So was able to finish the prologue yesterday + start a campaign as the Iceni.
Prologue was pretty good, even though the hand-holding gets annoying (but that's why it's a tutorial).
I must say I'm really pleased with the maps I've played on. Most look absolutely gorgeous and the layout / diversity within a map is great IMO.
Especially the battlefields I've seen in Britain have been great!
Game doesn't run that good but most people in here have already addressed this issue.
The AI is just plain stupid (what a surprise) and all of the battles have been cake walks.
I would send in my slingers to unload all of their ammo on the enemy and they just sit there and get hammered.
If the AI finally decides to send in Units, you just send in the Spear/Sword infantry and watch the massacre.
The AI keeps sending 1 or 2 stacked armies to my towns/cities and I would just auto resolve those battles.
Anyway started my first campaign as Iceni (Love the barbarians look and fighting style) and I'll probably do a campaign as Sparta after this.
Had a fun time "liberating" the rest of Great Britain last night, even though it was easy, it's still fun play some battles where you are vastly outnumbered but manage to pull through with minimal loses;
Had a single inexperienced sword band kill 524 units in a single battle. They had like 40 survivors after the battle and they started with 160 men in that single unit so it seems like a good deal
I'm loving some of the new additions though:
- Able to rename your armies + select banners + select traits/traditions that stay with the army
- Armies automatically change to transport ships once they hit water
- The different army stances
- The recruitment while not in a city.
The only thing I found really annoying was that most of my provinces have a very low public order rating.
I don't understand why upgrading your city/buildings give you so much squalor (public order penalty), like I have 4 buildings ready for upgrades but each of the upgrades will give me a -6 to public order PER TURN.
I mean why? It's just annoying and it forces me to keep the province bonuses on that "bread and games" mode where it will increase public order/happiness.
I have been having fun though, that's the important part right?