This is so damn good hahaha
edit: Friend just added "Wow that was better than the last Thor movie."
This is so damn good hahaha
Pidgeotto carrying the team in two timelines.
Huh. No trainer in RBY has a Kabuto or Kabutops to my knowledge. However...
They don't need to do the mazes anymore, right?
Pretty much this. The stream may try to keep anarchy out of pride but it doesn't do anything for the run. Any serious strategy will involve democracy.
If we didn't have democracy, we'd still be in the maze.
No prophet killing. No drowzee liberation. No continuation of the meta.
To many down trolls.
So easy! Must make it as hard as possible.This is the plan:
You best not be giving the Flareon release and Drowzee withdraw to Democracy. That was all Anarchy, and it was done beautifully.
Of course it was anarchy. That mode should be how the majority of the run is played. I'm just pointing out how instrumental democracy was to the continuation of the run. It's a useful, perhaps even necessary tool to have; complementary to anarchy.
There is no strategy to democracy, it's just pressing the right button. Anarchy means pressing the right button whilst accounting for 50k+ other people trying to press the same button and many others. It makes the stream a lot more interesting and a lot more intense. It's also how the stream started and thus how it should end.
I love how they keep finding items i never ever found while playing the game!
Can somebody quickly summary what is going on here with this pokemon story.
What is anarchy, democracy, false prophet, etc
I'm not going to argue about which system is more fun, but what I'm trying to say is that if you want to be serious about completing the game, you should be voting for democracy. Play to win. This makes anarchy pointless as democracy is now the dominant strategy for every objective.
You'd be saying the same thing if democracy was introduced during the ledge, and that's why it bothers me so damn much.
I'm not going to argue about which system is more fun, but what I'm trying to say is that if you want to be serious about completing the game, you should be voting for democracy. Play to win. This makes anarchy pointless as democracy is now the dominant strategy for every objective.
You'd be saying the same thing if democracy was introduced during the ledge, and that's why it bothers me so damn much.
I'm not going to argue about which system is more fun, but what I'm trying to say is that if you want to be serious about completing the game, you should be voting for democracy. Play to win. This makes anarchy pointless as democracy is now the dominant strategy for every objective.
I think the ledge was reasonably doable. The maze? Nah. Too much precision required. We were in the spin cycle for more than a day, and nothing noteworthy happened.
If you want to be more serious about beating the game, you should play the game yourself.
... why are we standing still?