that's awesome. also, number 1 on gamersgate. but they don't do anywhere the same numbers of course.tomedo said:Number 3 now in Steam top sellers.
tell me about this avatarDieH@rd said:
From the new Stargate series called "Universe". Two guys are "testing" a orb-shaped flying camera in the corridors of the spaceship.Joseph Merrick said:tell me about this avatar
haha. sounds goodTenkai Star said:From the new Stargate series called "Universe". Two guys are "testing" a orb-shaped flying camera in the corridors of the spaceship.
Something happens and people come out of their rooms. This women just happens to have her room in the area they were testing the camera. Riiiight =P
If I had a flying camera, and that woman lived close to me.......Joseph Merrick said:haha. sounds good
Teknopathetic said:There were permanent change fish in Fate, so I'd assume they came over to Torchlight as well. You won't see any until the later parts of the game, if I had to guess.
Thats Lieutenant Epicboobs from Stargate Universe.Joseph Merrick said:tell me about this avatar
That is to change between cat and dog. I havent seen anything else.V_Arnold said:I have seen a permanent change to Dog fish at the general goods vendor last night.
Teknopathetic said:The level cap is 100. The Fame cap is 55, IIRC. You get 1 skill point per level and fame level.
Defcon said:I'm floored at how great the game looks considering it doesn't use any shaders. I have it maxed out detail and res for my monitor (1280x1024) with AA on a 5 year old computer and it runs flawlessly so those with netbooks or lesser systems should be good to go.
Going to play through the game as a Vanquisher first on Hard difficulty. I'll complete it before I gush too much but first impressions lead me to believe it's an AAA game that's amazingly only $20.
Thanks, and btw you were right. This game is worth so much more than the $17 I paid for itTeknopathetic said:You get fame from completing quests and killing champions/bosses.
theMrCravens said:I'm still undecided on which class to play on my first run (Very Hard).
Started with a Destroyer (lvl5), then went with a summon Alchemist (lvl 10).
Found summoning boring and not that great on Very Hard, so I tried Vanquisher (lvl 6).
Finally went back to Destroyer, but started him up because of bad skill choices.
I doubt skills were balanced for Very Hard, but the game seems more fun at that difficulty.
Also, if you're using STEAM, seems you can't change stuff in the config files like adding console command. It just resets, and also disables shared stash.
ACE 1991 said:Any super sweet mods out yet that I should be aware of?
editor isn't out yetACE 1991 said:Any super sweet mods out yet that I should be aware of?
dolgrimm said:so, is there a respec option?^^
If you have the Steam version, you won't be able to open the in-game console until the game is patched.If you have the Console enabled in your settings file, press Shift + ` (The Tilde key)
Then type "item RespecPotion". This is one of few commands in the game's console that won't brand you a cheater.
Flib said:bought this drunkenly on a whim last night after watching the quick lok
and holy fuck, it's the best of these games since diablo, easily. i'm already horrendously addicted. pretty much no complaints at this point, other than wanting more classes.
I haven't been. I mentioned I'm doing ~ 3.5:1.5 on str:def, but I read the manual this morning and it says that it could be useful to throw some points into Magic in the teen levels if you want to cast heals or some spells.Almak said:Man I should not have started this on normal! I rarely come across an enemy I can not kill in 2 hits with my destroyer.
Having a lot of fun otherwise. Music, especially in town is so reminiscent of Diablo 1 (for good reason obviously) but I just cant get over how good it is.
A question tough. Stats so far seem very rudimentary but for me as a destroyer who is going to spec mainly in close combat offence, should I invest in anything other than strength/defence? I mean in any significant way.
Yeah, you should have started on hard. That's what I did based on some impressions I read from this thread before getting the game and I gotta say, the game's difficulty feels just right.Mihku said:Few hours in now, still really cool. Strange thing happened though, I got the same unique item drop twice. State are exactly the same, and I was even wearing the first one when it dropped again.
Normal is way too easy, still haven't died once. My chick is way overpowered, I'm outleveling the dungeons way too fast, I got a unique rifle which is super powerful and now I got a skill to shoot exploding shots (melts huge packs like it's nothing). Definitely starting on Hard or Very Hard on my next char.
Don't think there's any reason to, aside from dexterity for some armors. But, I'm not that far, so I can't say definitively.Almak said:Man I should not have started this on normal! I rarely come across an enemy I can not kill in 2 hits with my destroyer.
Having a lot of fun otherwise. Music, especially in town is so reminiscent of Diablo 1 (for good reason obviously) but I just cant get over how good it is.
A question tough. Stats so far seem very rudimentary but for me as a destroyer who is going to spec mainly in close combat offence, should I invest in anything other than strength/defence? I mean in any significant way.
From what I understand, Torchlight is actually going to be a full free-play MMO in another year or two. The single-player version was whipped together way ahead of time just to get something out the door.Seires said:Was looking into this game a while ago, it didn't have co-op then, so I stopped looking. I see no mention of it in the little blurb on gamersgate
Anyone know if that has changed or there are plans to add it?
epmode said:From what I understand, Torchlight is actually going to be a full free-play MMO in another year or two. The single-player version was whipped together way ahead of time just to get something out the door.
So no, you won't be playing a co-op version for another ~year.
Bring it up on the next Borecast? It's certainly my goty, so far. Best game that I've played in years. It's pretty absurd.Drinky Crow said:music is done by the same composer who did the original diablo (and diablo ii as well), as i recall. goty material fo' sho.
anyone know when the mac os x version is due?
As of right now, its sole an excellent single player dungeon crawler but the Giantbomb guys did say something along the lines of the developers making it into a co-op/mmo (not sure which one exactl) in the future.Seires said:Was looking into this game a while ago, it didn't have co-op then, so I stopped looking. I see no mention of it in the little blurb on gamersgate
Anyone know if that has changed or there are plans to add it?
What's a dungeon crawl/loot farm without a buddy, ya know.
Basically why bought it =) but I am loving it more than I thought.Seires said:*shrug* That's good enogh for me. I'll toss in my $20 to support it![]()