Shinjitsu said:Random drops are random. I'm seeing the exact opposite of this.
There is a point when random is too random/bad random. And it seems to be in that case.
Shinjitsu said:Random drops are random. I'm seeing the exact opposite of this.
SDZeta said:I have 2 questions that have been probably been asked already:
-What does Enchanting in town really does? I've tried it twice and both times it added a socket to my weapon. So does it just add sockets or it can have any random effect (like adding damage etc.). Also if that's the case, can you enchant a piece of equipment over and over again and enchantments will just keep adding up?
-Is there a list somewhere of all the possible transmutations? I've only discovered 2 recipes (potions and gems) so far.
Me said:Same here. I was getting Brink the first few playthroughs I did when I first got the game, but after about my 4th or 5th toon, Brink stopped following. If this happens, don't worry, the game will still work. Play as normal and just skip the cutscene to start the boss fight.
After reading the forums, turns out there is an infinite dungeon after completing the game. It's a crypt located at the bottom right of town. Also, BEWARE of enchanting your gear. Turns out there is a <1% chance of the enchant completely wiping out all stats to the gear. The reward for sucess is insane, with people having 2k+ dps weaps, but it can all be wiped out with a bad enchant draw. Here's an example of someone spending a few million on enchants...
Can't wait to try out the infinite dungeon....only a few more hours left with the main storyline.
ElectricThunder said:That WIP camera control mod is going to be bonkers if the person can wring out all the kinks in it and get it working on all versions of the game come TorchED. He's got a FIRST PERSON view decently working all things considered FFS! :lol
As you gain rank you get extra skill points to spend. Not sure if it has any other effect.GhostRidah said:so what exactly is Fame? I get it from quests and some mobs but what do I use it for?
GhostRidah said:so what exactly is Fame? I get it from quests and some mobs but what do I use it for?
Maybe, but it's a stepping stone for other mods. I've got an idea that might benefit from some camera tweaks (fixed, but different from the default).fizzelopeguss said:Ugh, camera control in these sorts of games is a baaad idea, play sacred 2 for a recent example of why it can be such a clusterfuck.
GhostRidah said:so what exactly is Fame? I get it from quests and some mobs but what do I use it for?
Does there come a point when you just can't enchant anymore until you get to a certain level? One of my guns refuses to be enchanted (I've tried it twice with "nothing happens"). This character is still fairly low level though.
bengraven said:I know what I'll be playing this weekend.
Now someone answer my fucking question:
leela said:I think you can enchant a weapon as much as you'd like and the only thing stopping you from continuing to enchant would be a lack of money. It seems like getting "nothing happened" is just random chance. I'm not positive though.
I'm hoping the patch next week fixes my stuttering issues. One thing that die help the issue somewhat was to set my processor affinity for torchlight.exe to only use one of my cores.
Masta_Killah said:I don't think there is a limit. Someone on the runic forums was saying that they've spent a few million gold enchanting 1 item without it maxing out. Of course, the person who said that also had his/her enchants reset a few times, so no way knowing if there is a max or not.
Neverfade said:Can I keep my character from the demo? Or will I have to start all over when I buy?
Also, how long is the demo supposed to last? I heard first boss, but I killed that guy and kept playing. So confused.
ElectricThunder said:The bee-barking spell is coming....! Also, a secret level has been revealed.![]()
I think this is it.alistairw said:Links?
Level caps at seven in the demo, and you can't advance past the first main dungeon section. You can however do a heap of side dungeonsNeverfade said:Strange. Got the Demo off Steam, it definitely didn't end there.
ElectricThunder said:Yep, and SPOILERS for the a secret level SPOILERS
lawblob said:My wife volunteers once a month at a women's shelter, her shift tonight is 11-6am. I just might be playing Torchlight until 4am, gentlemen.
Odious Tea said:I think this is it.
Rabbit Lord said:The secret is to find some decent blues and then enchant them to hell and back. My blue weapons are always better than any gold/purple I find.
Masta_Killah said:The price of enchanting purples are about the same as enchanting blues. I'd rather try to enchant purples due to their set bonuses. Gold gear though is ridiculously expensive to enchant. I was able to enchant one of my gold weapons a few times only because of random enchant fountains during a few runs.
If you want some easy purples, make sure you check the vendors(not the random vendor). They occasionally sell purples for a decent price. I was able to buy these when they showed up on the weapon/armor vendor.
Rabbit Lord said:Not at all, enchanting pruples or golds always costs at least 3-4 times as much. The last few times I went to enchant a gold/purple it's somewhere between 10k-12k for the first time. Where a decent blue won't even cost you 1k the first time.
alistairw said:Fghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Just lost about 50K worth of enchantments on my gun, which I must have been enchanting for longer than I thought - it went from ~600 DPS down to 180. Ouch.
alistairw said:Fghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Just lost about 50K worth of enchantments on my gun, which I must have been enchanting for longer than I thought - it went from ~600 DPS down to 180. Ouch.
I did.Drame said:Anyone from Europe bought the game from the official website?
As it is quite a bit cheaper than on the Steam.
Sectus said:I did.
Makes me a feel a bit warm and fuzzy inside since it goes directly to the developer/publisher. (I think)