I bought The Binding of Isaac months ago and only started the thing up this week!Yeah, anybody who knows anything about NeoGAF knows that we buy a lot of games.
It's playing them where we start to have problems.
Steam Sales Syndrome
I bought The Binding of Isaac months ago and only started the thing up this week!Yeah, anybody who knows anything about NeoGAF knows that we buy a lot of games.
It's playing them where we start to have problems.
A guy who runs an Apple App site complaining about the "millennial generation"?
Okay so you get the product, but you don't get a share of the profits? If thats the case, everyone should only donate a dollar.
Haha, that was definitely my dad in 1998.I find it really charming how everyone is suddenly an ROI hardliner (and a backseat investment genius) when Kickstarter comes up. It's cute, like when everyone's dad was suddenly a day trader with an eTrade account and a $500 portfolio in 1998.
Is the point of KS games to create games that'd never be funded otherwise, or is it just another revenue stream? Some seem like the first, some seem the second.
They probably wouldn't be funded period. Look at the Wasteland 2 kickstarter. Almost 3 million raised. They had pitched this to places but it never worked out because they game they wanted to make wasn't the kind of game those people were willing to give money to. Not because it was a bad idea to start with, but because it wasn't what they saw as making money.
It's okay to be skeptical of kickstarter projects, since there are quite a few of them that are complete shit, however when you have major names behind them being very transparent in their intent, I think it's a safe bet.
Still, Hodapp is critical about Kickstart, sure, but what does that criticism have to do with shitting on this project?
Haha, that was definitely my dad in 1998.
It depends on the project. There are multiple examples on the site for each KS project and each project should have a clearly written out explanation of what your donation goes to, where they are at, and their goals with the money.
I remember one project pushed by Penny Arcade where the gentlemen was good at making the brilliant set pieces for table top gaming. He has made pieces before and was planning on going into his own business. However, he needed the funds to purchase the professional lazer cutter and software to get the business off the ground. So your donation was actually buying a future product at a discount and he was going to use the cash to get the lazer. Everybody wins.
Just look around the site. It's a fantastic was to generate cash for something that's a bit too niche for a bank or publisher to give you the funds for.
I'm skeptical of this particular project.. the Wasteland 2 one.. no.
I understand why the Wasteland 2 would be hard to fun the standard way, it's not a guaranteed money maker. It's risky.
This project though.. not so sure of that.
Yeah, I don't think anyone is saying the site should reverse their stance on Kickstarter games. Its just the way this fellow has gone about it that is in very poor form.I don't think there's much I can say about TouchArcade that other people haven't already mentioned. I'm just completely at a loss, though, when trying to figure out what Hodapp's agenda is. I can understand someone taking a stance against Kickstarter and its ilk on principle but this seems like several steps over the wacky line.
I have no idea what this game is nor who any of these people are but based off those few tweets if somebody links me I'll get around to putting a few dollars into the kickstarter
I know what it's for, clearly. I'm saying that some seem to be using it for the wrong reasons.
We estimate that République will cost north of $1 million to complete. After months of meetings and due diligence, we believe that we can raise the necessary additional funds to complete République from potential outside investors, but there is some risk that our efforts will be unsuccessful. Before we enter into any financial agreements, we want to prove through Kickstarter that there is a market for a serious AAA mobile game. While we may eventually have to share future profits from the game in order to finance development costs, we have no intention of sacrificing quality, creative control or IP ownership.
In the very happy event that we exceed our $500,000 Kickstarter goal, this will grant us more financial freedom and will allow us to build an even better game. We will also consider the idea of developing République for other platforms, however this is not a decision we take lightly, as we firmly believe in developing our games to the strengths of each platform.
Yeah, I don't think anyone is saying the site should reverse their stance on Kickstarter games. Its just the way this fellow has gone about it that is in very poor form.
I really don't understand this KS stuff. Why would you give money to a person or a group of people to make something, only for them to turn around and charge you to buy said product?
i think someone with as much power as eli hodapp should be called out for his actions.
This is what I was sorta trying to say in my previous post in not so many words.Well, it's a pretty poor stance to begin with.
It's one thing to say "Kickstarter may be a good idea to pool your money towards a few projects, but beware as there's a chance it may be a fruitless endeavor. Do your research first, as you would with any financial decision."
Versus, "Kickstarter is what's wrong with this current generation. Instead of these developers working to get the money themselves, they're begging for it. It's akin to the homeless on the street begging for change. Like the homeless, they should be left to crawl for their next meal or die, not have it handed to them from random peoples generosity. It's disguising, and a prime example of how entitled this sad excuse for a generation feels."
I'm just boggled. Kickstater, quite literally, cannot hurt him personally or professionally so I don't see the rage behind his opinion.
Hey I admit I'm clueless on KS. Don't have to make fun.
They're now $15 closer to their goal.
Honestly, he made a fairly decent point about Kickstarter. But I don't see what he gets so... venomous in subsequent posts. He seems like he REALLY does not want the project to get off the ground, which is too bad because the concept seemed cool. I don't understand why he wants this one project to fail.
That's what I did! I seriously can't believe how angry this guy is getting over Kickstarter.However to actively root against them and act like a complete and utter child is just bullshit. Almost makes me want to donate to this kickstarter just to piss the shithead off.
I was reading that thread. I'm not a fan of Kickstarter myself and couldn't care less about the game but the Touch Arcade guy is just a piece of shit. That simple. I don't go into kickstarter threads and shit all over them because I know others support them and I'm cool with that. It's their choice and right to.
However to actively root against them and act like a complete and utter child is just bullshit. Almost makes me want to donate to this kickstarter just to piss the shithead off.
The funniest part is the guy on Twitter that thinks that people on NeoGAF don't buy games. Everyone, prepare to show off your backlogs!
wiiflare said:the editor of Toucharcade.com, @hodapp would like to come on NeoGAF
his nick is io_burn, anyone mod/admin i can contact to speed up his activation?
wilflare said:he has been in queue for some months i think
Kickstarter is cool for projects that would not exist without it, but i guess i'm just generally skeptical about people and money and wonder how much people are just using KS as a means of getting free money instead of loaning from investors so that they can cut the costs and make more profit.
I mean how hard could it be to get a million bucks from publisher to do a Wasteland game which has a big cult following and give it a try. A million is not a lot to lose if you have a chance of reviving an IP, considering that publishers are putting tens of millions to stuff like X-Com and Syndicate.
I'm honestly baffled by someone getting the impression that GAFers don't buy games. That's just some incredibly out there shit.
Uhmmmm. I'll just say this: the TouchArcade dude who's hating on NeoGAF now, not even last week was begging one of our iOS |OT| regulars to ask a mod/admin to get approved since he had been waiting to become a junior for a long time and really wanted to get approved.
So you can even add that to the OP, if you want.
There's proof this is true btw, it's all laid out in the Touch Gaming Thread 4.
I was just about to make a joke on how he probably hates GAF because his account hasn't been approved, but wow. What a joke.Uhmmmm. I'll just say this: the TouchArcade dude who's hating on NeoGAF now, not even last week was begging one of our iOS |OT| regulars to ask a mod/admin to get approved since he had been waiting to become a junior for a long time and really wanted to get approved.
So you can even add that to the OP, if you want.
There's proof this is true btw, it's all laid out in the Touch Gaming Thread 4.
So he's bitter that he isn't important enough to get special treatment / fast tracked through approval...I was just about to make a joke on how he probably hates GAF because his account hasn't been approved, but wow. What a joke.
Uhmmmm. I'll just say this: the TouchArcade dude who's hating on NeoGAF now, not even last week was begging one of our iOS |OT| regulars to ask a mod/admin to get approved since he had been waiting to become a junior for a long time and really wanted to get approved.
So you can even add that to the OP, if you want.
There's proof this is true btw, it's all laid out in the Touch Gaming Thread 4.
Edit: here:
POSTED on April 24th
(DISCLAIMER: wiiflare is a good sport and a nice member, he just wanted to help out, it's not like he knew this whole deal)
But he's the editor in chief of the biggest website covering the future of video games. Who else is more important than him?So he's bitter that he isn't important enough to get special treatment / fast tracked through approval...
I guess that stupid fuck missed the massive iOS gaming thread?