BoughtBigKaboom2 said:Torchlight now on sale for $9.99 after the latest update which added achievements and Steam Cloud support.
BoughtBigKaboom2 said:Torchlight now on sale for $9.99 after the latest update which added achievements and Steam Cloud support.
markot said:Do all versions sold get this stuff or is it just the Steam version >.>?
BigKaboom2 said:Torchlight now on sale for $9.99 after the latest update which added achievements and Steam Cloud support.
Its only 10 bucks you cheapo! Its worth 5 times that!xKilltheMx said:So I have full intention to buy this game....but only during the Holiday Steam Sale because I've been burned one too many times.
xKilltheMx said:So I have full intention to buy this game....but only during the Holiday Steam Sale because I've been burned one too many times.
Patches, not really (steam will auto update your games), but mods yeah.soldat7 said:I just bought Torchlight from Steam. I'm new to Steam though...can you use mods and patches still?
Polk said:Patches, not really (steam will auto update your games), but mods yeah.
There was this mod that tried to made two handers more viable by making them have double the DPS.Vastag said:Can someone recomend some good mods?. The list of available mods on Runic forums is overwhelming
Zaraki_Kenpachi said:It's going to be funny when it's a lower percentage off during the holiday sale.
webrunner said:Damn.. I just got this a month ago on direct2drive :/ that cloud support and achievements would be nice...
C:\Users\[USER]\AppData\Roaming\runic games\torchlight\modsVolcynika said:Steam folder of Torchlight doesn't have a mod folder, can I just make my own and put the mods there?
xKilltheMx said:I refuse to accept that possibility. It shall be cheaper!
Polk said:C:\Users\[USER]\AppData\Roaming\runic games\torchlight\mods
try %appdata%\runic games\torchlight\modsVolcynika said:Hm, AppData folder doesn't exist in my user folder.
Polk said:try %appdata%\runic games\torchlight\mods
Is this the case? I still haven't bought it yet, but do half the skills literally not actually even work? I played Borderlands where like 1/3 of Lilith's skill tree wasn't viable at first until they fixed it (on PC). I don't really want that to happen again...hauton said:i want to like this game
its just such an unbalanced mess with half the skills not working as they should
i guess they've fixed a lot of the game-breaking exploits (enchant or whatever) but it still feels like an incomplete game that really doesn't deserve my time no matter how much im waiting for a d2 clone
oh well 1.13 here i come
Blizzard said:Is this the case? I still haven't bought it yet, but do half the skills literally not actually even work? I played Borderlands where like 1/3 of Lilith's skill tree wasn't viable at first until they fixed it (on PC). I don't really want that to happen again...
Well I don't mean balance issues. I have NO problem with me being insanely overpowered as a player. If that bothers me, I can always use weaker weapons or armor.jim-jam bongs said:That post was easily the worst post in this thread. I have no idea what that fountain of hyperbole was all about. Balance issues do exist, but there are better explanations than "this shit is broken" earlier in this thread.
And as someone who was burned horribly by Borderlands, this ain't Blands. I played 15 hours of Borderlands waiting for the fun to start. I played 15 minutes of Torchlight and never wanted to stop playing.
Blizzard said:Well I don't mean balance issues. I have NO problem with me being insanely overpowered as a player. If that bothers me, I can always use weaker weapons or armor.I meant I would be annoyed if a skill says "this buffs your health by 50%" but actually your health isn't affected at all...that's what it sounds like he was saying, that the descriptions actually aren't true because of game bugs that aren't fixed in a patch.
Download the modZzoram said:I can't believe that this game doesn't have respec. Even Diablo 2 is getting patched with respec, and this clone that adopts a lot of modernizations from WoW doesn't even have it (without mods).
Zzoram said:I can't believe that this game doesn't have respec. Even Diablo 2 is getting patched with respec, and this clone that adopts a lot of modernizations from WoW doesn't even have it (without mods).
Gowans007 said:are there any worth while mods that's good to put straight on guys?