I think it's hilarious that the EIC of an iPhone gaming site is accusing GAF of being too hardcore to buy games. Both because that makes no sense and because there's a massive chunk of iPhone gamers who think anything more than a dollar or two for any app/game is a ripoff.
I've probably spent more on Ace Attorney games than the average Touch Arcade user has spent on iOS games.
It was just a petty comment that he used to get others riled up. I tend to ignore random comments that people say just to troll.
That said, I believe he has a fair sentiment. Kickstarter is cool in theory, but it does encourage random ideas to be thrown out there. I think what he missed about it is that that is the WHOLE point. Fine, if you don't believe in Kickstarter projects, then don't pledge. The whole point about it is that it's like a democracy - each user decides for themselves and decisions made based on a collective. If it truly is a joke, then that will come out at the end.
I don't see the need to be so verbally abusive about disliking something like that. That said, this is the Internet, and even EICs can have a bad day, right? Everyone has the occasional meltdown.
As for other comments related to GAF, again, this is the internet. It's easy and fun trolling, I suppose, to take a comment and label an entire community. You guys are part of the Internet, right? Then you should KNOW this is the norm.
Yes, GAF is hardcore. And yes, there is a component of that that makes us elitist, nearly by definition. We users who treat gaming as near damned lifestyle, participating on an online forum that is slightly exclusive actually does make us the elite to an extent. There's nothing wrong with at. I guess people just hate being labeled. Thing is, I get labeled here all the time. Apple fanboy. Angry Bird lover. Not directly and personally, but as a passing comment to my personality in general. I take no heed of it.
I,m also a member of Touch Arcade, and while I don't participate as much over there, I find my own value in what they do. Reviews and news are interesting. Forum opinions are interesting, and can offer some broad advice.
That said, the community aspect is not what I look for there. I got turned away by the constant pandering to developers there - it's no longer tolerated to ask for codes, but the feeling is always there. And I absolutely HATE the way users sit around constantly hoping others try the new games and 'TOFTT' (take one for the team), as if buying a 99c game is a huge sacrifice for the good of all - it's exactly what is wrong with the AppStore, translated into forum mentality. Not to mention that the notion of Team is so far off mark, when it's just a bunch of people hoping other people take the hit. For sure, I might be a hypocrit, because I don't make the plunge to buy apps straight away all that often, but the difference is I don't have the expectation that others do so.
So as with all Internet sites, including this one, it has its pros and cons. I'll still visit as I always have, and extract what I find useful from it.
But you guys should check out Slide To Play. Their site isn't particularly stand out, but the guys there seem really great and fun.