L00P said:So I get this super awesome rifle, right? It's like the most perfect rifle I could ever get my hands on because it compliments my character's build nicely. It has like +50% Minion Armor and Damage(My character summons stuff) and very powerful, too. BEST. RIFLE. EVER.
Then I came across an enchantment shrine. So I had this very clever idea to make my BEST RIFLE EVER to be more awesome than it is.
kennah said:Before people get surprised with it. Steam cloud saves don't transfer from pc - mac or mac - pc.Known issue that they would have had to build the game in a completely different way for it to work so not much chance of it ever being fixed.
You and me both brother. But, in the meantime, new vanquisher.mikespit1200 said:I'm hoping some intrepid modder builds an application to convert the save game file. I'm not optimistic though.
You really have to make your own fun with it. If you build talent trees that annihilate everything, it gets kind of boring. So try something creative, with situational strengths.cooljeanius said:Tried the demo for Mac Steam today. The gameplay has that boring-but-addictive quality that those Facebook games with clicks-as-gameplay have. Seems like it could get more interesting, though. Also, the art style is great.
Lyphen said:You really have to make your own fun with it. If you build talent trees that annihilate everything, it gets kind of boring. So try something creative, with situational strengths.
Salz01 said:omg. I came in here on a e3 frenzy thinking they would announce an expansion pack. =(
Just download it or buy it. Its worth it.
Ready your self for being addicted to loot.kaskade said:I downloaded the demo off of Steam for my Macbook. It runs well. I have a 2.16 duo, 2gb ram, some other stuffs. I'm probably going to buy the full version. Steam for Mac rocks. Next up TF2.
CryptiK said:what happened to the MMO part of this game...?
Zozobra said:Ugggggh, I want to like this game so badly, but I just can't get into it. The art direction and music is phenomenal, but the fact that there's no online or co-op mode totally kills the experience for me. It seems odd, but I my opinion of game would completely change if I could play this with a friend. Oh well, I will still be checking out the MMO.
The loot is what kept me going. There's so much you can do to get better loot and improve your skills.Zozobra said:Ugggggh, I want to like this game so badly, but I just can't get into it. The art direction and music is phenomenal, but the fact that there's no online or co-op mode totally kills the experience for me. It seems odd, but I my opinion of game would completely change if I could play this with a friend. Oh well, I will still be checking out the MMO.
Multi-player Play with your friends over a local area network, or over the Internet. A free matchmaking peer-to-peer service lets you make new friends for exciting co-op play.
Customizable Characters Players create and customize a character from one of four classes available and choose an animal companion. Through cosmetic, class, and gender choices, skill path decisions, and the treasures they acquire, each character can be custom-tailored to each players needs.
Moddability Torchlight II will release with an updated version of TorchEd, the Torchlight editor. Players have the option to create their own mods, adding even more content to the world. You and your friends can download the same mod and play together!
New User Interface Torchlight II boasts an entirely new, improved user interface, designed to be easier than ever for new players to pick up and play. Thanks to this intuitive interface, players have immediate access to a rich and varied world, with little experience necessary.
Overworld Areas Torchlight II has large randomized overworld areas to explore with weather, time of day cycles, and random events that provide players with even more content to experience.
Random Dungeons Delve into randomly generated dungeons within the game at any time for extra experience and rare loot. Dungeons in Torchlight II have even more branching paths to explore with friends filled with random events, rewards and dangers.
Retirement System Once characters are sufficiently leveled up, they can retire and bestow specific benefits and perks onto new characters.
Pets Players choose a pet to accompany them. Pets level up along with the player, and help in battle, learn spells, carry items, and perform a variety of support services.
Fishing Fishing returns in the sequel! Players can take a break from the high-energy pace of adventuring to relax by one of the many fishing holes and see what they can catch. Fish have unique benefits for the player and pet, while a number of other rewards can also be discovered.
jessecuster said:No talk of the sequel coming out next year?
Opus Angelorum said:I played the demo over the weekend, and I found it somewhat difficult to navigate through the very similar looking upper and lower levels. Is this indicative of the whole game?
If you're talking about the actual levels, just keep going down.Opus Angelorum said:I played the demo over the weekend, and I found it somewhat difficult to navigate through the very similar looking upper and lower levels. Is this indicative of the whole game?
I don't think this is happening...mackloon said:Anyone know when and if this game is supposed to hit PSN or XBLA? I thought it was before holiday...?
Any insider information or leaks would be grrrrreat!
Yes, there is also a demo available on Steam.Darkmakaimura said:This game grabbed my interest after hearing about it coming to the 360 today. So, it looks like it's available on disc form for the PC. I love Diablo so this is worth considering.