I just spent 30 min or so browsing through the original thread. I'll just borrow a gif from that thread to convey what it felt like to simulate the scam unfolding in real time.

FundHer ‏@FundHer 19h
22 Essential New Year's Resolutions For Entrepreneurs From Entrepreneurs: http://tech.co/new-years-resolutions-entrepreneurs-entrepreneurs-2013-12 … #22 IS MY FAVORITE! Starting it Monday! U?
What is the KS policy for projects which fail or don't fulfil its requirements? At the very least, requirements of kickstarter goodies that some still seem to be missing?
Wow, Jessica sounds really entitled. She wants her pledge fulfilled AND she expects to hear back from the project creator?
Geez, the nerve of people. I hope Susan lets her two friends know so that they can bully Jessica and call her an asshole as they did to people like Waqar.
Susan Wilson 1 day ago
Sorry Kenzie and I got sidelined with the holidays and the reality is the Swag Bags and the beta testing is all being handled by her assistant (i.e., me) and I've just been slammed with my real job and doing all the holiday prep work that I'm fairly certain most moms will totally relate to and cut me/us some slack. But it's a new year and the kids are all back in school so now I can do the stuff that needs done b/c the SWAG is here, I just need to mail it. And maybe it's my hang up but I just don't want to release the game or take it out of beta until I'm certain it's as good as possible b/c I'm afraid people will say horrible stuff about it all (including Kenzie) and it'll live forever on the Internet. And at 10, she doesn't need to deal with that and I certainly don't want her to deal with it at 16 if/when she Googles herself. I'll get the SWAG out this week, research the sweatshirt and get back to focusing on the admin stuff related to Truth & Trolls so Kenzie can enjoy a launch that's not a nightmare. Definitely my issue, but the attack I endured for $829 has me a little gun shy and overprotective. Hope you understand, but I do apologize for the delay and lack of communication during the Holidays.
P.S. @DougRadcliffe, would love to return your money because clearly you didn't back Kenzie to support her. You negativity isn't needed, wanted and frankly makes you look like a jerk given all that's already been done with that $24K that proves we "The Wilsons" didn't keep a cent. And as for Kenzie's big Christmas gift, it was a you bow, arrows, and a quiver made by a woman on etsy that looks like the one Katniss uses though Legolas is really what's got her so into it all. She's even learned to speak Elfish and is working on building it into the game.
Well, look at that... a message from Susan.
I don't think the problem for Kenzie at 16 will be googling herself. Googling her "assistant" though...
I'll say one thing - I certainly don't know how this person amassed such a large fortune. Her work ethic is pathetic. I love how she references an "attack she endured". She's still whining and using that as a shield.
I swear, I don't think I've read anything more aggravating due to their illogical deflections than Susan's comments. She is a childish sociopath, but I think we already established that.
P.S. @DougRadcliffe, would love to return your money because clearly you didn't back Kenzie to support her.
The Art Factory 1 day ago
Happy New Years! and thanks for making such a very cool game, way better than expected, and a foundation for a lot of future too... really wonderful project and thanks for posting it..
Kaedryl - Obsidian's Mad Doctor 1 day ago
Beta feedback on the site is not working.
Yea how is she supposed to finish the game if the beta feedback isn't working?
I'm guessing Philip Tan from the MIT Games Lab screwed that up.
Maybe they should do another Kickstarter for the beta portal?
Roland Austinat 1 day ago
Eight weeks after my last comment, I am still curious about that beta invite - did they go out to randomly selected people? Will this game ever come out? Keeping my fingers crossed!
FundHer ‏@FundHer
Did u know 85 PEOPLE own 46% of global wealth ($110 Trillion)? Thx @BillKarins! 10% controlling 90% of global wealth was bad. This is WORSE!
Roland's invite was probably eaten by trolls.
Also, Susan has had a change of heart. Turns out the amassing of as much wealth as possible is not her ultimate life goal!
Did u know MONEY BAD?
She just wants to join that club of 85...
Also, I thought she was a close friend of Warren Buffett? I guess Warren didn't back Kenzie's project, which made Susan furious.
FundHer ‏@FundHer
Dream it.See it.Do it. OR Ask.Allow.Receive. pic.twitter.com/ywoSVn99
Roland's invite was probably eaten by trolls.
Also, Susan has had a change of heart. Turns out the amassing of as much wealth as possible is not her ultimate life goal!
Did u know MONEY BAD?
I'm sorry but that averages to over a trillion a person. I know that's completely bonkers so I did a quick search:
"According to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, the 100 richest people in the world added $241 billion to their combined net worth in 2012, bringing their total stash to a whopping $1.9 trillion."
Am I misreading it or does she seriously believe that figure is correct? I know this is far from the only questionable thing from her but it seemed pretty easy to catch that her figure is completely ridiculous.
And the person she thanks for that information is a TV station meteorologist. Not saying he can't spout off non-weather related facts but seems a curious person to thank as the source of your economic info.
The Art Factory 1 day ago
@Roland, I have a copy of that beta still, and it's a wonderful game.. if you cannot find it. let me know and we'll find a way to get you the file.. it's 5-700mb, huge.. and it's a very amazing video game. more amazing is who authored it, and how she kept her promises very carefully in spite of a huge wave of people publically being critical. but when the game was released, even the beta proved, wow, this was always a very amazing project. (829$ goal: small project: big game created from it)... very good work, much credits to the creatorm she obviously worked super hard on it..
I think he's a mentally disturbed individual.Is the jury still out on The Art Factory? I want to say 'troll' since that's the only way I can rationalize his/her insane comments. I'm probably wrong. I am the real troll. :/
Is the jury still out on The Art Factory? I want to say 'troll' since that's the only way I can rationalize his/her insane comments. I'm probably wrong. I am the real troll. :/
Careful with that... if Susan gets inspired by King.com, she might sue you for using the word "tro..." (I'm not even going to write it down anymore...)
The Art Factory 1 day ago
@Roland, I have a copy of that beta still, and it's a wonderful game.. if you cannot find it. let me know and we'll find a way to get you the file.. it's 5-700mb, huge.. and it's a very amazing video game. more amazing is who authored it, and how she kept her promises very carefully in spite of a huge wave of people publically being critical. but when the game was released, even the beta proved, wow, this was always a very amazing project. (829$ goal: small project: big game created from it)... very good work, much credits to the creatorm she obviously worked super hard on it..
FundHer ‏@FundHer 31 jan.
Fighting Sexism. Avoiding Stigma of Being #ThatWoman. My Kickstarter w/@GamerCEO showed us IT IS REAL! http://mashable.com/2014/01/30/that...:eyJzIjoidCIsImkiOiJfNWNpeHJ6a3Z0cHl1ZDBkbiJ9 … via @mashable
FundHer ‏@FundHer 30 jan.
@lindaliukas, Just backed Hello Ruby. Can't wait to share w/@GamerCEO, my 10YrOld daughter. We're learning Ruby now if u need beta readers.
I wonder when Susan's next entrepreneurial project will launch? I'd love to see how many backers from T&T she retains.
Wyng'd Lyon Creations 2 days ago
Any news on the SWAG? I still haven't heard anything on the sweatshirt for the reward level I contributed to.
Wyng'd Lyon Creations on Dec 16
Any updated on the the sweatshirts? I have yet to receive mine.
FundHer ‏@FundHer 5 feb.
Just signed up! Yey me! Skillcrush 102: JavaScript, jQuery & APIs from @Skillcrush on @Gumroad: https://gum.co/LtCJ
Poor guy. I guess Susan only had "Keep Up!" T-shirts and koozies readily available in the attic.
I guess Susan's too busy beta testing... she's quickly turning into a code monkey.
Her twitter feed is an amazing stream of nonstop bullshit.
Indeed, and it's all just so shameless. I wonder if she actually believes all the bs herself (i.e. she's delusional) or it's all intentional, with a hidden agenda, like trying to get into some exclusive entrepreneur club or something (i.e. she's a sociopath). Maybe she just wants her own Susan Wilson movie?
So, I guess that's it? She put out Philip Tan's beta and most of the backers consider that reward fulfilled? Meanwhile numerous people haven't gotten their 'Keep Up!' apparel (that Susan had leftover from a previous endeavor before this kickstarter), but Susan ignores them.
It's a good thing Susan is still accepting pre-orders of the game (with beta testing!) and selling all the apparel on her website. I'd love to see the web traffic data for truthandtrolls.com - we are probably the only people who check it ever so rarely when this thread gets bumped.
Kenzie ‏@GamerCEO Feb 9
Working w/my mom launching Truth & Trolls. She's in tears laughing at this comic. Is it THAT funny? http://www.shaenon.com/ladygaming.jpg via @femonomics
FundHer ‏@FundHer Feb 9
@GamerCEO @femonomics YES it is THAT funny to me Kenz BUT I'm 43 & ur 10. As ur Mom, I AM SO GLAD u disagree w/me bc that may mean progress.
"I'm ur mom and I'm totally not having a conversation with myself."
I'd like to also take this moment to remind people that Susan Wilson raised $25k to use a free piece of software to make an incomplete beta for a very short game. She also got a free laptop and has left many people wondering what happened to their swag. She violated numerous rules of Kickstarter, so they changed their rules to accommodate her.
I made it myself guys. Don't steal!!1!!1111
Does Susan know about the free Game Maker deal right now?
Jessica about 13 hours ago
I haven't heard anything on the swag since I filled out my form and I'm actually still waiting to be able to finish the game since I couldn't play through due to a bug in the beta....![]()
Roland Austinat about 8 hours ago
@The Art Factory: Thanks much for your friendly offer - I'd prefer to play the actual game by now though. I wonder where things went wrong and if it will ever get released. And if the people who contributed to higher brackets will get what was promised to them on January 6th ("I'll get the SWAG out this week, research the sweatshirt and get back to focusing on the admin stuff").
Lmao they got what they deserved IMO.Some new backer replies. They seem to get somewhat impatient, and feel they were promised stuff.
Both Jessica and Roland nagged about the status of the project before. So maybe Susan should just threaten to pay their money back if they don't have anything positive (like more money) to contribute. With Kenzie being 10 and all...
Roland Austinat 3 days ago
@The Art Factory: Thanks much for your friendly offer - I'd prefer to play the actual game by now though. I wonder where things went wrong and if it will ever get released. And if the people who contributed to higher brackets will get what was promised to them on January 6th ("I'll get the SWAG out this week, research the sweatshirt and get back to focusing on the admin stuff").
Jessica 3 days ago
I haven't heard anything on the swag since I filled out my form and I'm actually still waiting to be able to finish the game since I couldn't play through due to a bug in the beta....![]()