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Twin Peaks Season 3 OT |25 Years Later...It Is Happening Again

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Didn't say you did, friend. I'm saying the mud is getting slung a lot in this thread for whatever reason.

Probably because people who think episode 8 had too much filler got bombarded by posts about how we don't understand art of some shit. I usually post in every series thread I watch but this thread is full is so much pretentiousness that it's become palpable.


How are you going to constructively critique something that's already in the can? Pretty sure that's unpossible.

I was using the term to express the difference between being insulting and giving reasoned criticism. I'm stating things that could have been made better. It's not like I'm saying Lynch was gonna make those changes. If you thinking I used that term wrong, then my bad.
I personally don't agree. Like, in the last episode when the song played and it showed the moon and then the outside of the Roadhouse, it had a great mood. But the moment it cut to the performance, it immediately felt like it was just a music video due to the cinematography and lighting. That's one of the reasons why, to me, the musical performances detract from the show. We don't need to see it in nearly every episode, when it rarely stands out on its own besides the music itself.

The mood can be present or amplified by literally anything else. Seeing indie rock bands, Nine Inch Nails, a singer-songwriter, etc. on stage doesn't really add much to the mood, in my opinion. It feels like a CW show, not Twin Peaks.

Anyways, that's just my opinion (man). I know I'm not alone in thinking that the music is a bad choice to end the episodes on, but no sense in continuing to bring it up.

So your saying "anything else" could work? Well, no duh. But it's the choices made that matter, not the Infinite choices that weren't. I mean the whole point of a work of art is you are seeing a specific point of view. And Lynch specifically likes mood and feeling.

As for the NIN performance, it was specifically used as a palate cleanser. The musical performances serve as an act break, too. We are used to seeing them to let you know this sequence of events is over. That's exactly what that did. The whole show flipped after NIN. The Mr C rising was almost like a post credit scene in a Marvel movie.

I understand people not liking the performances, but they do have purpose. I imagine many fans will just fast forward through them or stop the Part there on rewatch. That's fine.

big ander

there is a humongous difference between reasonable criticism and willful disengagement. reasonable criticism I'll hear happily--I've read plenty of writing from people who don't enjoy dougie or the overall pacing/structure of this season that I totally understand. and I understand it because they actually provide reasoning, talk about how the appearances and disappearances of new characters frustrates them or how the dissonance of people interacting with dougie doesn't work for them or how the non-trippy episodes don't offer enough aesthetic pleasure. I don't agree with any of that, but I understand it. willful disengagement is trying to hack the show by only watching certain pieces, skipping past or forwarding through scenes because of some peculiar prejudgment. willful disengagement is saying any scene that doesn't have concrete plot-level meaning is worthless, as if the show hasn't always had dimensions of texture and emotion, without even attempting to really explain what was so unsatisfactory. it's saying any music performance is bad by default. that's not criticism, it's bland stubbornness that evinces a lack of compatibility with the show (and most art tbh). that's why my baffled reaction boils down to "how did you even end up here." it's an attitude so incongruous with twin peaks that I can't help but wonder how the connection was made in the first place.


But it would be new grounds and new stories. This is the conclusion to the Laura and Dale stories, the ratings have absolutely nothing to do with it. They never wrote this in hope of getting a season 4, getting another season would be a bonus, not something they intended.

That's how I feel about the ratings as well. I think when Lynch said whatever he said about "hey, maybe we do more depending", he was just leaving the door open on the off chance the Showtime wants more, but I'm not expecting anything after these 18 episodes and I don't think Lynch is going to leave a lot of important threads hanging. I mean, it's Lynch so it's not going to be wrapped up with a bow on top either.


Probably because people who think episode 8 had too much filler got bombarded by posts about how we don't understand art of some shit. I usually post in every series thread I watch but this thread is full is so much pretentiousness that it's become palpable.

See? You're doing it right now. lol


This thread used to be fun
like old Twin Peaks

In the first season Cooper ordered two more pieces of pie after already eating away at one. Three pieces of pie is too much for someone with Coop's thick-solid-tight bod, only a manufactured person could eat that much pie and not gain weight. Theory: Coop has always been a doppleganger; Mr. C is the real Coop.


I just remembered I saw a dream about the final episode of this season.

There Cooper was Dougie for the rest of the season. He was still the same senile Dougie in the one scene yet to come but of what we have seen footage being filmed, and that scene in fact was just something that happened during the end credits of the final episode and was only made as a cliffhanger to the season :D

No it isn't.

This is a 25 years later follow up to a show that already struggled with cancellation and subpar movie success.

Could they continue if the experience is positive for Showtime (keep in mind they sold this to many countries for simulcast and has much more worldwide appeal than most of their other shows), I'm sure they could.

But it would be new grounds and new stories. This is the conclusion to the Laura and Dale stories, the ratings have absolutely nothing to do with it. They never wrote this in hope of getting a season 4, getting another season would be a bonus, not something they intended.

So this isn't like a first season where you hope ratings stay up and you get another one. On top of that, we keep pointing out that yes the ratings are not super relevant for cable as long as the producer of the show is satisfied (through merchandising, export, subscriptions etc...), the only thing we heard from Showtime was positive so far, let's wait for them to comment once it's all said and done to establish if this series is a success or failure.

They didn't think they would be able to make more episodes than the pilot either.
They filmed a closed ending to the pilot for European markets and they also filmed a closed ending to the first season in case they wouldn't be able to continue the show (Mark told this in Phil Donahue's show).

Who knows what they thought about when they wrote the script to season 3. They seem to know it's fully possible to continue the show if there is enough interest so it's very likely they deliberately let some plot lines hang in the season 3 script. It's very possible that they would hope to continue making the show.

Besides, who has said this is a conclusion to Laura's and Dale's stories? This might be a conclusion for some aspects of their stories but I don't think anyone said this is supposed to be a conclusion to their stories.

Saying these ratings have no value is the same as saying it's not relevant to see how stand-alone movies perform at the box office. From some points of view it's always interesting to see how something is received in certain platforms.

It was interesting to hear that Inland Empire is the only Lynch movie where the investors haven't got their money back. And frankly I think that is the reason Lynch never did another full length movie after that. It's hard to get people to invest to your next project if the previous one flopped. The streaming services have to see good amount of TP:TR viewers for them to get the next possible Twin Peaks or Lynch product on their service.

While it doesn't really matter in this current season of Twin Peaks, it is still interesting thing to think about for the possible future Twin Peaks or Lynch projects.

Ratings for a show like this are important also because they might show if any imitators happen. For Twin Peaks: The Return to "change television" like the original seemed to do it definitely needs good ratings and good success. I personally would like to see more experimental shows on tv so I would like to see this show get great amount of viewers in each platform.

Look, I'm full on board with this show. But I find it odd that some people seem to be against people talking about it negatively or speculating whether it hasn't gained viewers as much as many might've hoped.
Personally I am very interested in hearing if someone didn't like something I liked. Like for example I don't get the hate for Wally Brando or Tammy Preston as I like both of them but I still want to know why people don't like them. And if someone makes a conclusion that stuff like that could be a reason some casual viewers wouldn't like to watch the show, well, that's one way to look at it.

Daffy Duck

they add good music shot beautifully. what in the hell does it mean to "add" to a work of art. how did people who treat art like high school algebra even get into this show? I'm honestly not trying to be dismissive I'm curious. like if your approach to art is "well every moment better have an explicit surface-level textual purpose tying into readily legible and blatantly stated THEMES or else" how did you enjoy the first thirty two hours of this? it's always been a show about mysticism and happenstance and unconventional personal philosophies and food and friendship and trees and a war over the soul of humanity and the incomprehensible forces that rule our lives and the purity/impurity of good and evil in the world. it has never ever been a show where A-plot + B-plot = Thematic Lesson.

basically this. except bell she's awful. (okay I have to admit she was alright this week!)

I had no idea I was watching art.....I'll take my Neanderthal brain and watch Love Island or something.

But FTR I do find all this season interesting and am intrigued by where and what we'll get in the final episodes, but I really do just switch off at these music scenes and pay little attention to the song as thematically to me it brings nothing.


In the first season Cooper ordered two more pieces of pie after already eating away at one. Three pieces of pie is too much for someone with Coop's thick-solid-tight bod, only a manufactured person could eat that much pie and not gain weight. Theory: Coop has always been a doppleganger; Mr. C is the real Coop.

I love this season, when I heard they were going to do a new season and that they essentially filmed an 18 hour movie of "heroin" my thought was basically the more Eraserhead like moments of the first two seasons would be heightened.

I'm not wrong, and it is extremely close to exactly what I imagined, although Episode 8 through me through the loop because I wasn't expecting so much Eraserhead. That's fine, I love Eraserhead, I hated most of the first two seasons of Twin Peaks anyway, Season 3 is a far better and more interesting thing not just for the weird eraserhead moments, which include things like Dougie, Evil DoppelCoop, the effects of The Lodge on a person locked in there for like 25 years. I figured the next season whatever it was of this show was going to be something that in some parts Twin Peaks, but also in some parts something entirely different.

I think a lot of people were expecting a return to what a lot of the episodes of the first season were, but I don't think that is what David Lynch is necessarily going to give but that isn't to say there haven't been parts of Twin Peaks and to me it feels as Twin Peaks as anything but conceptually borrowing from some of Lynch's own earlier Surrealist work that I really enjoy.

I think it is delivering on what I thought a season 3 of this show would be, I like what Mark Frost and Lynch have done, it's pure punk rock, but like punk rock it isn't for everyone. I can see the payoff and it will be glorious, I believe in the direction of this season, Episode 8 really cemented that for me. Each episode is better than the last. This is the greatest thing that has been put to screen in probably the history of television if not cinema but cinema is already so packed with "greatest, great, best" contenders and everyone has a list, so I don't really want to bother. This season makes my list.

This is only my personal opinion as someone that doesn't even like the "original" Twin Peaks.

Ironically, when I sold and released my first copy of my first book I was going to have strawberry rhubarb pie and coffee, but the place I went to only had Cherry left
I hate cherry.
. Again, this was before having recently trying to watch the first couple seasons before looking up summaries, but I like realization that I had a real life twin peaks moment.

Either way I suppose fans of the closer quirky rural community vibe of the beginning of the first show is something people want, but there really isn't a lot of that here, and some of it is pretty dark, some of it is familiar or similar. I think some of that darkness is the fact that it is on showtime versus the originals restrictions, and creative freedom.

Perhaps this is what Frost and Lynch always intended, but I don't know I just know that I am in for the ride. I'm sorry to the folks that don't like it, I hope when it gets closer to the end maybe it will be closer to what you want. Or maybe it won't, but I think that is okay too.

I think having an opinion on something like this always goes one of two ways, you like it or you don't. There is a clear indicator that some or even a lot of people don't and I think some of the criticisms are certainly valid, even if I personally disagree with them.


I have been visiting this thread and posting sometimes since the beginning of the season. But this thread is getting way out of hand. People are taking it way too seriously. Everybody has his or own right to voice there opinion and it doesn't matter if they like the show or not. But it's best if there are arguments in there posts and they are almost like every time. I liked the last episode a lot but I didn't like the experimental one because I absolutely hated Eraserhead. But that is okay. There are still 8 more parts to go. If people want to talk about the viewer ratings they should be able to but does it really matter?
And I don't agree but I can understand why people don't like the songs at the ending of the episode but I do like it. We should just make this thread fun again. Stop making people out for Trump voters and stop saying ''Millenials don't like it or people don't understand it. If they don't like some parts thats just fine.


I just remembered I saw a dream about the final episode of this season.

There Cooper was Dougie for the rest of the season. He was still the same senile Dougie in the one scene yet to come but of what we have seen footage being filmed, and that scene in fact was just something that happened during the end credits of the final episode and was only made as a cliffhanger to the season :D

Airola, may I share something with you? A vision I had in my sleep last night -- as distinguished from a dream, which is a mere sorting and cataloguing of the day’s events by the subconscious. This was a vision -- fresh and clear as a mountain stream, the mind revealing itself to itself.

In my vision I was on the message board of a vast website, a thread of some fantastic proportion. There seemed to emanate from it a light, from within this gleaming, radiant marble. I had known this place. I had, in fact, been born and raised there, and this was my first return -- a reunion with the deepest wellsprings of my being. Navigating about, I noticed happily that the website had been immaculately maintained. There had been added a number of additional Donald Trump threads, but in a way that blended so seamlessly with the original construction, one would never detect any difference. Returning to the site’s grand homepage, there came a private message in my inbox. My son was posting there. He was happy and carefree, clearly living a life of deep harmony and joy. We discoursed -- a warm and loving correspondence, nothing withheld. We were, in this moment, one.

My vision ended. I awoke with a tremendous feeling of optimism and confidence in you and your future. That was my vision. It was you.


I have been visiting this thread and posting sometimes since the beginning of the season. But this thread is getting way out of hand. People are taking it way too seriously. Everybody has his or own right to voice there opinion and it doesn't matter if they like the show or not. But it's best if there are arguments in there posts and they are almost like every time. I liked the last episode a lot but I didn't like the experimental one because I absolutely hated Eraserhead. But that is okay. There are still 8 more parts to go. If people want to talk about the viewer ratings they should be able to but does it really matter?
And I don't agree but I can understand why people don't like the songs at the ending of the episode but I do like it. We should just make this thread fun again. Stop making people out for Trump voters and stop saying ''Millenials don't like it or people don't understand it. If they don't like some parts thats just fine.

I want to add some people are reacting to the criticism like they have been making Twin Peaks themself lol


In the first season Cooper ordered two more pieces of pie after already eating away at one. Three pieces of pie is too much for someone with Coop's thick-solid-tight bod, only a manufactured person could eat that much pie and not gain weight. Theory: Coop has always been a doppleganger; Mr. C is the real Coop.

But The OG Dougie was chubby, probably from eating that much pie
or vagina
Airola, may I share something with you? A vision I had in my sleep last night -- as distinguished from a dream, which is a mere sorting and cataloguing of the day’s events by the subconscious. This was a vision -- fresh and clear as a mountain stream, the mind revealing itself to itself.

In my vision I was on the message board of a vast website, a thread of some fantastic proportion. There seemed to emanate from it a light, from within this gleaming, radiant marble. I had known this place. I had, in fact, been born and raised there, and this was my first return -- a reunion with the deepest wellsprings of my being. Navigating about, I noticed happily that the website had been immaculately maintained. There had been added a number of additional Donald Trump threads, but in a way that blended so seamlessly with the original construction, one would never detect any difference. Returning to the site’s grand homepage, there came a private message in my inbox. My son was posting there. He was happy and carefree, clearly living a life of deep harmony and joy. We discoursed -- a warm and loving correspondence, nothing withheld. We were, in this moment, one.

My vision ended. I awoke with a tremendous feeling of optimism and confidence in you and your future. That was my vision. It was you.

Six stars
Airola, may I share something with you? A vision I had in my sleep last night -- as distinguished from a dream, which is a mere sorting and cataloguing of the day's events by the subconscious. This was a vision -- fresh and clear as a mountain stream, the mind revealing itself to itself.

In my vision I was on the message board of a vast website, a thread of some fantastic proportion. There seemed to emanate from it a light, from within this gleaming, radiant marble. I had known this place. I had, in fact, been born and raised there, and this was my first return -- a reunion with the deepest wellsprings of my being. Navigating about, I noticed happily that the website had been immaculately maintained. There had been added a number of additional Donald Trump threads, but in a way that blended so seamlessly with the original construction, one would never detect any difference. Returning to the site's grand homepage, there came a private message in my inbox. My son was posting there. He was happy and carefree, clearly living a life of deep harmony and joy. We discoursed -- a warm and loving correspondence, nothing withheld. We were, in this moment, one.

My vision ended. I awoke with a tremendous feeling of optimism and confidence in you and your future. That was my vision. It was you.


dunno who this guy is or what this means.... Coop back?

is it confirmed they are showing Episode 11 Comic Con?

Yes, but not until Friday. No idea who he is or if he likes to troll or not.


Airola, may I share something with you? A vision I had in my sleep last night -- as distinguished from a dream, which is a mere sorting and cataloguing of the day’s events by the subconscious. This was a vision -- fresh and clear as a mountain stream, the mind revealing itself to itself.

In my vision I was on the message board of a vast website, a thread of some fantastic proportion. There seemed to emanate from it a light, from within this gleaming, radiant marble. I had known this place. I had, in fact, been born and raised there, and this was my first return -- a reunion with the deepest wellsprings of my being. Navigating about, I noticed happily that the website had been immaculately maintained. There had been added a number of additional Donald Trump threads, but in a way that blended so seamlessly with the original construction, one would never detect any difference. Returning to the site’s grand homepage, there came a private message in my inbox. My son was posting there. He was happy and carefree, clearly living a life of deep harmony and joy. We discoursed -- a warm and loving correspondence, nothing withheld. We were, in this moment, one.

My vision ended. I awoke with a tremendous feeling of optimism and confidence in you and your future. That was my vision. It was you.

Does this mean I end up being a moderator in this forum 25 years from now?

big ander

I don't get people wishing the thread was fun again. since when was it fun the internet has always sucked
I had no idea I was watching art.....I'll take my Neanderthal brain and watch Love Island or something.

But FTR I do find all this season interesting and am intrigued by where and what we'll get in the final episodes, but I really do just switch off at these music scenes and pay little attention to the song as thematically to me it brings nothing.
go with Chopped that show's always nice

I wildly disagree and think there are plenty of connections to be made between the show and the music that's been in it, but I guess if you aren't a huge music guy I could see not liking it...but I'd encourage you to try and make an exception especially for songs like the one this week which was written by david lynch. "Don't be afraid we're with the stars," "but now it's a dream," "no stars/ya no hay estrellas." seems as closely tied to the fabric of the show as any log lady speech or black lodge trip.


So I am almost done listening to that whole podcast..
They also speculate that E11
Either being something big with Laura or Dougie turning back to normal. Or something with Leland. I really hope Dougie/Coop back to normal


This thread used to be fun
like old Twin Peaks

A few individuals of late have demonstrated they're less here to talk about what happens in the show and speculate whats next, or what things mean and more here to just throw shit at it and the creators. Don't give them your time, stick em on ignore, they're simply not worth it.


Was it confirmed Comic con folks saw episode 11?

Airola, may I share something with you? A vision I had in my sleep last night -- as distinguished from a dream, which is a mere sorting and cataloguing of the day's events by the subconscious. This was a vision -- fresh and clear as a mountain stream, the mind revealing itself to itself.

In my vision I was on the message board of a vast website, a thread of some fantastic proportion. There seemed to emanate from it a light, from within this gleaming, radiant marble. I had known this place. I had, in fact, been born and raised there, and this was my first return -- a reunion with the deepest wellsprings of my being. Navigating about, I noticed happily that the website had been immaculately maintained. There had been added a number of additional Donald Trump threads, but in a way that blended so seamlessly with the original construction, one would never detect any difference. Returning to the site's grand homepage, there came a private message in my inbox. My son was posting there. He was happy and carefree, clearly living a life of deep harmony and joy. We discoursed -- a warm and loving correspondence, nothing withheld. We were, in this moment, one.

My vision ended. I awoke with a tremendous feeling of optimism and confidence in you and your future. That was my vision. It was you.

If nothing else comes of this season I am legit so happy Bobby turned his life around.


Pure disingenuous revisionism. Either that or your reading comprehension is just broken beyond repair.

If you can't inherently see why needlessly enticing social/political alignment in a thread about a scifi TV show might ruffle some feathers then I don't know what else to say to you, friend. Don't paint in broad strokes over something like this and you wont get the blowback you have.
If you can't inherently see why needlessly enticing social/political alignment in a thread about a scifi TV show might ruffle some feathers then I don't know what else to say to you, friend. Don't paint in broad strokes over something like this and you wont get the blowback you have.

Accuracy matters, friend. Don't twist someone's words around for your own intentions. This is a forum where posts are there for anyone to see, you don't have to offer a false version of it.
See? You're doing it right now. lol

This thread is full of pretentiousness. This isn't a debate. If pointing out facts is mudslinging, charge me.

As a Twin Peaks fan and not someone who's specifically into Lynch's other works, this season is a huge mixed bag for me. I came into the thread during episode 8 and saw posters proclaiming "if you don't like episode 8 you just don't get it and maybe the series isn't for you". Which is fucking stupid.

At this point it's probably a little bit of a chicken and the egg scenario. I'm not interested in who started the slinging first though. I'm interested in discussing a show without being told I just don't get Lynch or I'm incapable of analyzing the artistry of his work.
FYI, if you're 35 or younger, you're a Millennial. "Above 30" isn't the cut off, haha.

There is a huge amount of debate over that amongst people who for some reason care about such things.

And I say that as someone above the arbitrary cut off you've provided here.

I know loads of super cool millennials who are into various David Lynch and Twin Peaks related things. They're super cool whether they like the whole enchilada or just some of the enchilada.

I feel sorry for people who didn't get what they wanted from this new series, because I AM getting what I wanted, and I see that we couldn't all get what we wanted. Series 3 couldn't have been the tonal continuation of the original series and the risk taking 'pure heroin' Lynch season we are getting.

What rubs me the wrong way is people who can't just let it go that they aren't onboard with creative decisions and try to paint the new series as objectively bad, or question whether or not people 'claiming' to like it, 'really' like it.

Because yes. We do. I mean, I like most of it. Apart from the bits where I didn't like the creative choices Lynch made. But I know loads of other people that like those bits a lot.

And certainly there are continuity errors, and awkwardly edited things, and other things which are unquestionably mistakes which sometimes people try and argue can't possibly be a mistake and must be a knowing and conscious choice that 100% has a deep meaning (like the changing patrons in the RR at the end of episode 6 I think it was).

There isn't a magical reason why Miriam apparently wrote using two completely different styles of handwriting on that envelope with quite possibly the wrong name written on it

Mistakes happen, even in David Lynch stuff. And David admits that too.

Chrysta Bell's acting isn't objectively good or bad any more than anyone else's. But they are all doing what Lynch wanted them to do I think. I mean, he was the one behind the camera going 'Yep! That's the take!' after all.

It's a challenging show, no doubt. And lord knows that what I wanted. So again, I feel sorry for the people who didn't get their tonal continuation of the new show. And I can only imagine how much it must suck to see so many people in love with it.

But for real... fuck viewing figures. Fuck trying to prove anything with them about the quality of the show. The show's art. Maybe you hate it. Maybe you love it. Maybe you hate some parts and love other parts.

Aside from a few specific things... that's just the way it is. Trying to make it objectively anything is just a giant waste of time.

So if you genuinely don't like it, I'd love to know why you react to it the way you do. I'm super excited to get everyone's input on NEW Twin Peaks you know? I mean that's amazing even if you hate it right? But I don't care to know why you think you're *right* to dislike it.

Same goes for people saying 'you just don't understand David Lynch' or 'you're watching it wrong.'

I think it's a great suggestion to try and go into the new series not expecting anything to happen in the next episode. But that's really all it can be. If someone wants Coop to wake up next episode, I can tell them that they're just risking disappointment all I want (and I will reserve the right to tell them that... because it's clearly not how the show has been playing out since Part 3 and 4), but I can't make them change their expectations.

I think trying to help people watch the show in the way where they are most likely to enjoy it, is a *nice thing* to do. But I'm certainly not going to tell people they're watching it wrong.

Because they aren't.
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