Of course the streamer wants more people watching, he is making money out of this. He wants an audience.
He can do whatever he wants with this, and I can say whatever I want about what he is doing. What's your point?
A bit late, but yes: www.twitch.tv/probabilitygaming (I think it's broken atm.)Has someone done a "Twitch Plays QWOP" stream yet?
If you want to be more serious about beating the game, you should play the game yourself.
The idea wasn't to simply finish the game, it was to see how far we could go using the original terms.
Finishing pokemon Red is hardly a challenge.
If I cared about playing to win I would just go play Pokemon Red myself.
This was interesting for the culture it created which was born out of the sheer insanity of the anarchy system, and seeing the seemingly impossible happen when major obstacles were overcome amidst the chaos.
Now we're about to vote democracy in so we can walk into the correct gigantic hallway.
The democracy-anarchy voting setup takes this line of thinking and applies it to large populations of people. When massive chaos makes progress untenable, instead of leaving the chat and waiting for it to progress with less people (more order), you can install democracy (also order).
Democracy will only be installed when the vast majority of people want it, which is only at the point when anarchy is highly unproductive and frustrating. Anarchy is the default way of things, and since the implementation of democracy, the stream (under anarchy) has created more content than in the last 48 hours.
My takeaway from this is that democracy mostly works, but anarchy gets things done quicker and messier.
I think it's the combination of Dux and Drowzee. It's glorious.Drowzee is the best part.
Oh man this elevator is a nightmare. Have to press down in the menu but not out of menu.
Didn't say you couldn't speak your mind. Just that your opinions of what the "point" of the run is are kind of laughable considering the point of the run is whatever the streamer says it is, being the principle and only experimenter.
I lost it at this part.
Really? Over 24 hours without the Lift Key was anarchy getting things done quicker, huh? Gotcha.
On which floor do we have to go again?
I don't understand why people are bothered that this thing is frustrating. When there were 200 people in the stream it was frustrating. One of the main purposes of this stream is that it's frustrating. You're just supposed to grin and bear it, and if you can't take it, leave and possibly miss out on great moments.
I think you're all missing the point. I'm saying that you shouldn't want to play on anarchy. TPP is a game we've been trying our hardest to beat. Before, playing to win involved overcoming anarchy. Now it does not. That undermines the integrity of getting serious about winning in anarchy. And that's why I don't think anarchy is going to make any significant progress from here on.
Frustrating to the point that it makes people want to leave. So instead of those people leaving, they vote in democracy and get shit done, then the chat goes back to anarchy.
It seems designed to be as self correcting as the system of people leaving until there are few enough people who "care" to get beyond a problematic juncture.
===What happens when we beat this game? Does it just stop or will we get to play the next game?
Wait what happened to the false prophet O_O?
I agree.Okay we need democracy for this part
We travel to Cinnabar, release all our Pokemon, and revive the Helix Fossil. That's a fitting end for me.===What happens when we beat this game? Does it just stop or will we get to play the next game?
I think you're all missing the point. I'm saying that you shouldn't want to play on anarchy. TPP is a game we've been trying our hardest to beat. Before, playing to win involved overcoming anarchy. Now it does not. That undermines the integrity of getting serious about winning in anarchy. And that's why I don't think anarchy is going to make any significant progress from here on.
What? Is that sprite legit? I dont remember MISSINGNO ever looking normal.Huh. No trainer in RBY has a Kabuto or Kabutops to my knowledge. However...
Wait what happened to the false prophet O_O?
See OP.