did last time: Dexterity outprioritizes strength at lower levels due to the fact that it can push you ahead on item requirements and since you will likely be hinged fairly heavily to crits, a higher crit chance than you'll get from 11x dexterity is likely more desirable. It's not unreasonable to get near the crit damage cap in the upper levels.
You also probably shouldn't play without a shield, but that depends greatly on your tolerance for dying.
Thanks! We can be TL2 thread friends, just like we were D3 thread 'friends'... =P
Not having a full respec blows. Oh well. Does console command refund disable achievements?
I like that what I've enjoyed (poison burst) is pretty no good. Makes me feels good man. I enjoy 'on death' stuff, even though it's complete trash on bosses. I'm playing on veteran though, so I probably should try to find some decent skills.
Shield on ranged? Can't use a shield with a bow, right? Maybe I'll try a berserker, I've always liked SS builds.
I'm playing hardcore and I'll play elite again. However, if I die I'll probably play the earlier playthrough(s) on veteran to speed them up because I've already done them before.
Who has base crit chance, though? If you itemize for it you'll be at the cap, and if you don't I suspect that the average Outlander will still be closer to the cap than the base.Testing is showing ~200-ish STR to give the best returns for damage at base Crit chance. You are right, though, that putting yourself ahead on the item curve is a huge factor, arguably greater than the +Damage% from STR. Especially since gambling can net you really nice items. I just tend to build towards my end game rather than making the route to it easier. Of course, that cannot apply to Hardcore so the builds and priorities are definitely different.
Also, more than 110 DEX isn't exactly bad, just saying that most stop there. If you don't, make sure you save some skill points from Dodge Mastery since you'll overcap (and/or keep the points so you have max Dodge without Charge filled). Of course, we're back to needing to figure out how worthwhile Dodge ultimately is for survival ... :/
Who has base crit chance, though? If you itemize for it you'll be at the cap, and if you don't I suspect that the average Outlander will still be closer to the cap than the base.
Test setup:
15 STR, 5 Focus, unless otherwise noted.
0 Armor target
7/15 Ember Hammer (100% WeaponDPS)
+0% Fire, Electric Damage from equipment
I used an Axe (125 DPS, 149 Damage listed) for this test and stripped all Armor from the dummy. Each data point is at about 50 swings.
Autoattack Damage - 161
Ember Hammer Damage - 143
15/15 Fire and Spark - 240
15/15 Fire and Spark, 15 Strength/205 Focus - 376
15/15 Fire and Spark, 215 Strength/5 Focus - 377
So, yes, Fire and Spark scales it as does Focus.
But at high levels it's really, really easy for Outlanders especially to get high crit damage percentage, and that skews the numbers significantly.What I meant was that ~200 STR yields the best returns for any distribution of those points. The higher the base crit chance, the higher the return on STR, incidentally. It takes a lot of Crit Damage% to get the extra value out of Crit Chance%.
Edit: Unrelated and maybe nobody asked it here but some numbers from Ember Hammer:
Also tested Frost Breath and the Tier III bonus doesn't let it proc "Conveys Physical Damage over 5 seconds" sockets. Darn![]()
Hey scy, I've been working on a similar ice mage berserker to yours. Did you get to 42 and try out Wolfpack? Are you finding it useful? What does it do that the other spells can't, how does it fit into the rotation?
After a few hours with it, I'm not sure how I feel about Torchlight 2. I think Diablo kind of spoiled me with its flawless combat - despite it's many, many other problems.
Although having a much better loot system, TL2 kind of makes my eyes glaze over with boredom after about 20 minutes.
I'm always surprised to hear people say that they like the zero fidelity combat from Diablo 3.After a few hours with it, I'm not sure how I feel about Torchlight 2. I think Diablo kind of spoiled me with its flawless combat - despite it's many, many other problems.
Although having a much better loot system, TL2 kind of makes my eyes glaze over with boredom after about 20 minutes.
I prefer the combat in Torchlight. Ranged combat in D3 is incredibly frustrating when you reach the higher difficulties since it's impossible to kite.
Because it doesnt give incentives to replay the game on a higher difficulty. I actually like the difficulties they put up here in terms of how difficult they are, but I still think they dont differ enough. Enemies dont have new attacks, there arent any new items, you dont get more EXP etcetc.
It simply doesnt feel rewarding. Read the thread I linked for how higher difficulty levels can actually make you WANT to engage in higher difficulty settings. All of the people I know will never touch Elite again after beating it once, and THAT is bad design. There are like a thousand ways they could have accomplished that, and they did none of that.
There wouldnt have been any downside to change some aspects on a higher difficulty, it would actually provide an incentive to play it on a higher difficulty than the one you played first.
I still think the game is the best dungeon crawler to date, though.