I'm not use to mods, man I can't wait for my computer so I can plays this. I hope they make a mod for higher levels!ElectricThunder said:A very partial one is already partway there! :lol
I'm not use to mods, man I can't wait for my computer so I can plays this. I hope they make a mod for higher levels!ElectricThunder said:A very partial one is already partway there! :lol
Well yeah they did leave it open and are releasing the same tools they used to create the game. Of course stuff like this is going to be made.aidan said:Just more reason for you to hoard those gems. But seriously, the ability to abuse the system in this game is outrageous.
Turns out it was tied to the weapon I was using. I switched to a different gun and my spells started working again. Weird thing is I was using that gun with no problem for the past day.Wrekt said:I've run into a bug where my character cannot cast any spells. Anybody else run into this? I've tried restarting the game and I still can only do my normal attacks. Even when I bind an ability to left click, it just does my regular attack.
That looks great, actually addresses the two biggest balance complaints (enchanting and Ember Lance).magus said:
Oh nice. Gonna check Steam now. Medium was a bit to easy.CeePhour said:Patch is available now, but be sure to download the update from your selected vendor (thanks DRM!). lists which vendors have deployed the patch, lists patch notes, and patch discussion.
\o/magus said:* Quest items no longer allowed in stash
Linked thread says testing today for the Steam patch, so I guess we might get it later if we're lucky.Tenkai Star said:Oh nice. Gonna check Steam now. Medium was a bit to easy.
This if a FULL REINSTALL. The packaged files for the patch changed entirely to improve loading times, so a full reinstall is necessary.
If you are patching, you'll need to uninstall your previous version.
BACK UP YOUR SAVE GAMES! Your uninstaller may ask you if you want to delete your save games. Make sure that it is UN CHECKED!
If you want to be extra safe, you can manually back up your saves - I'd recommend this. Better safe than sorry!
%appdata% and press return
Then browse to Runic Games\Torchlight\Save - and back up all the files there.
Yeah I know. Keeping my laptop on next to me at work and hopefully I will get the patch before my trainride later today. Want to play in Hard mode.No45 said:Linked thread says testing today for the Steam patch, so I guess we might get it later if we're lucky.
mysticstylez said:Is there a certain way to update games via Steam, does it just do it on its own when I try to load the game, or do I just have to uninstall/reinstall?
You can get named gems. Someone posted the levels, I think there's like four more levels after cut.Javaman said:How far can you upgrade the gems? I'm up to "cut" so far.
Depends on the game, I think. Torchlight uses the method where the demo is the full game, just with some locks on it (like all XBLA games). AFAIK that's pretty uncommon among the larger multi-GB games.PhlivoSong said:(1) I downloaded the demo from Steam, and after I bought it - it converted my demo copy right into retail. I didn't have to re-download a new version of the full game. That caught me by surprise. Do all Steam demos work that way?
According to the wiki, there's "polished", "star", and "flawless" beyond that.Javaman said:How far can you upgrade the gems? I'm up to "cut" so far.
This isn't a patch apparently, it's a new version of the game client. Only way to get it is to uninstall/reinstall.mandiller said:If you're online the game will update itself automatically. Sometimes it takes a little bit though, if you know the patch is live just try to launch the game and it will update before it launches.
I'm only going from the post on the Runic Games forum. I hope you're right personally, but I'm not at home at the moment to check.K.Jack said:I went to play Torchlight on Steam, and it downloaded an update. The patch is out?
Edit: ^oh, nvm
Goes even further than that apparently:rohlfinator said:According to the wiki, there's "polished", "star", and "flawless" beyond that.
magus said:Cracked, Dull, Discolored, Base, Cut, Polished, Star, Flawless, Perfect, Unique Name
Unique Names:
The Infinite Pure-Ember Shard
The Pirate Skull
The Eternal Flow-Ember Shard
The Fire Queen Ember Shard
Etlich's Eyeball
The Grand Depths Ember Shard
The Sea King's Core-Ember Shard
The Earthstar Cold-Ember Shard
Wait, you can't share socket gems via stash anymore?* Socketables cannot be heirloomed
hulot said:Wait, you can't share socket gems via stash anymore?
hulot said:Wait, you can't share socket gems via stash anymore?
Ah, haven't gotten into post-game but that's more reasonable.aidan said:No, it just means that you can't heirloom (transfer + powerup) a gem when you retire a character. See my post on the previous page for an example of what it allowed you to do.
Hah. likewise.Javaman said:Good god, that is going to take a lot of gem parts to max them out. Once I learned that you can combine 4 magical items I've completely changed the way I'm handling things in the dungeon. Before I would send everything back with my pet to sell, but now I only sell the normal gear. It kinda sucks though since my carry capacity fills up with magical stuff so quickly.
I think they're completely different builds soGuessWho said:Hey I just downloaded Torchlight but I bought it off the website. Is there any way I can link the game to my steam account?
btw I tried linking my cd key to steam but that doesn't work. Is it even possible?
oh well thanks anyways.Masklinn said:Hah. likewise.
I think they're completely different builds so
Wait a minute, I don't understand this. What are you doing with the magic items you get? You can do something other than sell them?Javaman said:Good god, that is going to take a lot of gem parts to max them out. Once I learned that you can combine 4 magical items I've completely changed the way I'm handling things in the dungeon. Before I would send everything back with my pet to sell, but now I only sell the normal gear. It kinda sucks though since my carry capacity fills up with magical stuff so quickly. Usually I end up having the pet carry the extra magical stuff once my main inventory fills up, but then I have to drop it on the ground and wait for the dog to get back. It really isn't worth selling any of the magic stuff, since gems cost $600 and you might get 240gold for selling a four set of magic junk. Between buying gems from the gem lady, combining junk and exploring floors, I'm getting over 12 gem chunks per level explored.
Patch is in beta apparently, Runic are testing.The S-Word said:is that patch up on steam yet? i just got done playing so...
He's easy as hell until you have a sea of adds to deal with as well, just takes patience. >_<BobFromPikeCreek said:Oh man. Just beat Ordrak. What a jack off. he had so much god damn HP.
Throw 4 junk magic items into the transmuter and 1 random gem comes out.No45 said:Wait a minute, I don't understand this. What are you doing with the magic items you get? You can do something other than sell them?
Well damn, I didn't know that. I have the Town Portal spell now, I can see me using it A LOT.BobFromPikeCreek said:Throw 4 junk magic items into the transmuter and 1 random gem comes out.
The S-Word said:is that patch up on steam yet? i just got done playing so...
magus said:* Much reduced load times for many users
* Fixed broken Brink cinematic on subsequent plays
* Fixed console not activating on Steam builds - this also fixes the fact that subsequent characters didn't see the random dungeon unlock after the first completion
I don't know whether this patch has been released to Steam yet (although my Steam Torchlight has definitely been patched at least once because I noticed it updating last night), but seeing that date doesn't necessarily mean a game hasn't been patched. It just means the developer didn't upload patch notes to Steam.jim-jam bongs said:Nah I'm hanging out too, although none of the game-killing bugs have hit me so I'm still playing while I wait.
Not sure if you realise but you can go to your games list, right-click a game and select "view update news". It should open with the last update up, and have previous updates listed below. Torchlight says "Last Update: December 31, 1969" which is 1 second before the beginning of time as far as computers are concerned, so I don't think they've patched it at all yet.
Chris Remo said:I don't know whether this patch has been released to Steam yet (although my Steam Torchlight has definitely been patched at least once because I noticed it updating last night), but seeing that date doesn't necessarily mean a game hasn't been patched. It just means the developer didn't upload patch notes to Steam.
Chris Remo said:I don't know whether this patch has been released to Steam yet (although my Steam Torchlight has definitely been patched at least once because I noticed it updating last night), but seeing that date doesn't necessarily mean a game hasn't been patched. It just means the developer didn't upload patch notes to Steam.