And since someone linked to that page, what's this about?
Coal said:
Maybe you'll feel differently after you donate some substantial amount to a Kickstarter (you know, more than 20 bucks) and still not have the goal be reached.
Ok, so assume that happens... And? The goal isn't reached, the money isn't taken, and one's opinion will change because..?
I pledged $65 on Wasteland 2 for the boxed copy + shipping. I'd still pledge on Shadowrun Returns even if Wasteland 2 hadn't made its goal. Why wouldn't I? Hell, even if Wasteland 2, Shadowrun Returns and FTL, all I've so far pledged for, suck, the next time I find a different project I really want to see happen (and maybe also feel I'm getting a good deal with the rewards if it pans out), I'll pledge, assuming I feel the developers will actually try and also appear to have the potential to achieve the goal, like I feel for these three (for the record, I also think Republique's developers have shown the required traits, I'm just not sure I'll like their vision), even if they fail. Just as I didn't stop buying games because Deus Ex: Invisible War sucked despite raving reviews.
Other people give what, 10k, because they like the bonuses, really want to help, and they can afford it, who am I to judge anyone over how they spend their money? I just assume that it's a calculated risk they wanted to take fully aware of what Kickstarter is and fully aware things may not end up as good as they hope for, rather than assume they got suckered into it (like you seem to do when you say that Kickstarters potential for "hustling" is hard for people to grasp). 10k could be pennies to them, and if they wanted something more than the rewards in return, they'd buy stock of some company instead.
They probably do, with a lot more money than 10k.
It seems to me you still don't know much about Kickstarter and thought that if the goal isn't reached the pledgers' money is lost, otherwise I have no idea why you'd think anyone's opinion on the matter would change after they pledged a decent sum and the goal wasn't reached. Republique doesn't seem like it will make it but there are in fact hundreds of backers pledging $100 or whatever, there's also a backer for $7,500, why would their opinion change if the goal isn't reached? They'll most likely just go :/ for a moment and then move on and still pledge or not pledge on a case by case basis just as with everything else.
Shit there have been Diablo III (and other) pre-orders for years, but I wasn't running around calling anyone who may wanna jump on them mad because the game *gasp* might suck, like it actually might since development is complex and nothing is certain. That's not exactly much different, other than the fact that, of course, Blizzard would probably finish it even if nobody preordered. Although shit happens and it could have been cancelled too, and then of course amazon or whatever wouldn't take your money.